View Full Version : Proud of myself!

03-10-2008, 11:12 AM
So this year I...filed my own taxes! I know that probably doesn't sound exciting, but for me, it was a huge step. I've always been scared to do it on my own cause I was afraid I'd mess up somehow. Well, no H&R block this year! I'm just so happy! :D

03-10-2008, 11:17 AM
Way to go Angie!
Kinda nice to know you CAN isn't it?

03-10-2008, 11:18 AM
Congrats!!! I know its sounds silly, but I love to do my taxes (as long as I am getting something back.)

03-10-2008, 11:19 AM
Way to go Angie!
Kinda nice to know you CAN isn't it?

It was MUCH easier than I ever expected! It's easier than the FAFSA actually and I've been filling those out for both Brendon and myself for years now. I'll probably never pay someone to do them for me again. :)

03-10-2008, 11:21 AM
Congrats!!! I know its sounds silly, but I love to do my taxes (as long as I am getting something back.)

I got a whopping $56! LOL Usually we get a lot back because we ask our employeers to take out extra, but this year we didn't have jobs. My scholarship is more than sufficient to meet our needs so no taxes in, no money back. Oh well, maybe next year we'll get a nice big chunk of change. :)

03-10-2008, 02:52 PM
Way to go Angie. I do our taxes too, but I use Turbo Tax, I couldn't do our without it. Now I did my son's on my own. Never ever thought I'd do our own taxes....did you?

03-10-2008, 04:02 PM
Congratulations, Angie, you're more woman than me. I'd never tackle that.

03-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Our taxes are so difficult that I'd never attempt doing them on my own. Farming is like owning a business and there are so many changes from year to year that we just leave it to the professionals. It costs us quite a bit but it's definitely worth it.

I'm proud of you for doing it on your own, Angie!!!

03-11-2008, 12:54 PM
I think if I were in your shoes Diana, I would leave it to the professionals too. We just have one rental house and so it's pretty easy with Turbo Tax. The only reason I even checked into Turbo Tax is because it was costing us almost $200 to get them done. Way too much for no more than we usually get back. So until it gets more complicated for us, I'll do them.

03-11-2008, 03:56 PM
Yeah, I hate doing taxes, too. That's why they're not done yet! But I'm too cheap to pay someone to do them. It wouldn't be too bad, except DH's HSA always throws me for a loop. If it was just all the normal deductions, I'd be ok. Guess I should get moving on it. You guys can be my inspiration!!! :)

03-12-2008, 09:05 AM
Good for you! I used to do them myself. It was kind of fun. I hope you get a lot back next year.

03-12-2008, 10:17 AM
Wow, you go girl! I'm so proud of you! I, erhm, still have never done my own taxes. This year, I took my w-2 to my dad (he's a finance whiz).

One-of-these-years I really will do it myself. I need to accomplish that to prove to myself I can, just like you did. So you have all my respects girlfriend! :p

03-12-2008, 04:26 PM
Way to go Angie. I do our taxes too, but I use Turbo Tax, I couldn't do our without it. Now I did my son's on my own. Never ever thought I'd do our own taxes....did you?

I did mine with TurboTax as well. It made things so simple! Now I'm regretting paying all that money to H&R Block for the past 3 years... lol

03-12-2008, 04:27 PM
Our taxes are so difficult that I'd never attempt doing them on my own. Farming is like owning a business and there are so many changes from year to year that we just leave it to the professionals. It costs us quite a bit but it's definitely worth it.

I'm proud of you for doing it on your own, Angie!!!

I don't think I'd ever attempt that Diana! Our taxes are pretty simple, that's the only way I'd ever be able to do it! :D

03-12-2008, 05:03 PM
I'm proud of you Angie, I'm lucky my daughter and her hubby have a tax business and do mine. What are you gonna do with all that $$ How about a nice date night?

03-13-2008, 11:01 AM
I'm proud of you Angie, I'm lucky my daughter and her hubby have a tax business and do mine. What are you gonna do with all that $$ How about a nice date night?

lol, we spent it on the puppies! There were some things we'd been wanting to get them--new food/water dishes, a harness for Maddie to match Marty's, and a bed for Maddie when she's downstairs. $50 doesn't go very far. lol