View Full Version : Not So Fried Chicken

03-06-2008, 10:22 AM
this was my lunch today and since it was so wonderful, I thought I would share with all of you!!!!

Prepare ahead

boil drum sticks just until done
remove from broth and refridgerate

to prepare take out of fridge, remove all skin, let set to room temp
spray cast iron with non stick spray on med heat
season chicken to taste ( I used curry and sea salt)
place in skillet and cover, let chicken cook until darkly browned on both sides

chicken taste juicy and spicy! plus the outside is crispy!

03-06-2008, 02:06 PM
I'll have to try making this for my dad one night, he is not too long for this world if he doesn't commit to some serious lifestyle changes! He's got a heart blockage (the cause of at least one known silent heart attack), gout, and what I believe to be the begining stages of diabetes. :mad:

Thanks for the tip Thelma :thumbup:

03-06-2008, 04:53 PM
ya know, I was telling hotmomma today about it. she said when her Aunts were on WW they would take squash, or whatever veggies we like fried! lightly dust them in either flour or meal, spray the pan in PAM and toss them a few times so they would be coated........then put in a 350 oven to cook. Same great taste! I guess they did salmon patties like that too!!! You know how we Southern folk gotta have our fried stuff!!!!

03-10-2008, 09:23 AM
Good diet ideas! Thanks.