04-05-2008, 08:38 AM
If you're planning on going south for a vacation this summer you might need to know how to interpret what is being said!!! Enjoy!!!
AINT: a blood relative
"come give Aint Smerelda a hug."
AWDUH: should do
"I awduh tell him off."
BLEEVE: intent or faith
"I bleeve I'll just mosey on home."
CHIMLEY: what smoke comes from
"I bleeve the chimley is stopped up."
COMIN-UP-A-CLOUD: approaching storm
"yall stay close. It's comin up a cloud."
DINNER: what the South eats while the
Northerners eat lunch.
"we'll have biscuits and beans for dinner, then have a light supper."
EYETALYUN: native of Italy
"you don't have to be Italyun to like spaghetti.
"them chikens flew everwhichaways."
FAVOR: resemble
"that boy sure favors his daddy."
FIXIN': prepare to
"it's fixin' to rain"
GOOD OLE BOY: any Southern male who likes, huntin',fishin',hound dogs, beer, pick-em-up trucks, and women.
HEEPA: great deal of
"you in a heepa trouble."
ID-IN-IT "genteel term for ain't
"mighty hot today, idinit?"
JEVVER: did you ever
"jevver see anything so silly?"
KINDLY: sort of
"I feel kindly sick."
LET ON: indicate knowledge
"don't let on you know."
LIKE TO: almost
" I like to died when I was sick."
MESS: an amount
"we'll cook a mess of peas."
Nome: No ma'am
"Johnny did you do this?" "Nome."
ORTA: should
"man you orta see her."
PICAYUNISH: fastidious
"don't be so picayunish about things."
POT LIKKER: liquid left from cooking greens
"sop the pot likker with biscuits."
QUIETUS: (pronounced kwi-EET-us)
"Mama put the quietus on that."
RIGHT SMART: a goodly amount
"she gained a right smart of weight,"
SINNER: in the middle
"have you been to the shopping sinner?"
SPITTIN IMAGE: looks like
"she's the spittin' image of her Mother."
"ya'll go ahead, we'll be on toreckly."
UNNUTHER: one more
"here comes unnuther."
"be sure and put the vittles away."
WHITLEATHER: hide used to make harnesses
"this meat is as tuff as whitleather."
"how 'bout a yankee dime, sugar?"
YANKEE SHOT: a Southern child's navel
"show 'em where the yankee shot ya Johnny."
YAWL (yall, ya'll) you all
"yawl come back"
ZACTLY: exact
"this is zactly the way we say it in the South..at
least as I remember."
SMERELDA pronounced Esmerelda
"Scarlett O'Hara in another life"
AINT: a blood relative
"come give Aint Smerelda a hug."
AWDUH: should do
"I awduh tell him off."
BLEEVE: intent or faith
"I bleeve I'll just mosey on home."
CHIMLEY: what smoke comes from
"I bleeve the chimley is stopped up."
COMIN-UP-A-CLOUD: approaching storm
"yall stay close. It's comin up a cloud."
DINNER: what the South eats while the
Northerners eat lunch.
"we'll have biscuits and beans for dinner, then have a light supper."
EYETALYUN: native of Italy
"you don't have to be Italyun to like spaghetti.
"them chikens flew everwhichaways."
FAVOR: resemble
"that boy sure favors his daddy."
FIXIN': prepare to
"it's fixin' to rain"
GOOD OLE BOY: any Southern male who likes, huntin',fishin',hound dogs, beer, pick-em-up trucks, and women.
HEEPA: great deal of
"you in a heepa trouble."
ID-IN-IT "genteel term for ain't
"mighty hot today, idinit?"
JEVVER: did you ever
"jevver see anything so silly?"
KINDLY: sort of
"I feel kindly sick."
LET ON: indicate knowledge
"don't let on you know."
LIKE TO: almost
" I like to died when I was sick."
MESS: an amount
"we'll cook a mess of peas."
Nome: No ma'am
"Johnny did you do this?" "Nome."
ORTA: should
"man you orta see her."
PICAYUNISH: fastidious
"don't be so picayunish about things."
POT LIKKER: liquid left from cooking greens
"sop the pot likker with biscuits."
QUIETUS: (pronounced kwi-EET-us)
"Mama put the quietus on that."
RIGHT SMART: a goodly amount
"she gained a right smart of weight,"
SINNER: in the middle
"have you been to the shopping sinner?"
SPITTIN IMAGE: looks like
"she's the spittin' image of her Mother."
"ya'll go ahead, we'll be on toreckly."
UNNUTHER: one more
"here comes unnuther."
"be sure and put the vittles away."
WHITLEATHER: hide used to make harnesses
"this meat is as tuff as whitleather."
"how 'bout a yankee dime, sugar?"
YANKEE SHOT: a Southern child's navel
"show 'em where the yankee shot ya Johnny."
YAWL (yall, ya'll) you all
"yawl come back"
ZACTLY: exact
"this is zactly the way we say it in the South..at
least as I remember."
SMERELDA pronounced Esmerelda
"Scarlett O'Hara in another life"