View Full Version : I got my taxes filed! YEAHHHHH

01-27-2008, 09:53 AM
The past couple years I've put off filing our taxes until the last minute and really regretted it both times. So when our W-2's arrived I decided I was NOT going to do that again.

So yesterday I E-filed and to my amazement we're getting a nice refund this year! Both Greg and I had claimed zero since we knew we'd had our share of paying in... and now it's paying off nicely. :cool:

01-27-2008, 10:25 AM
Good for you Tink. I did my son's yesterday (his are so easy) and I usually wait until the first of February for ours. I use the Turbo Tax Deluxe computer program to do our taxes. Since they have till the end of January to mail out all tax documents I always wait until February and then I try to get them done as soon as possible. Sure would be nice to get some back.

01-27-2008, 10:48 AM
That's the exact same program I use Janet. It's very nice to use. With dh's road expenses and such I need to be able to itemize and not miss anything. That program is a great help with that.

01-27-2008, 10:52 AM
It sure is. I just use the EZ forms for Ricky, his will be put in the mail tomorrow. He can't wait. He loves his refunds...LOL ..don't we all?

01-28-2008, 10:37 AM
plus this year, were suppose to get more money back in June, i think 600 per adult and 300 per child YAAAAA

01-28-2008, 10:39 AM
I wish I could file mine, but I'm still waiting on W-2s. The quicker they come the better because I also have to fill out my FAFSA (financial aid application) and I can't do that till AFTER I file income taxes. Oh well. Maybe soon.

Anyway, congrats on getting it done early this year Tink! I hope you get a really big return! :D

01-28-2008, 12:04 PM
Wow, Tink!!! You are really on the ball!!! You too, Janet!!! I would probably be excited about mine too if I got money back!

My husband will start working on ours soon to take over to the tax man. It's on the computer (we use Quick Books) but he has to make sure that some figures match up and make sure everything's entered. He just puts the information on one of those little san disks and runs it over to the guy that does our taxes. Ours is too complicated for us to try and do ourselves. We have to turn ours in March 1st because of being self-employed.

01-28-2008, 04:35 PM
I hope you get a big refund Tink! I bet you will, claiming zero.

I have to wait until mid February this year. I just got 7 separate tax statements from my retirement system! They must list everything separately. I got one from the college I work for and one from my bank for something small. I'm waiting because I don't know how many more I'm going to get.

I also don't know how my taxes work out since I'm retired. I hope they're lower.
I also got something from the IRS that I overpaid last year.

It's a confusing year tax-wise. I'll let my accountant figure it all out.