View Full Version : I Can't Stand It Anymore!!!!!
02-17-2008, 05:46 PM
I can't stand being the size I am any more!!!!!! I've gained weight since last summer. I quit exercising because I just didn't have time!! (Yeah right!!) I quit dieting because I deserve to enjoy life!! (Yeah right!!) Well, I'm not enjoying carrying this extra weight!!!! I'm not enjoying how my clothes feel!!!!!! I've got to do something about it!!!!!
Weight Watchers worked for me, but I got so tired of trying to stay within my 16 points. I couldn't eat anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to find the 3 point Healthy Choice Meals and eat fat free yogurt & sugar free jello. You might as well drink a glass of water as eat sugar free jello. There is nothing in the plastic cup but water anyway!!
I don't know what I'm going to do. I told one of our daughters that I was going to quit eating and she said that anorexia is not the answer.
I just ate a bowl of Special K cereal and some leftover Johnny Carino's pasta. So now I feel like I messed up!!!! I just wanted something salty after the sweet cereal but couldn't find anything except the pasta.
The gym is closed, and it's not safe to go run at night here. The treadmill is soooo boring!!!! I gotta get motivated. That's the key!!!!! Pray that I can do this. I really need to!!!!
02-18-2008, 06:00 AM
Your in my prayers. I hope you can get to where you want to be. They say spring is just around the corner. Which corner? Maybe that will help.
02-18-2008, 06:42 AM
prayers are with you, i know how hard it is to drop them pounds and how frustrating it is, i was miserable after i had my baby, i was 30 lbs over weight, and i did they wrong thing by starving myself, i made my self sick and i had a baby to take care of, now i still don't eat right and people tell me all the time i have to gain weight, i just got over the flu and i lost another 10lbs, my mom thinks i look sick now, i think i weight 109 lbs, just don't do what i did to lose weight, it's not healthy, stick to the WW, and start small by walking, and try one week staying away from all the whites, breads, pasta, etc. that's where the caleries are, that's how i lost my weight, but after i had the baby i went days without eating, and you can't do that, look how sick i am now.. i'll pray for you hon...
02-18-2008, 12:16 PM already know that I feel exactly the same way. I'm thankful I can eat more than 16 points. I hated the way my clothes fit, still do. I went to a funeral yesterday and I just didn't have anything dressy to wear.
I am losing with the WW's, but I too need to get off my rear end and exercise. I just find it hard to find time. So what do I do????? sit and type on the computer, play with the puppies, watch TV. There is always an excuse.
I feel your pain Marilyn! I'm back on WW with 18 points/day. They give you 35 free points to use or not during the week. I'm adding 5 points to each day, bringing me to a whopping 23 points. I don't really count. I pretty much know what to eat and how many points each food is.
They have great snacks, even if you don't want to join again. Their pretzel chips and cheese doodle type things are great (2 points/bag) and their chocolate bars are
absolutely - tiny - and delicious. 1 point each, so I have 2.
I don't really care if I reach my goal weight. I just want to lose enough so I feel okay about my body.
Maybe you can approach it that way. I feel much freer with that goal.
02-18-2008, 06:10 PM
:cheer: Ok, here's motivation!!!!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
GO, GO, GO!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
02-18-2008, 06:13 PM
I was doing so good until we went on vacation. I was exercising almost fanatically. Doing WW. Had lost about 16 lbs. Was thinking about hiring a personal trainer to see just how good I could look, then when we got back, our dogs were sick for 3 weeks, so I had to clean up after them instead of going to the gym each evening. Then I had a health scare and they told me not to exercise. All is well. It was a false alarm. So, here I am, 6 to 7 months later and I've probably gained 15 lbs. Afraid to get on the scale. I'm not very tall, so for me that's quite a bit.
It just takes the right frame of mind. Just have to get there somehow.
02-19-2008, 04:15 AM already know that I feel exactly the same way. I'm thankful I can eat more than 16 points. I hated the way my clothes fit, still do. I went to a funeral yesterday and I just didn't have anything dressy to wear.
I am losing with the WW's, but I too need to get off my rear end and exercise. I just find it hard to find time. So what do I do????? sit and type on the computer, play with the puppies, watch TV. There is always an excuse.
Go walking the first thing in the morning, get up put a hat on grab your dogs and just go.... if you don't do it the first thing in the morning you'll never go.. when i was on maternity leave, when the baby got up in the morning, i would feed him put his butt in the stroller and go.... he would always fall back to sleep which was nice so i can at least walk for an hour.... felt great when i was done, when home grabbed a cup of coffee and relaxed for a min or two, then i had to do housework YUK...
02-19-2008, 04:23 AM
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It may be working. Haley, I'd love to workout in the mornings. That's my favorite time. It's hard to get up an hour earlier. I'm up at 5:30 or 5:45 as it is. I could walk during my morning 4wt time, I guess.
Diana, thank you for the cheerleaders!!! They are really helping.
Janet, and Judy, I need to get back to WW. It was the one thing that did work. WW and exercise.
Okay, deep breath......, mind set.......I think it's working.
I'll let you know, and thank you so much, my dear friends!!!
