View Full Version : 1 down 2 to go

12-18-2007, 06:53 PM
Today I helped Katie move most of her stuff to town. I was happy to see her new place is quite roomy and cute. We got her bathroom and kitchen fairly well arranged so she's able to use them now while she works on the rest. I even sent a 3' fibre optic Christmas tree with her so she can decorate a bit. LOL

Amazingly, Greg had several hours to wait today just 20 minutes from home, so was able to come home and have lunch with me and sit down for a good talk about our current situation. He's in agreement that the boys need to move now and suggested we give them a deadline of the first of the year.

Joel has a place to go... Doug will have to find one.

12-18-2007, 07:51 PM
Greg just left.
Before he left he pulled Doug aside and gave him the news. He has till the first of the year to be moved out. He took it well... seemed to understand and said he'd start looking for a place.

Joel's at work, so Greg couldn't talk to him. That will be my job. But at least I now have Greg supporting me in this. He said he doesn't want to be coming home every weekend to me in a zombie state or risk my health, so thank God he's finally understanding I need his help in this.


12-18-2007, 08:18 PM
Congrats Tink! I think you really need some peace and quiet in your home, for both your health and mental well-being. I'm glad you're children are beginning to understand. Seems you've done a great job raising them! :)

12-19-2007, 12:02 AM
Tink, i'm glad they all understand, and you are getting help. I am sure you must feel very relieved. Congrats, well done!! :thumbup:

12-19-2007, 04:40 AM
Whew, what a relief you must be feeling. Hope all goes well and you can finally get you home organized and back the way you want things.

12-19-2007, 07:19 AM
Wow Tink! Sounds like Christmas is coming early to your house. I'm so happy Greg is on board with your feelings and things are finally going your way. There just comes a time when the children need to be out so we can enjoy our later years and retirement.

No me on the other hand....right now I'm worried sick about him leaving me..but if I did my job right, he'll be wanting out on his own, but still be my baby at the same time.

Good for you Tink.

12-19-2007, 09:35 AM
That's good news, Tink!!!! I'm glad that Greg is finally joining you in your efforts. It will help take a lot of the stress off of you. I'm glad that things are finally working out.

12-19-2007, 09:55 AM
Tink - You are seeing that light at the end of the tunnel!! :thumbup: I am so happy for you how it's all working out. I am also thrilled you are receiving such support for your efforts too!!!

What a great day this is for you!!!!!

That was nice about the Christmas tree you gave. A little touch of home and I am sure Katie finds this really special.

Now sit back in that recliner with a cup of cocoa (or spiked egg nog) and breath a HUGE sigh of relief!! :p

12-19-2007, 02:52 PM
Thanks all!

Actually I bought a small bottle of J Bavet and plan to just relax and unwind tonight.
I almost never drink, so one or 2 will more than do the trick. LOL

I didn't talk with Joel today 'cause he was up late, running around ornery already, and I just didn't want to fight with him. I've already told him what my dr said... but he doesn't know about the deadline yet. I'm sure he'll be the one to get mouthy and defensive about it if any do. If he gets too bad I'll just shorten the deadline. I know he has a place to go. so wouldn't feel too bad about it either.

12-19-2007, 07:46 PM
Tink I applaud your husband for standing ground with the kids on your behalf. You will finally be able to enjoy the solitude of your home again. Great early Christmas present... :thumbup:

12-20-2007, 08:57 AM
Thanks Gina, it is nice to have dh support me in this. Most of the time I feel lucky to have him. LOL

I did get to talk with Joel last night. I don't think he understands how "he" could possibly be stressing me out by living here. LOL Yes, the others bug him too, but HIM? LOL Sometimes I just have to laugh at him.

I did give him the deadline of the first of the year. He told me there's no way he will be able to set aside enough cash for a deposit and rent in 2 weeks and still make his car payment and such on time. So I pointed out he won't need a deposit or huge rent upfront if he takes Shannon up on her offer to stay with her and split the rent 3 ways. Since I was prepared to counter his objections, he just got really quiet.

So the wheels are set in motion and the countdown's begun.

12-20-2007, 09:06 AM
Thanks Gina, it is nice to have dh support me in this. Most of the time I feel lucky to have him. LOL

I did get to talk with Joel last night. I don't think he understands how "he" could possibly be stressing me out by living here. LOL Yes, the others bug him too, but HIM? LOL Sometimes I just have to laugh at him.

I did give him the deadline of the first of the year. He told me there's no way he will be able to set aside enough cash for a deposit and rent in 2 weeks and still make his car payment and such on time. So I pointed out he won't need a deposit or huge rent upfront if he takes Shannon up on her offer to stay with her and split the rent 3 ways. Since I was prepared to counter his objections, he just got really quiet.

So the wheels are set in motion and the countdown's begun.

Good for you Tink! I'm so glad you are standing up for yourself. Your Joel sounds so sweet! "Who? Me?" lol

12-20-2007, 10:47 AM
Stand your ground, Tink!! Everything's going to work out!

12-20-2007, 11:40 AM
Stand your ground, Tink!! Everything's going to work out!

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Every child must leave the nest sooner or later. Ok, so in your case it's the later Tink, LOL.

My hair dresser was just telling me yesterday she gave her son a deadline also for the end of this month. Looks like there's a few Mom's sitting back in that recliner sipping on something relaxing and comforting!!

Thumbs up to the Mom's out there getting their houses back for the new year!!!! :thumbup:

12-20-2007, 05:05 PM
Good job Tink! I'm so glade Greg is backing you up. He sounds like a great guy anyway.

I love that you gave Katie the tree. You're a good Mom - loving and kind, and yet you want them to be independent. (Not to mention getting a little peace and quiet for yourself!)

12-20-2007, 07:35 PM
Thanks ladies.
I had to laugh at my Mom. She let my brother live at home till he was in his late 20's... so I rather expected her to think me a cold one for wanting my kids out.

When I told her she said "About time! Do you want me to come help you pack them up?" :eek: I was pleasantly surprised. She's a spunky lady and would have followed through on her offer had I asked her to. LOL

12-21-2007, 06:59 AM
Thanks ladies.
I had to laugh at my Mom. She let my brother live at home till he was in his late 20's... so I rather expected her to think me a cold one for wanting my kids out.

When I told her she said "About time! Do you want me to come help you pack them up?" :eek: I was pleasantly surprised. She's a spunky lady and would have followed through on her offer had I asked her to. LOL

I think that you must have gotten YOUR spunkyness from your Mom!!! I'm glad that she's given you her support. It just shows that it really is time for them to move out.