View Full Version : Sick

09-19-2006, 08:03 AM
Over the last 2 weeks or so, I've had one student out almost every day. There was some bug going around and during the weekend it attacked me. Yesterday I felt horrible. Stuffy nose, sore throat, etc. Well at the end of the day yesterday another teacher looked at me and told me I had a fever, great. (I guess her mom skills were in action. lol) So I wrote up my sub plans for today and then picked my bf up from the airport. My bf was fantastic. He dropped me off at home, went to the store, bought a bunch of funky organic veggies and some tasty soup. He made the best dinner for me. :)

What do you do when you are feeling so down or sick? Luckily I'm feeling a lot better today, but I had already called for the sub and figured I might as well take the day off today to get completely better.

09-19-2006, 08:07 AM
Ahhh i'm sorry your sick get lots of rest. I hate being sick i get a yearly sickness right about now it's every year in Sept and whats funny it's always when the deer hunt starts go figure so hubby is always gone and i have to take care of kids but for the last 5 years i have got all at the same time every year a double ear infection, Phenomena or bronchitis one of the 2 and a sinus infection on top of the flu crap i get so sick i can barley get out of bed so i call my mom she takes the kids and i sleep and drink lots of fluids good luck sweetie feel better soon!

09-19-2006, 08:28 AM
I used to get strep throat twice in the winter time..but since I've been getting flu shots, I haven't had it for 2 or 3 years now. I also start taking something at the very first sign and usually doesn't get too bad at all.

09-19-2006, 10:44 AM
Oh I am glad to feel you are feeling better today. It's so crummy when you don't feel well.

I usually only get ill about once or twice a year. During that time I never get outta bed. I lie there with my fur kids all snuggled up and my hubby takes care of everything.

Oh, I also cry like a big baby when Im sick. :(

ice queen
09-22-2006, 12:04 PM
Oh I am glad to feel you are feeling better today. It's so crummy when you don't feel well.

I usually only get ill about once or twice a year. During that time I never get outta bed. I lie there with my fur kids all snuggled up and my hubby takes care of everything.

Oh, I also cry like a big baby when Im sick. :(
don't feel bad about crying...i bawl my eyes out and call my "mommy" and i'm 32 years old!!!my hubby will watch the kids and he always goes to popeye's and gets me mashed potatoes and gravy because that is all i want when i don't feel good. But if i am deathly ill my mil watches the kids and my mom takes me to her house and babies me till I feel better esp. if hubby is offshore. I like to soak in a really hot tub of water with bath oil cuz when i get a fever my skin dries out fast....i will alternate between the hot tub and my bed with an electric blanket and my doggies snuggled in with me.

09-22-2006, 12:08 PM
With winter approaching it's going to bring on "flu season". Hopefully there will be plenty of suggestions and home remedies from the ladies here to make us all feel better!!!! :thumbup:

Oh Lord I hate being ill, and dread the day it happens. :(

09-22-2006, 12:49 PM
It's aweful to be sick, i hate it!! My Mom always tells me to take extra vitamins, she reckons i don't eat properly so she shoves vitamin pills down me LOL
She keeps reminding me that i need lots of fresh orange juice and fresh fruit!

09-22-2006, 01:30 PM
Over the last 2 weeks or so, I've had one student out almost every day. There was some bug going around and during the weekend it attacked me. Yesterday I felt horrible. Stuffy nose, sore throat, etc. Well at the end of the day yesterday another teacher looked at me and told me I had a fever, great. (I guess her mom skills were in action. lol) So I wrote up my sub plans for today and then picked my bf up from the airport. My bf was fantastic. He dropped me off at home, went to the store, bought a bunch of funky organic veggies and some tasty soup. He made the best dinner for me. :)

What do you do when you are feeling so down or sick? Luckily I'm feeling a lot better today, but I had already called for the sub and figured I might as well take the day off today to get completely better.

