View Full Version : Food Saver

02-11-2008, 05:32 PM
Wasn't sure which forum to post this in, so hope this one is okay.

Anyone else use a Food Saver Vacuum Sealer?

This appliance is up there on my list of best items I've invested in. We went to Sam's Club Saturday and stocked up on low fat ground meat, boneless chicken breasts, pork loin chops. Bought all at a significant savings per pound, in bulk, brought them home and repackaged them for just two of us using my Food Saver. Everything seems to keep so much longer when packaged this way. I buy the bagging material on the Food Saver website. I buy the "seconds" at a discount and haven't found anything significantly wrong with them yet.

I like to use pumpkin cooked from fresh pie pumpkins to make my pies for the holidays and I packaged the extra pumpkin in these bags, and it has stayed very fresh!! When I thaw it out, it's like I just cooked it, and I freeze it in thin packages so it thaws very quickly.

Tonight we had spagetti, and we made a double batch. I froze the extra for another day, and the bags are thin so they take up less space in the freezer. Gallon zipper freezer bags work okay, but they don't vacuum seal like this device does, and food does not keep as well.

Just had to share. I really like my Food Saver!!!!

02-12-2008, 06:15 AM
I've often thought of getting one Marilyn. Would make things a little easier as far as portions and all. Are they very expensive, where do you find them?

02-12-2008, 09:26 AM
I got mine at Sam's Club. I think it was $118, but came with bags and some canisters. You may be able to find it elsewhere cheaper. I've had it a couple of years, so there are improved models out now.

Might check e-bay, also.

02-12-2008, 09:45 AM
I've got one too, but I don't use it much any more. I found that when I did long term storage for in the freezer that the bags got holes in them from somewhere. I really liked using jars for storage better and the canisters. If you use a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables they do stay fresher longer in the canisters than just in the plastic packages. We have ours sitting where we can use it but just don't.

02-13-2008, 04:57 AM
It does vacuum seal canning jars also. Not sealed to keep food like canning does. They are very specific about that, but it will suck the air out of the jar for freezing for just keeping items fresher. I haven't used that feature very much.

I haven't had the problem with the bags getting holes in them in the freezer. With things like the pumpkin though, I put 1-1/4 cup in each bag (enough for a pie) and put the smaller bags in a large ziplock in the freezer, so they are pretty well protected.

I have two large pullout baskets in the bottom of my upright freezer and that is were I keep most of the bagged frozen meats. I even bag the smaller portions that come packaged from the grocery, like 1 lb packages of ground meat. I just put the whole package in a vacuum bag to keep the meat from being dried out. The thin plastic from the grocery is not enough to protect it.

I keep my machine in a drawer where it is easy to lift out for use. My kitchen is done in black and stainless steel and to save money, since I did not know if I would like it when I bought it, my FoodSaver is white. Wouldn't look very good on the counter.

02-13-2008, 09:47 AM
It seems I'm always wanting something for the kitchen..to make life and cooking easier. I don't know why when I don't like to cook, don't really do it that often and don't really need anything. I just fall in love with some of the gadgets and think I should have them...LOL.