View Full Version : Anita Renfroe

01-25-2008, 04:32 AM
We went to see Anita Renfroe last night. If you don't know who she is, go to www.anitarenfroe.com (http://www.anitarenfroe.com). She was sooo funny. Wish you could have been there. It would have been so much fun to all go see her together.

She sings funny songs and tells jokes that most all women can relate to, especially those over 40. What a hoot!!!! She was a pastor's wife for 20 years then they decided to give her a turn, and he's been helping her with the comedy career for almost 5 years.

I think most of her performances are benefits of some type. The one last night benefitted a church's school. She's been on Good Morning America, and I think she said she will be on the Today show or something very soon.

She's really cool!!!

01-25-2008, 07:07 AM
There's a couple of videos that she's one on here somewhere. The Mom-isms song and Don't Breathe. Both of them were hilarious!! I would love to see her in person!!! I bet she was worth going to see!!

01-25-2008, 10:24 AM
She did both of those songs last night. There was also one...something like ode to underwire or something that was soooo funny. Hubby and I went with another couple. Most of the audience was women with a few men here and there. The guys enjoyed it as much as we did, and gave them a little different glimpse into women's psyche and experiences and how we communicate with each other.

If you have an opportunity to see her in person, I'd highly recommend it. The only thing, her performance was a little short for the cost. Less than an hour and a half. We were left wanting just a little more.

01-25-2008, 03:01 PM
Oh, I love her "Mom Overture" I just went on UTube to view it again. The first time I saw it there I shared it with my daughters. They said it reminded them of me. Ha-Ha

01-26-2008, 01:32 PM
I love her Mom song! What fun to go see her!

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

01-26-2008, 01:36 PM
Hmmmm........I wonder if the underwire song is on UTUBE? I'll check!

01-26-2008, 01:41 PM
I remember her now...I've seen the 'overture' now I'll have to check out her other performances. She was so funny!

01-26-2008, 07:57 PM
A couple of things that she said really stuck with me.

Men speak an average of 25,000 words a day. Women on the other hand communicate much differently. We use 75,000 words a day. But that's mostly because we have to repeat ourselves 3 TIMES!!!!

She also discussed some of the things that you discover after reaching 40. Like the fact that it is entirely possible for eyebrow hairs to migrate to your chin.

She was really, really entertaining. I don't think the underwire song is on U-Tube yet. She just finished writing it and is working on the video to go with it. She has two screens setup, one on each side of the stage with pictures and video that go along with her songs and some of her jokes.

01-27-2008, 05:42 AM
I would love to see her. She's right...I so dislike those chin hairs...LOL.

Something else that happened to me is I now have my Dad's eyebrows, what eyebrows I have. A long time ago I was lighting a camping lantern and it blew up in my face. I really didn't burn, but it destroyed most of my eyebrows. I have to keep them very thin or I have hairs that are sticking out everywhere and some are so curly. Just like my Dad's did.

Oh wow, I must be in the mood to type...why the heck did I tell that story???LOLOL

01-27-2008, 07:12 AM
I know why you told that story, you knew I was drinking my tea and you wanted me to visualize your eyebrowless face with curly hairs sticking out of your chin.
Thanks Janet, now I have to clean the tea off my screen. LOL You ladies are dangerous, that'll teach me not to drink at the computor. (tea, that is!) *_*

01-27-2008, 07:39 AM
Coffee's worse - and it happens a lot here!

I do have an eyebrow hair on my chin - I used to agonize over it - I still carry tweezers for when it pops up. Nowadays, I just kind of play with it.

Somebody asked me if I would ever get breast implants. I laughed long and hard!
I said "Absolutely not! At the age of 60, why pay for more breasts to droop - I'll have them sitting in my lap if I get implants!"

01-27-2008, 10:47 AM
I have this long curly hair that grows off the side of my lower jaw. Don't know where that sucker came from. I told my husband about it once and he said "it's been there a long time"..why in the "YOU KNOW WHAT" didn't he tell me. Now I check darn near everyday...how embarassing.

01-27-2008, 12:26 PM

01-27-2008, 02:35 PM
Yeah!!! Go figure!!

01-28-2008, 12:59 PM
:sidesplit: :sidesplit: :sidesplit:

I tell you what....you guys can sure come up with the funniest things to chat about!!! It's a good thing that I wasn't drinking anything or I'd have been like Kathy......with it all over MY HUSBAND'S screen!!!! That wouldn't have been too much fun to try and explain to him!!!.........curly chin hairs and wild eyebrows!!!!! What's next?? moustaches?

01-28-2008, 03:01 PM
Okay, I'm looking up the number for that electrolysis place. All this talk of misplaced eyebrows has me feeling self conscious!!