I have been sick since Tues, and for me to stay home from work and visit a dr. You Know That I Am Sick...I hear a lot of people complaining about what I have ,stuffy nose, my sinsus are killing me, I usually don't like to take antibodics but I caved in today its not breaking up and I am working this weekend..ughhh... I think they are allergies that turn into sinsus infections. I hope that your feeling better. Rest and if you don't feel better get some antibodics. When I worked in school with little children I was sick the whole year... So I understand what your feeling..Your exposed to different germs..

09-22-2006, 07:57 PM
So glad you are feeling better:) I hate being sick too (but just about everyone does). If I start feeling cold or sinus symptoms coming on, I'll usually take NyQuil or something at night for a couple nights to "knock" it on out. If I get to the point where over the counter meds aren't working, I'll go to the doctor. Having worked in the medical field for over 13 years and seeing what I've seen, not to mention being a mom to 2 kids, I've gotten pretty good at "self diagnosing" what's wrong with me. So, when I go see my doctor - he knows I'm sick! He walks in and all he does is ask me what I think I have - I'll tell him and he'll say he's gonna make sure I'm right - I'm usually always right but have missed a couple of ear infections I didn't know I had! He'll then ask me if I want 250 or 500 which means do I want a shot of 250 Rocephin or 500 - depending on how I feel, I tell him which dose I want. I'm HORRIBLE at taking medication and I usually waste it - plus, a shot makes me feel better a lot sooner than oral meds do. My doctor tells me all the time he doesn't make any money off me cause I usually only go see him once a year - if that!

09-23-2006, 07:23 AM
With the flu season fast approaching, I was wondering if anyone has tried that stuff that the teacher invented. I forget the name of it, but the advertisement looks tempting. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and tried it??

09-23-2006, 07:37 AM
I've been off work the past 2 weeks due to a darned virus that turned into bronchitis and a sinus infection. I too rarely get sick, but when I do I get it GOOD.
I've been on a sulfa drug for 8 days now so am planning to go back to work on Monday. I'm still coughing, but at least the fevwer seems to be done.

Seems the yucks are starting early this year!

09-23-2006, 07:45 AM
Do you get an annual flu shot? You might try that. I won't miss mine now. I may get a light head cold, but nothing bad at all. Flu shots should start being offered real soon now. Check with your Dr.. Our school offers them to all teachers, staff and bus drivers at a reduced price (I think $10.00). A nurse and the school nurse gives the shots to us. Well worth it in my book!!!:)

09-23-2006, 07:57 AM
I've gotten one the last few years. I don't think they have them yet. I had to convince my dr. that I needed one last year, when there was the shortage and they were being very conservative with the shots. I plan to get one this year.

ice queen
09-23-2006, 10:31 AM
With the flu season fast approaching, I was wondering if anyone has tried that stuff that the teacher invented. I forget the name of it, but the advertisement looks tempting. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and tried it??
it's called Airborne and it works for my family unless we have sinus or allergy infections...my hubby doesn't like the taste of it too much or my youngest dtr. but me and my oldest dtr think it tastes okay-we both like to drink herbal teas and things like that so new tastes aren't a big deal for us. but if we are feeling a little under the weather we take it-it hasn't killed us yet!!!!:rolleyes: :p :D

09-23-2006, 11:19 AM
it's called Airborne and it works for my family unless we have sinus or allergy infections...my hubby doesn't like the taste of it too much or my youngest dtr. but me and my oldest dtr think it tastes okay-we both like to drink herbal teas and things like that so new tastes aren't a big deal for us. but if we are feeling a little under the weather we take it-it hasn't killed us yet!!!!:rolleyes: :p :D

That's it!! I just knew someone had to have tried it. Aren't there different flavors now? I've thought so many time to buy it and see if it works. Glad it's working for you.

09-23-2006, 06:48 PM
I'm sick too! Sore throat, sneezing, running nose, and coughing up a storm!!!! I get sick every year when school starts up! :(