View Full Version : Being Proud of You!

Taurus Babe
09-19-2006, 07:44 AM
What is one recent thing that you are proud of yourself for?

I'll start:
My sister and I traveled around Europe this summer and got along great! We visited our grandparents at one stopping point and I made a huge effort to spend quality time with them and really get to know them more. I cherrished every moment I was there with them and I am so proud of that because so many people don't get the opportunity to have strong relationships with their families. I love my grandparents like crazy!

Your turn!

09-19-2006, 07:45 AM
I actually got of the puter and cleaned my entire house the other day LOL

Taurus Babe
09-19-2006, 07:47 AM
I actually got of the puter and cleaned my entire house the other day LOL
Man, impressive!! Hahaha, its too hard to leave its side when there is so much to talk about!! I'm late for class right now!!

09-19-2006, 07:53 AM
I am proud that every job position I've ever applied for I've gotten.

And I am proud that I've started the weightloss adventure again and know it will work with all the support from my friends here at 4WT!!

MOST IMPORTANTLY I'm very proud of the way I've raised my son...he,s WONDERFUL!!

09-19-2006, 08:12 AM
I'm proud of my education. I graduated undergrad in 3 years, when it takes most people 4+ years.

I am also proud of my marriage. My hubby is my closest friend.

09-19-2006, 08:23 AM
I'd have to say I'm very proud of my relationship with my husband, I think it's very special and rare to have what we have!!

I'm also very proud of my relationship with my mom and dad. Especially my dad. I've always considered my mom and sisters as my best friend. My dad has never been the type to show his emotions very well, but after I moved out I kinda forced it on him. I always hugged him after I visited and was ready to go home and said I love you. Now he's the one who comes over and hugs me and says he loves me. It's taken some time to get there but my relationship with my dad is awsome!!

I'm also proud of my career. I started here right out of highschool. I was resposible for filing and keeping the office cleaned up. 7 years later and now I'm office manager and running the office by myself most of the time. I've worked really hard at it and I'm very proud of where I am now!

And now I'm rambeling so I'm going to stop!!


09-19-2006, 11:57 AM
I can't think of any "recent" thing I'm proud about. Geez :( I sat here and pondered it over but, ummm nope, not anything.

Congrats to you all though!! :p

Taurus Babe
09-19-2006, 12:30 PM
I can't think of any "recent" thing I'm proud about. Geez :( I sat here and pondered it over but, ummm nope, not anything.

Congrats to you all though!! :p

Okay give us something your proud of! I want to know!!!

09-19-2006, 12:39 PM
Okay give us something your proud of! I want to know!!!

okay, okay...I'm proud that I am finally going to get off my butt from here, clean out my closet of my skinny pants so I can put my new larger pants in there.

A clean closet is a happy closet!!

I'm going to have to do it fast though so I can come back here and read the many more posts from you all. :D

09-19-2006, 03:36 PM
I'm proud that I've learned to spread my wings and try things I never would have. Last year I worked an 8 month work term for school at a geotechnical engineering consulting firm. I'm studying to be a civil engineer, but I'm interested in design and drafting, etc. Well, I took a job in the lab, working on soil, concrete, and asphalt samples, and spending all day on construction sites! Now, I'm a girly girl, and I knew NOTHING about construction. But now I know a whole lot!
My friend and I were at the spa one night, along with her female roommate who was studying to be an automotive technician. So there we were, three good-looking girls (:p ) talking about road construction. Across from us, three guys sat down, and talked about the best diets to lose weight!