View Full Version : I Was So Scared Today

01-08-2008, 07:30 PM
In the afternoon I can home to take Gucci out for a walk being it was such a beautiful day. I put her collar and lease on, btw she needs a new collar, if I make it to loose the holes are wearing, and it slipped off one morning, luckly she didnt take off. So I made it a little tigher.

We are walking and she loves to run and pull me, yes she is not obedient lol. I was tryin to calm her down and she kept pulling away from me. All of a sudden she stopped and was making these funny sounds like she was choking. I didn't panic I picked her up and couldnt get that stupid collar off. I finally did and rubbed her throat and she was fine. I came in shaking, omg the sounds that she was making scared me. Did this ever happen to anyone else? I am thinking of buying her a harness tomorrow. What are your thoughts?

When I think back to earlier it makes me want to cry. Thank God she is ok.

01-08-2008, 08:29 PM
We use harnesses for both our Yorkies. Chase has problems with choking very easily from just getting excited. It get's scary if he wears a collar. IMO the halter is much easier on our little ones.

01-09-2008, 02:54 AM
Ah Gina, i'm sorry you got a scare, these little ones tend to have our nervs on edge at times.
Here the girls have never owned a collar, because of your incident with Gucci. Harnesses are the way to go with them ;)

01-09-2008, 08:27 AM
Gina, I thinks it a great idea to get the harness. I have never owned a collar for the babies, I was always afraid it could damage their trachea. Glad she's okay now, bless her heart.

01-09-2008, 09:54 AM
Reuger makes noises like that all the time. I think that they call it reverse sneezing on YT. When he does it I just put my hand over his nose. I don't know if it distracts him from the sneezing or if it calms him down but it works. He does it enough that he'll come to me when he's doing it so I can help him out. He almost always does it after having a bath and running all over the house. It sounds a lot worse than it actually is. BTW-I agree you should get your dog a harness instead of a collar.

01-09-2008, 11:19 AM
There are some beautiful leather harnesses online and the silk ones on YT look great!

I was in the elevator once with Max and his head got stuck when the sliding door closed! I panicked and tried to pull him out by his leash. After a few seconds, I realized that I could just pull the door open and he was fine.

These little ones do give us such a scare sometimes!

01-09-2008, 04:49 PM
There are some beautiful leather harnesses online and the silk ones on YT look great!

I was in the elevator once with Max and his head got stuck when the sliding door closed! I panicked and tried to pull him out by his leash. After a few seconds, I realized that I could just pull the door open and he was fine.

These little ones do give us such a scare sometimes!

OMG! What do you mean his head got stuck?? Between the elevator door? Was he ok?? That would scare me too...These little ones do have our hearts . I will look into buying her a harness tomorrow.. Thanks...

01-09-2008, 04:56 PM
I also have a puller..I have bling bling collars that I will sometimes put on them just for show. I have tried many different harnesses and have yet to find one that doesn't put pressure on their throats..I know what you mean about that choking sound...I don't walk the girls that often because of it. And, I love to walk them...If you come across a harness that doesn't make them choke...please share!

01-09-2008, 06:07 PM
For Reuger I use a cat harness. It still puts some pressure on their throat but not a lot. I once saw a harness that their legs went through and it fastened on the top. I would love to find an expensive one of those.

01-10-2008, 07:54 AM
OMG! What do you mean his head got stuck?? Between the elevator door? Was he ok?? That would scare me too...These little ones do have our hearts . I will look into buying her a harness tomorrow.. Thanks...

Yes! His little nosy head was stuck and the sliding door was closing. He was fine, but I learned a good lesson....never take your eyes off of them until you're sure they're in the door, in the car, whatever. You know how inquisitive yorkies are.

I'll look for the website for Max's harness which doesn't go near his neck. Gracie Leigh's is also fine and only cost about $6.00 in a pet store. I think hers is a 4 paws.

She's not getting her fancy one until she's fully grown.

01-10-2008, 08:28 AM
Those are the kind we have Diana...they are called a 'step-in harness' and PetSmart does have them. I think the other pet stores do too. Here are some examples of them:



01-10-2008, 10:08 AM

Here's the website for the harness I bought Max. It's very sturdy and comfy. http://www.muttropolis.com/products2.cfm?id=3866&attr1=3779&siz=3067&sortby=siz#

I like the step-ins because they don't go anywhere near the neck. YT has some nice ones too from different sellers. Of course, there's always e-Bay.

Have fun shopping!

01-10-2008, 03:55 PM
Thanks girls, I went today to a fancy dog boutique by me and the woman showed me one that they just step into . Looks like the ones that you posted. The price was 25.00 she is a much pricer than Petsmart but she has beautiful stuff for dogs and cats.. I will buy it tomorrow, it looks comfortable for them...