View Full Version : More recalls in Pet foods and treats!

02-19-2008, 04:12 PM
See below and check out http://www.fda.gov/cvm/CVM_Updates/Chknjerky.htm


You might have gotten my email below already. I am just trying to tell our story to as many small breeders as possible, so that no other small dogs suffer from these poisonous treats.

Please be aware that many Chicken Jerky treat brands that are manufactured in China have been making small dogs very ill along with killing them. Symptoms are: lethargy, vomiting, diareha, and anorexia (total lack of appetite except for the treats). To see this alert from the American Veterinarian Medical Association go to www.avma.org/ click on Pet Food Alert line and then click on Chicken Jerky Treat alert.)

Our two adorable Cavalier King Charles puppies, Lacie, 11 months, and Misty 7 months old, had been eating Smoke House Chicken Jerky treats from Petsmart on a daily basis (not as a supplement for their food, but as a treat after their evening meal). They both became very ill in July with the same symptoms, such as; lethargy, vomiting, diarrea, and anorexia (total lack of appetite except for the treats, which they loved and looked forward to). The test started showing signs of kidney failure which made no sense to the vets because Misty and Lacie are not related, and Kidney failure is rare with puppies. Both puppies received extensive care in the hospital along with test after test trying to figure out what was wrong with them. Vet bills started mounting up to over $9,000. Every meal had to be force fed except their nightly jerky treat which they got very excited about.

Mid September we found out about the AVMA warning, and immediatelty stopped giving them these treats, Our little seven month old Misty rallied and got better, but our sweet little Lacie never got better and this weekend our precious little 11 month old Lacie got much worse, and had to be put down at 5:30 last night. We were able to pray with her and love on her as she peacefully went to be with the Lord. She surely took a piece of my heart with her. I have been through a lot in my life, but I have never been through the extreme roller coaster pain that we have been going through in the last four months.

I wish someone had warned us about this product. I thought this product was American made. Only after I saw the warning, did I see in small print on the bottom of the package, made in China. I didn't know it, but this jerky treat has been making dogs sick well before April 2007. If someone had warned us, Lacie could have been spared this past painful four months of treatment, let alone having her princess life robbed from her at such a young age. Lacie was the most adorable sweet little feminine angel. She loved people so much that I was planning on having her be a therapy dog so that her and I could help people that are ill.

Please spread the word. After I send this to all the Cavalier breeders. I am going to send this warning to the other small breeds. It is so sad that I have to do this, but as long as Pets Mart and Costco and other stores only care about their profit margin we will have to protect our sweet little puppies on our own.

I know Lacie would never have wanted any other dog and owner to go through the pain and agony that she and her mommy and daddy have gone through. Lacie was our little angel and I don't want her to have died in vain, So I will not give up on spreading the word about these poisonous treats.

02-19-2008, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the warning, Tink. The article says that these treats are available at Wal-mart too. I'm going to be more careful about buying treats for Reuger. No more stuff from China!!!!!

02-19-2008, 05:57 PM
I've completely quit giving our dogs treats except for some very tiny training treats from PetsMart. I will definitly check to see where these are made.

So very sad!!!!! I'm already cooking some for our dogs. This may be the thing that finally tips the scales. We just have two small Yorkies, so cooking for them is not a big deal.

02-19-2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks Tink for sharing that very important news. I am only allowed to give Gucci healthy treats only, she is allowed carrots and plain cherrios. So for the others I don't know if you give them the above but Gucci loves them.

02-19-2008, 07:58 PM
I looked at the little training treats I give and they are made by Delmonte. Hope that means their safe.

The cheerios sound like a good idea. I know they will love them and very simple and inexpensive!! Thank you, Gina!!

02-20-2008, 09:27 AM
I looked at the little training treats I give and they are made by Delmonte. Hope that means their safe.

The cheerios sound like a good idea. I know they will love them and very simple and inexpensive!! Thank you, Gina!!

since my child is into cheerios right now, my dogs love them, they wait for him to drop them on the floor. it's so funny. they wait by his highchair all the time.
my dogs i only give them natural treats, and nothing from China, there dog food is merricks and most of there treats are also merricks brand.

02-20-2008, 02:55 PM
I still give mine the Frosted Cheerios, but they like the Yorkie Yummies and Yum-o's from YT. I won't buy any treats from a store anymore. Too scary.

02-21-2008, 04:03 AM
I still give mine the Frosted Cheerios, but they like the Yorkie Yummies and Yum-o's from YT. I won't buy any treats from a store anymore. Too scary.
i also saw them yogurt cheerios i'll have to try some of those, i have to watch my boy dog he's alittle overweight... he would hog the whole bag of frosted cheerios and not even taste them :p

02-21-2008, 04:34 AM
i also saw them yogurt cheerios i'll have to try some of those, i have to watch my boy dog he's alittle overweight... he would hog the whole bag of frosted cheerios and not even taste them :p

That's funny Haley!! We have a boy dog that 's the same way. He gulps down treats and doesn't even taste them. That's why I don't give him many. What's the point!?

02-21-2008, 06:09 AM
That's funny Haley!! We have a boy dog that 's the same way. He gulps down treats and doesn't even taste them. That's why I don't give him many. What's the point!?
on the weekends i load up the baby and two dogs and head over my mothers house she has a dog and they love to play, anyways the first place my boy dog heads to is right for thunders food, oh he is such a pig i don't know what to do with him, i give them treats he swollows his and tries to take the treats from the girl.. :confused: just a piggy...

02-21-2008, 06:48 AM
All of mine go crazy for the treats. They act they are afraid one will get more than the other...LOL. All of mine are pigs...oink!

02-21-2008, 06:55 AM
All of mine go crazy for the treats. They act they are afraid one will get more than the other...LOL. All of mine are pigs...oink!
do you think they actually taste them ? my boy is so bad. same thing.

02-21-2008, 07:10 AM
Yes, I think they get a little bit of a taste. I hold it in my fingers and let them lick it ...ha ha ...my way of teasing them.