02-23-2008, 04:19 AM
I have been feeling this way for awhile, but IF and WHEN I decide to find something else, I've got to make it convenient for when puppies arrive.
Besides the kids 'just being kids' some are stretching the limits with me. It's time for me to pull in on the reins once more and get them back in line.
There is a 9th grade girl on my bus that I am having trouble liking, even a little bit. She is the one, a year and a half ago that started the trouble when I inadvertantly called this mother a b'#ch. Remember that?
Well a month or so ago she when I had a substitute driver, she had a little 3rd grader run into his house crying and all upset. This girl had told him that I put her in charge of discipline on the bus which was just another one of the many lies this girl tells. She told him she was taking him to the office the next day and he was in real big trouble. Scared this boy to death. Anyway...I had to put to rest the mothers anger and let her know that this girl was not put in charge.
She is a terrible troublemaker, liar and to be truthful, just someone I have a hard time even looking at.
Okay, fast forward......This 9th grade girl is over 8 months pregnant. She wrote a note and had her dad sign it that says she is uncomfortable riding in the back of the bus because of her pregnancy and she would like to be moved up front. I understand that, BUT my elementary students did nothing to deserve being moved because of the mess she got herself into. I moved her up front and she made the comment that she could entertain the little ones...my comment was you sit up front and leave the kids alone. I personally don't want her influence on them.
Well she decided she didn't like sitting up front after one day and moved back to where she was. Today I get a letter from the counselor saying that this girl needs to sit over a wheelwell (which she already does) or in the front seat because of her pregnancy.
All this girl wants is attention...obviously. I will be going to talk with the counselor about this girl and hopefully can get her removed from my bus. I'm just having trouble having the patience with her. Oh and another thing...I had to pick her up twice at her boyfriends house..(yes her parents must obviously be a piece of work themselves) and she and her 18 year old boyfriend stood at the bus stop acting like they were not going to see each other for a year. I can't have that with the bus kids looking on. She gets on the bus, talking about her pregnancy and some of the kids think it's so cool...not really thinking about the baby, but they see she'll be out of school for awhile.
I just don't want this kind of influence with my bus kids, but not sure what, if anything, I can do about it. We'll see on Monday.
I know this girl probably needs my compassion, but I am having a VERY hard time getting there.
Besides the kids 'just being kids' some are stretching the limits with me. It's time for me to pull in on the reins once more and get them back in line.
There is a 9th grade girl on my bus that I am having trouble liking, even a little bit. She is the one, a year and a half ago that started the trouble when I inadvertantly called this mother a b'#ch. Remember that?
Well a month or so ago she when I had a substitute driver, she had a little 3rd grader run into his house crying and all upset. This girl had told him that I put her in charge of discipline on the bus which was just another one of the many lies this girl tells. She told him she was taking him to the office the next day and he was in real big trouble. Scared this boy to death. Anyway...I had to put to rest the mothers anger and let her know that this girl was not put in charge.
She is a terrible troublemaker, liar and to be truthful, just someone I have a hard time even looking at.
Okay, fast forward......This 9th grade girl is over 8 months pregnant. She wrote a note and had her dad sign it that says she is uncomfortable riding in the back of the bus because of her pregnancy and she would like to be moved up front. I understand that, BUT my elementary students did nothing to deserve being moved because of the mess she got herself into. I moved her up front and she made the comment that she could entertain the little ones...my comment was you sit up front and leave the kids alone. I personally don't want her influence on them.
Well she decided she didn't like sitting up front after one day and moved back to where she was. Today I get a letter from the counselor saying that this girl needs to sit over a wheelwell (which she already does) or in the front seat because of her pregnancy.
All this girl wants is attention...obviously. I will be going to talk with the counselor about this girl and hopefully can get her removed from my bus. I'm just having trouble having the patience with her. Oh and another thing...I had to pick her up twice at her boyfriends house..(yes her parents must obviously be a piece of work themselves) and she and her 18 year old boyfriend stood at the bus stop acting like they were not going to see each other for a year. I can't have that with the bus kids looking on. She gets on the bus, talking about her pregnancy and some of the kids think it's so cool...not really thinking about the baby, but they see she'll be out of school for awhile.
I just don't want this kind of influence with my bus kids, but not sure what, if anything, I can do about it. We'll see on Monday.
I know this girl probably needs my compassion, but I am having a VERY hard time getting there.