View Full Version : Flu shots?

12-17-2007, 12:22 PM
Did anyone get a flu shot this year?
I finally went in for mine today. I had to go for some bloodwork and to meet my NEW Dr anyway, so decided I might as well get that too while I was there. I've had one the past few years and haven't had any bad rection or flu since I started, so figure it's worth doing again.

I also fell apart like an idiot when she started questioning me, trying to figure out why my blood pressure is up again. :o She offered to write me a script to make my kids move out if I thought they'd obey it. LOL

So anyway, I got my prescriptions renewed, got ONE blood test done, and was offered an anti depressant if I absolutely can't get the kids moved out.

12-17-2007, 12:38 PM
It sounds like your doctor was very understanding!!! Can you imagine of us ladies here could write each other prescriptions? Gosh, we'd be all zoned out for all the crud we deal with. :D

Glad you got your flu shot too - Stay healthy.

I don't get the shots anymore. I used to when I worked in a corporate office as it was mandatory. Now I just wing it.

Did you like your new Dr? She sounds pretty good so far. :thumbup:

12-17-2007, 03:23 PM
She did seem really nice, Sheryl. Lucky for me she (and her nurse) were both about my age, so understood quite well where I'm at in my life with my menopause, kids, and so on.

The Dr called me about an hr ago and said she'd been thinking about me and wanted to give me a choice. I am to boot out the stressors in my home OR demand they pay the $117 a month for the anti-depressant she said she will need to put me on if they stay. Either way she wants me back in a month to see what I've decided to do and how my blood pressure is doing. I really don't care to go on something that's going to turn me into a zombie... so plan to use this as she intended and get them all moving out.

12-17-2007, 04:55 PM
Oh Tink, wouldn't they just freak if you came home with an actual prescription that says they need to get out???? If that's what it takes...I'd go for it.

Your Dr. does sound wonderful. I really like my Dr., but sometimes wish he was a woman my age. Not too many women Drs. in our town though. Hey if she gives you the anti depressants and ya don't want them....I'll send ya my address....LOLOL

12-17-2007, 07:53 PM
Tink your dr. sounds like a caring person. I use two drs. one male one female. The male dr. you can't get him anymore you need to make an appt. 6-8 mts. The female dr. is not compassionate at all. She has no bedside manners. I feel this drs. office is a meat market. I would like to switch but I don't know whom to use. The male dr. is a good dr. but as you can see you can't get an appt. with him..

So Tink to answer your question no I never got a flu shot....lol Count yourself lucky having a dr. so caring and to actually call you at home. Is a big plus .

12-17-2007, 11:09 PM
Sounds like your new Dr. is what you needed, someone who understands where you are in your life. :thumbup:
Good for you, and best wishes!!

12-18-2007, 10:07 AM
I forgot to answer your question Tink. YES!!! I always get a flu shot. I use to get strep throat twice a year, but since I've started getting flu shots, I haven't had strep throat since...yay!!!

12-18-2007, 10:16 AM
Good luck getting the kids out Tink. You definitely deserve a break and a nice quiet home now that they are grown. Your Dr. seems to be a really good fit for you...she seems to really understand how you're feeling and what you need.

As for the flu shot, I've never had one. I've only had the flu a few times in my whole life, so I guess I'm lucky.

12-19-2007, 10:07 AM
I don't take the flu shot. I'm at home so much that I don't worry about it.

Your doctor sounds like a really good doctor, one that cares for your health. Do you keep track of your blood pressure at home? Just going to the doctor's office is enough to make mine go sky high. It's called White Coat Syndrome. I do have a lot of trouble with my blood pressure and take 2 different meds in the moring and one again at night. It runs in my family and my Mom has been having trouble with hers lately too. Plus I have panic attacks (take meds for that too) and they make my BP shoot right up there too. The first time I had a major attack I ended up in the hospital for several days! Anyway, listen to your doctor. With the kids moving out I think that things will get even better for you. Take care of yourself because you know that we love you!!!!!

12-20-2007, 05:31 PM
What a great doctor Tink! I think you need to send each kid a copy of your anti-depressant script.

12-20-2007, 09:15 PM
Does anyone know how long it takes for the flu shot to be effective?
Doug came home from work with it! He's totally miserable. I'm going to be one very unhappy lady if we all get it now for Christmas!

12-20-2007, 09:17 PM
Does anyone know how long it takes for the flu shot to be effective?
Doug came home from work with it! He's totally miserable. I'm going to be one very unhappy lady if we all get it now for Christmas!

Oh no! I don't have an answer, but I sure hope you don't get sick!!! I hope your hubby feels better soon.

12-21-2007, 06:51 AM
Does anyone know how long it takes for the flu shot to be effective?
Doug came home from work with it! He's totally miserable. I'm going to be one very unhappy lady if we all get it now for Christmas!

I'm sorry that Doug is home sick with the flu. :( Hopefully nobody else will get it. Take care of yourself, Tink!!!

12-21-2007, 06:58 AM
I though dh's name is Greg. I hope Doug feels better soon and that nobody else gets sick.

12-21-2007, 07:44 AM
You're right Judy!!

Also Diana...even if you stay away from people...do you know what kind of germs are on the shopping carts, door knobs and other things out there. One can never be too careful, ya know.

10-07-2008, 08:01 AM
Boy how time flies and things change! I got my flu shot this morning. They come to our office/building and they're free. Don't know if they work, but they don't seem to hurt!

10-07-2008, 01:36 PM
I'm getting a flu shot this year, just because I'm working at the nursing home now and it's recommended.
I hope you're able to get the blood pressure under better control!

10-07-2008, 09:33 PM
I've never had a flu shot... I'm pretty sure I have to pay for them here. And I'm cheap :) I had to pay for a hepatitis shot last year before going to Mexico, and it was expensive.

10-08-2008, 02:59 AM
Nope none of us get the flu shot, not even Micah, i got one, one year and it made me so sick i'll never get one again... i think Micah is to young for a flu shot, and if it made me that sick i'm scared what it would do to him.. :(

10-08-2008, 08:19 PM
I don't get them either. Fight with my mother every year about it..

Funny thing is, she and my sisters and all their kids get them every year and guess what? Every year they all get the flu!!! I haven't had the flu for so many years I don't remember the last time. I am fortunate that I am very healthy, rarely catch a cold or anything. (knock on wood)

10-09-2008, 03:51 AM
I'm getting a free flu shot this weekend. Our company set it up. There's a website you go to to find a clinic in your area and then you register and print a coupon to pay for it when you go. In our area, the clinic listed is a Target store. Last year I got one and paid for it myself at an HEB (grocery) pharmacy.

It seems to me that the years I get a flu shot I don't get the flu and get fewer if any colds. I just seem to be healther with it. May not be the same for everyone. My hubby claims that the shot gave him the flu one year. I'm not so sure it was the flu, but oh well.

Tink, so glad you found a nice doctor who cares. Mine is okay. He makes me feel like he doesn't have time for me sometimes, and I only go once or twice a year when I need to. Don't know how that could be a bother. He always seems to be in a rush to get to an emergency at the hospital. Seems to happen almost every time, so how could it be real. He's hispanic and many of his patients are hispanic. There is more spanish spoken in his office than english. Sometimes I wonder if some of his patients don't have insurance so they go to the emergency room during the day for treatment and that is why he's always needing to run over there. A hospital emergency room is across the street from the office building he is in.