02-19-2008, 06:21 AM
Go walking the first thing in the morning, get up put a hat on grab your dogs and just go.... if you don't do it the first thing in the morning you'll never go.. when i was on maternity leave, when the baby got up in the morning, i would feed him put his butt in the stroller and go.... he would always fall back to sleep which was nice so i can at least walk for an hour.... felt great when i was done, when home grabbed a cup of coffee and relaxed for a min or two, then i had to do housework YUK...
I love to walk, but will have to find another time. I refuse walk at 4:30 AM in the dark out in the country. Good idea....just not for me...LOLOL
02-19-2008, 06:22 AM
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It may be working. Haley, I'd love to workout in the mornings. That's my favorite time. It's hard to get up an hour earlier. I'm up at 5:30 or 5:45 as it is. I could walk during my morning 4wt time, I guess.
Diana, thank you for the cheerleaders!!! They are really helping.
Janet, and Judy, I need to get back to WW. It was the one thing that did work. WW and exercise.
Okay, deep breath......, mind set.......I think it's working.
I'll let you know, and thank you so much, my dear friends!!!
Behind you 100% Marilyn. We all know what we need to do...and you're right...the mind set. I have no doubt you'll be able to do it...go girl...go!!!:)
02-19-2008, 06:46 AM
I love to walk, but will have to find another time. I refuse walk at 4:30 AM in the dark out in the country. Good idea....just not for me...LOLOL
i thought i was the only person that got up at 4:30 in the morning, well i was up at 4 am this morning, did my cleaning before the baby woke up.
i love walkning in the mornings nice and cool, i love the smell of the dew i guess its nice a peacefull everyone alseep, and i live in the country to, i use to carry a stick with me and pepper spray.. in case the stick didn't work :eek:
02-28-2008, 02:27 PM
Here is the trick, keep your cabinets insanely stocked so you don't get bored.
After your bowl of cereal, if you were craving something salty, you should have had a 100 calorie pack of crackers or some veggies with dip.
As for the motivation, only you know what will do it for you sweetie :) You can get all the support in the world but until you whip your own butt in gear, you will just be spinning those wheels.
I find that it is a huge lifestyle change. I don't know if body image ever improves after huge amounts of weight loss, but be prepared that your image of yourself and how others perceive you is often quite different.
Don't starve yourself. Small meals and snacks, several times a day to keep that hunger away but watching those calories will do it.
They say one of the huge differences between thin and over weight people is that thin people ignore that hunger feeling longer, while over weight people tend to think it is an emergency and eat right away. Try to keep yourself busy once you catch yourself day dreaming about that pasta ;)
Good luck to you, and let us know how it goes!
02-29-2008, 04:41 AM
Since i had the baby to, i've been buying organic foods, and to tell you the truth, my husband didn't even know the difference until i told him, cause that is all i buy for my baby is natural or organic, and it's really not that bad, i also noticed Wal mart is getting more natural and organic foods in. plus i also trained myself into drinking tons of water, that also takes away the hungry pains.
02-29-2008, 11:45 AM
Oh Haley, you've just reminded me to add, keep yourself busy with great home cooked meals where you control the ingredients ;)
02-29-2008, 06:05 PM
Sounds like a good plan. I lost quite a bit of weight last year and the year before, I just can't be consistent. I'm 5'1-1/2" and most folks make fun of me when I talk about dieting because I'm smaller than most of my friends, but honestly I know I'm overweight, and if you saw me, I'm sure, if you were honest about it, you would agree. When I went to WW last summer, people would look at me like why are you here? I really need to lose about 16 to 18 lbs. If I could lose at least 14, I'd be feeling much better. I don't want to get too thin. I got down to 104 a few years ago, and that was way too thin. Two doctors ask me if I was having issues with anorexia, so don't want to go there again.
It's just tough when you are really busy with work and everything. I know how to work the plan. It's just hard when you are working overtime to keep up at work to find the time. I seldom have time to cook which is not good!!
I know I'm the newbie here, but I just wanted to say that I know what you mean as far as motivation. I've been having issues with staying motivated lately. I keep blaming winter, lol. I've noticed that I do the best when I just get it in my head one day and am all gung ho with it. If I'm forcing myself to diet and exercise, but don't really have that strong drive, I find that I quit really quick. So in the meantime, I at least try to make sure I'm exercising at least until I get to that point that I'm really wanting it, ya know?
And you have to find what works for you. I know my husband is big into the gym and weights. My mum is way into the rec center and the cardio machines. Those just don't work for me. I mean, I don't mind doing them on occassion, but it's not something that really gets me going. I actually like the home workout tapes. So I would just mess around with different things and find something that holds your interest :)
03-01-2008, 07:18 AM
I don't have winter as an excuse. We don't have much winter here. I love the snow pics that people post because we just don't get snow here hardly ever. This morning when I put on my jeans, I realized that I have to do something. I am not going to buy bigger ones!!!!
Today is the day!!! I'm starting the plan that I know works for me!!!!
Thank you all for your comments and encouragement!! Will keep you posted. I'm headed for the scale. Haven't weighed in months. Have been afraid to.
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