View Full Version : The verdict's in on my DSL problems!

03-22-2008, 07:55 AM
The Centurytel tech just left here. He said the problem was completely their fault as the card they had installed for me at their server was "bad" and there was no way it could have worked up to it's intended capacity. I told him about having asked for a refund and he said he thought I should get one. From what the email from them said, their decision will be based on HIS report, so it doesn't look like they'll be able to fight giving me one... it's just a matter of how much.

He gave me a new modem, installed and set it up for me... and said they will have to upgrade the card and settings on Monday to get me up to the 1500 I'm supposed to have. For the weekend he's got me up to 320... so that's some improvement at least.

So things are looking up!

03-22-2008, 08:20 AM
It's good to know that the tech said it was their fault and that he thinks that you should have a refund. I hope that it works out really good for you. Your computer must have been running really slow! Now we'll probably be seeing a lot more posts from you!!!!

03-22-2008, 08:23 AM
:cheer: Tink :cheer: I'm so happy for you, oiling the squeeky wheel worked.:)

03-22-2008, 08:39 AM
Glad it's working better now Tink. I hope you get a HUGE refund! ;) :D

03-22-2008, 09:19 AM
You'll going to be flying through these threads next week aren't you????....LOLOL

I would have made that guy put it in writing that it was their fault...LOL. I hope you get a BIG refund!!!

03-25-2008, 06:12 PM
Tink, are you up to 1500 yet?

03-25-2008, 06:53 PM
This afternoon I checked and my download speed had gone from 221 to 1721!
My upload speed went from 190 to 354.

THIS I can live with! I haven't heard anything back about the refund yet, but I'll give them a few days and if I don't hear I will contact them again.

03-25-2008, 07:36 PM
Wow, Tink!! You're going to be flying now!!! We won't be able to keep up with you!!

03-25-2008, 08:03 PM
Tink, Melissa aka Lissa, our daughter works for your DSL provider. She works in a huge call center for internet support. She has some very interesting stories to tell about people who call in. She's currently looking for a different job. Small world!!

03-25-2008, 08:14 PM
Marilyn, I was offered a job at the Lacrosse WI Centurytel office and turned it down. LOL
From what little I know of them, it didn't sound like a place I'd enjoy working at and I KNOW from other customer service jobs that you certainly have to be able to deal with ALL kinds.

03-26-2008, 03:41 AM
You did good not taking the job, Tink. By the time some people call for help, they are so frustrated they just have to take it out on someone. They do get some cute calls though. Melissa told us about a little old lady who just wanted to learn how to do e-mail so her son could send her pictures of her grandchildren. There was no problem with her DSL and for some reason, what she was asking was outside the scope of what they are supposed to do, but one of the techs worked with her for about an hour trying to help her setup her e-mail account.

At least these call centers are employing Americans!! The one where Melissa works is in a college town, so most are struggling college students. If people would have a little more patience, it wouldn't be so harsh a job.