View Full Version : So frustrated

12-11-2007, 01:38 PM
My Dr for several years had me coming in once or twice a year for blood work and exams. I've got several rather serious medical issues, but have been able to keep them fairly well under control this way.

My current Dr is driving me nuts! He has me coming in 3-4 times a yr and does nothing more than the other one did for me, except that he refuses to renew my prescriptions for more than 2 -3 months at a time without always having to do new blood work. I've been on the same doses of the same meds for years other than when we were able to decrease a couple when I quit working. These blood workups cost nearly $1000 each time and my bill at the clinic just keeps growing because of this.

Now I need 3 prescriptions renewed again and they're holding the renewals hostage until I get blood work done and see him again. I was in for a blood test for my thyroid just Friday. This would be for my heart issues... so very pricey and could/should have been done all at once when I was in on Friday in my opinion.

If I change to a different clinic I will have to drive nearly an hr to see a Dr versus the 5 minutes it now takes me. I'm SO frustrated! I really like my Dr as a person... he listens and spends time with you and is just a very personable, nice man. He had a stroke so walks with a walker and is actually in far worse shape than I am so his patient count dropped dramatically while he was in rehab. I hate to switch, but this is really irritating!

I order my meds through Costco because the local pharmacy is far more pricy. It takes a good week for them to arrive and due to the dr being so slow, I often end up going without a med or 2 for a few days because he didn't get around to renewing when I needed him to.

So what would you do?

12-11-2007, 01:59 PM
We are talking about YOUR health here Tink so how can I even answer this? There's no way I can.

Your health is the priority - then cost - compatibility with your doctor - last being convienence. Whomever is going to take better care of you and your health needs is so important and #1 on the top of the list.

I am on some medication now, have to return to the doctor every 30 days for blood work to check my liver before they refill the prescription. Do i like it? Nope....Do I feel it's needed? Not so much. But, do I want this prescription? Heck yes for sure. I need it to improve my health.

Please do what is best to keep you healthy. :thumbup:

I know it's frustrating - but just try to prioritize your health needs and maybe it wont be so bad. Wish you good health!!!!!!!!!!! :)

12-11-2007, 02:04 PM
3-4 times a year is a lot, and very expensive. I would tell them to do all the bloodwork while they at it, it would save you in costs.
Also, i would push the Dr. to send the prescription in due time because you can not go two days without meds.

Hmm... Tink, maybe you should consider going to the other Dr. thats an hour away, it might pay off in the long run?
We tend to stick with what we know, but it doesnt mean that it's the best for us.
Maybe you can give the new Dr. a try? If you dont like it, i'm sure you can go back to the one you know.

I can imagine it must be a tough decision, but you have to do whats best for you, and your health!!

12-11-2007, 03:29 PM
Tink are you sure your Dr. is functioning at full medical capacity since his stroke? Have you talked with him about your concerns? If he's good at taking the time with you, then I would talk with him about this.

If not, then the others are right...you don't want to take chances with your health. You come first.

12-11-2007, 07:04 PM
I think that I would try the other doctor and see how it goes. If you could save $1000 from 2 unneeded office calls and blood work it would be worth it. Also another doctor might get your prescriptions turned back in for refills sooner. My daughter works at a pharmacy and there are doctors who do better than others at refilling prescriptions. Good luck.

12-12-2007, 05:10 AM
Sounds like you have received some very good advice here, as expected from these caring ladies. Your health is first priority. Personally, I'd go where I get the best quality care. My regular doctors are close by, but a couple of specialists I see are in a city 2+ hours away so I have to travel there at least 3 times a year. It's worth it though for the quality of care and to maintain good health and quality of life.

12-12-2007, 06:57 AM
Marilyn's right Tink. The quality of care is sooo important.