View Full Version : What Shall I Do

03-03-2008, 04:42 PM
As some of you know I am going to have immediate loaded implants this coming Thursday. I am feeling sick today, nasal drip and my chest is starting to get congested.. When I get this it turns into a sinus infection.

I hate to cancel on Thurs. but do they work on you when your sick? The problem is that I had my two teeth extracted a month ago and this procedure you can't wait to long. The perio wants the sockets open, once they implant afterwards I am to go to my dentist to put in the temporaries. Now if I cancel this week, my dentist is on vacation until after Easter.. I don't know what to do!! I just want this done and over with the anticipation is horrible..... But if I can't breathe and am all stuffy and congested isnt that uncomfortable?

What do you girls think?

03-03-2008, 05:25 PM
I'd go get the Zicam Gel Swabs, take some antihistamines, check with the doc and see if he can give you some anitbiotics and I'd go for it if they would let me. Sounds like you can't wait till after Easter, or your socket will be closed. You've been through too much already. So that's what I think...

03-03-2008, 05:31 PM
I'd go get the Zicam Gel Swabs, take some antihistamines, check with the doc and see if he can give you some anitbiotics and I'd go for it if they would let me. Sounds like you can't wait till after Easter, or your socket will be closed. You've been through too much already. So that's what I think...
I agree with Marilyn, go for it!!

03-04-2008, 08:01 AM
Everything Marilyn said!!!! Check with the Dr. doing your implants to be sure they'll still do them. Sometimes they will if you're on antibiotics...so check with them.

03-04-2008, 08:57 AM
I think that I'd take a lot of meds and go anyway. If you call the doctor's office they might tell you to wait.

03-04-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks for your imput ladies, and your all correct. I am feeling a tinge better I call the periodontist and his office told me that it will not take long to implant them and that I should not wait. She said wave if you feel like the drip is coming or that you can't breathe.. lol No getting out of it.. I will have it done on Thursday....