View Full Version : Here I go again!!

01-02-2008, 01:06 PM
I got on the Biggest Loser website and did one of the analyisis things..anyway...it says my calorie goal should be 1729...sounds like a lot to me...so can you imagine what I was eating....Holy crap!

My BMI should be 24....mine is 42.4 ...absolutely horrible and unhealthy!

My weight should be somewhere between 107.7 and 145.1 well I'm going to have to lose 101 lbs to get to 145...I'm so disgusted with myself...you do the math. How and why did I let this happen???

I have to check out the website, but I think weight watchers meets in town on Thursday nights...so if it does I'm going to check it out tomorrow night.

I started exercising today...but it's going to take me awhile to get going. I walked 3 miles on the treadmill and could not take a real deep breath. I thought I would never get to 3 miles. I can walk farther on the road, but with windchill at -17...it can wait. I'll keep trying the treadmill and do it a couple times a day.

I did lift some weights...arms to my side and lifted them to shoulder height. Did 10 of those and 10 of the ones where I lifted them up and over my head. Used my sons exercise ball and did 5 push ups and 5 stomach crunches and then I was done.

I put on my stretch shorts (guess they are like bicycle shorts) and a tank top and then sat on the side of the bed to put my shoes on. I almost literally threw up and then cried. I saw myself in the mirror and it was horrible.

So, I need to do something about it or else I'm worried that I will really die. I have high blood pressure the way it is..

I don't know why I posted all this..it's kind of like admitting I'm a failure...I just needed to get this out there so I can somehow be held accountable.

01-02-2008, 05:40 PM
Janet - Things just happen. You are NOT a failure. There is no perfection.

Look at how hard you've been working and being dedicated to improve your health. I give you such credit and in no way do I ever see you as a failure. What's important is you not to see yourself as this okay?

Baby steps, day by day baby steps. Set small goals in the beginning. Reward each little goal.

We here will be cheering you on all the way!!

Go Janet go!!! :thumbup:

01-02-2008, 05:52 PM
Thank you Sheryl. I've tried diets, changing the way I look at diets and exercise and I am so angry with myself for getting this big. When I had all my winter clothes on I was in denial, but when I saw myself in the tank top and bike shorts, I was just overwhelmed with emotion. I've really got to keep myself motivated this time. There's is no getting around it.

I checked and there is a Weight Watcher meeting in town tomorrow at 6 PM, so I'm going to go. I also saw online that I can purchase a monthly pass and that's roughly $9.33 a week. That I can afford. I'm gonna have to.

01-03-2008, 04:29 AM
Thank you Sheryl. I've tried diets, changing the way I look at diets and exercise and I am so angry with myself for getting this big. When I had all my winter clothes on I was in denial, but when I saw myself in the tank top and bike shorts, I was just overwhelmed with emotion. I've really got to keep myself motivated this time. There's is no getting around it.

I checked and there is a Weight Watcher meeting in town tomorrow at 6 PM, so I'm going to go. I also saw online that I can purchase a monthly pass and that's roughly $9.33 a week. That I can afford. I'm gonna have to.

Good for you Janet. I heard Weight Watchers has the biggest success rates. Real diets, real food, for real people.

Hubby and I need to lose some weight too. He's been complaining about his weight for a few weeks now, worse than a woman. I havent been too motivated so I've been ignoring his comments. In the winter him and I just are not active.

Look forward to hearing about how your meeting went Janet.

01-03-2008, 07:00 AM
I think that Weight Watchers is a really good way to lose weight. For me to go to the meetings I have to drive 45 miles so I've never gone. I can understand how you feel, Janet, because I feel the same way too. I'm going to start a diet soon too. I don't know what one yet.

My husband started back on his diabetic diet yesterday so I know that we can work together. Mostly I need to exercise. I think that I may go to the basement and look for my Richard Simmons exercise tapes. I really enjoyed working out to them years ago.

01-03-2008, 07:10 AM
Sheryl is right... baby steps...

WW is a good program, with sensible ideas to help you in this. If you can start with smaller goals and accomplish them, the bigger one will also be easier for you. If you focus on losing 101 lbs, it could seem so overwhelming that you make it harder for yourself.

No matter how disgusted you feel with yourself right now at least trying to do something about it. I have every faith that you can do it. Just do it sensibly so it's a healthy, lasting thing.


01-03-2008, 07:19 AM
I will tell you this though...if I screw it up this time, I promise never to mention dieting again. I'm not active in the winter either Sheryl, but I've walked on the treadmill two days in a row. Granted only 3 minutes each time...but I'll get there.

Diana, maybe you can join online and we can be WW buddies. The meeting starts at 6:00 this evening and I'm going. I am hoping that going to an actual meeting and getting out of the house will help me some too. Diana if you have any questions you'd like me to ask them for you, just let me know...before 5:00 PM. I know I won't be on the computer after that. It's only 7-8 miles to town..takes me about 15 minutes on good dry roads.

I have a Richard Simmons tape too, I'll have to hunt that up, I also have a Yoga tape and some others. Now I've got to go on and tape finding mission..lol

01-03-2008, 07:30 AM
I really don't even know how Weight Watchers works. I know that there's point systems but I've never had it explained to me.

01-03-2008, 07:48 AM
I don't want to tell you anything wrong, but if you check out the website, it should tell you. I really think I can do this, but I need the meetings and someone to help me.

01-03-2008, 09:17 AM
I think meetings are great. It's support is helpful not to mention helps w/ being accountable. Every diet I've ever been on was more sucessful when I had to "check in". :)

Gees...I can't mention the word diet right now. I stopped at Sonic Burgers this am and ordered a double patty melt with a cherry lime aid. It was great while it lasted but the guilt lingers. Double edged sword at times huh? :confused:

Janet - You however can do this! :thumbup:

01-03-2008, 10:55 AM
You aren't a failure, Janet. Loosing weight takes time and patience and commitment to excercising. If you do too much at the beginning you will really hurt. You might want to start a little slower and try to be consistent 5 days a week. I've been exercising for years just because it makes me feel better. Remember, it takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day!

01-03-2008, 12:46 PM
Oh I know ladies. I really don't feel like a failure ALL the time, but I really blew it bigtime. But I'll just step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. I've got to.

01-03-2008, 04:37 PM
Oh Janet,

I wish i was down there to cheer you on. But we all know i'm not so I will cheer you on from the side lines.........Maybe if you had some of my thyroid meds that would help. Just kidding. I don't need to lose but have. I weigh less now than when i got married. So go figure. To bad we can't share in some of the weight and pass it around to people that need it. But that's what makes everyone special. And you are truly very special to me. Hope your meeting went well and got you motivated.


01-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Janet come here let me give you a :hug: . You are not a loser, it is very hard to lose weight believe me I only have gained about 5 pds. but that 5 pds. is like 20 pds or more to me. I did WW I told you in the past it is the best why to go to losing weight and you eat healthy. I know that you don't have a class close to you, to bad because when you go everyone is so encouraging. Do it online! trust me you will see results in a few mts. along with your excersise routine you will have it down pack.

I myself need to get back on track but to be honest with you as you all know I am going to have teeth extracted in two weeks and am having a partial put in until I have the implants done. So I probably will not be eating right soft foods only. That is probably the only good thing out of this for you all know that I am a chicken..

So Janet sign up and do it! We are here to support you g/f.