View Full Version : Trying to learn something new

04-03-2008, 02:37 PM
When I get on my computer and try to learn something totally new I gt SO mad... SO frustrated and end up feeling like my IQ has suddenly dropped about 100 points!

Does anyone else sometimes just want to toss their computer out the window?

Talk about a love/hate relationship!!!

04-03-2008, 03:55 PM
All the time Tink....lolol ....all the time.

04-03-2008, 03:57 PM
I've certainly felt that way in the past. I have been so very tempted to do that very thing especially with my old computer. It ran slow and it had gotten viruses, plus we had a friend work on it and we were never happy with it again. He's very intelligent about computers but that time he didn't do a very good job for us. I'm really enjoying my new computer though and my husband and I aren't agravated with each other when we want on. I hope that you're able to figure out your problem easily and get it working the way you want it. Here's another hug :hug:

04-03-2008, 05:13 PM
There are times when I want to throw the computer into the driveway and back over it repeatedly!

04-03-2008, 06:23 PM
ROFL Dobie, that's exactly how I felt!

04-03-2008, 06:42 PM
My other half punched his LCD screen while he was playing a Texas Hold Em tournament. He's stuck with a big old bulky one for the time being. (I can't see Mr. Cheap skate Procrastinator springing for a replacement anytime soon either lol I laugh so I don't cry! Just kidding, god I love this man...)

Of course.... many years ago... with my temper and immaturity, I have never been guilty of doing that. :embarass: Say.... to one of his previous screens out of anger :angel:

My advice, Get yourself a tween and keep them handy lol
tween = the age between being a kid young child and a maturing teenager lol

04-03-2008, 06:48 PM
There's a thread here somewhere where I threatened to throw mine into the street because I couldn't figure out how to post pics in my avatar, and look at me now. I've got an avatar fetish. I wonder what kind of fetish you're gonna get Tink?

04-05-2008, 01:09 PM
Every day!!!

04-05-2008, 07:39 PM
Oh please! I just spent $240 on it! How many pairs of shoes, manicures, massages, etc. is that? But, I can't live without it.

04-06-2008, 02:48 AM
I can never do anything on the computer unless the kids help. Even the 10 year old helped me find something on a site yesterday. That's pretty sad on my part isn't it...good that my kids know what they are doing though!