View Full Version : The Pentagon, This is scary !!!

04-17-2008, 10:17 AM
Where is the airplane that crashed into the Pentagon.......?????

Where are the airplane parts....???

Go to this website and watch this film.........do it quickly as it has
Already been pulled off several web sites already!........afterwards
You'll see why!


04-17-2008, 02:53 PM
I think that there's a lot of things that the government doesn't tell us and there's probably more about the 911 attack that's been hidden from us. When you think about it, have you ever seen very many pictures of the Pentagon attack?

04-17-2008, 04:07 PM
So, what do you think happened? Is this a conspiracy theory? I love those. We can become spies and try o figure it out!

04-18-2008, 03:12 AM
My sister thinks it was a missile that missed it's target and hit the pentagon, that is so scrary that the FBI took all the serveillance tapes that fast... Like my sister said where are the planes wings? If a small plane holds gallons, gallons of fuel that fire should have been way bigger than it was. Makes you wonder what hit the pentagon.

04-18-2008, 05:03 AM
Thing of it is, you can't believe this either. I don't believe the gov't tells the truth, but there are people out there wanting to cause an up roar too to I don't know what to believe.

The one thing I do believe in my heart of hearts is that we are not going to be around a whole lot longer, so why get our panties in a twist.

04-18-2008, 05:11 AM
Thing of it is, you can't believe this either. I don't believe the gov't tells the truth, but there are people out there wanting to cause an up roar too to I don't know what to believe.

The one thing I do believe in my heart of hearts is that we are not going to be around a whole lot longer, so why get our panties in a twist.

Thongs Janet, don't get your thongs in a twist!

I met a woman who was in the Pentagon when it was hit. She was stuck in there for hours - she claimed it was because she was Hispanic that they just didn't search for her. ??? Anyway, she didn't mention that there was anything fishy about the actual bombing.

04-18-2008, 12:07 PM
If thats true, where are the passengers and the plane that "hit" the pentagon?

04-18-2008, 03:43 PM
If thats true, where are the passengers and the plane that "hit" the pentagon?

Oooh! Good question! We need Mel Gibson (from the movie Conspiracy Theory).

04-18-2008, 05:06 PM
Wow. Just.. Wow. Unbelievable.

04-18-2008, 05:25 PM
I used to know (from an online site) a colonel who worked in the pentagon and was there the day this all happened. He came back to the site just long enough to let us know he'd survived, but I haven't heard form him since. It struck me as very odd. He was a father of a very large family and posted on a parenting site I worked at.

Not that it's necessarily connected, but he did give us as much of a blow by blow account of the attack as he was allowed to, then just quit coming around.

04-18-2008, 08:41 PM
I don't know if this is one of those conspiracy theory things or not, I do think there would have been panic in the streets if we were hit by a missile. People driving like crazy trying to get out of the big cities, like a Steven Spielburg movie.
I honestly don't know what to think anymore.:confused:

04-19-2008, 01:19 PM
I don't know if this is one of those conspiracy theory things or not, I do think there would have been panic in the streets if we were hit by a missile. People driving like crazy trying to get out of the big cities, like a Steven Spielburg movie.
I honestly don't know what to think anymore.:confused:

When NYC was hit, the roads were closed. Nobody could get in or out. It took me about 6 hours to get home. I think we were too numbed out to leave. It didn't seem safe to go anywhere else either.

04-19-2008, 01:54 PM
If thats true, where are the passengers and the plane that "hit" the pentagon?

Same thinking ? where did it go?

04-20-2008, 04:57 AM
I've heard questions about this before. We hear so much about the World Trade Centers and the plane in Pennsylvania, but NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon. This seems soooo strange. How can they not tell us about that. Something really top secret happened there for sure!!!! They've published the list of people who died in the WTC's and in Pennsylvania. Have you ever seen a list of the people who died at the Pentagon? I don't recall having seen one. It's like they want us to forget that it ever happened.

Yep, we need Mel Gibson to invenstigate and make a move. Mel, where are you????

He's a hunk anyway. We'd have to keep Kat far away from him. ;);)

04-20-2008, 05:17 AM
I have seen this video before and it raises a LOT of questions. I just don't know what I believe anymore. When it comes to the government I honestly don't trust any of it.

Chandra Amaya
04-20-2008, 09:40 AM
My husband was in DC when thuis happened. His good friend was killed in the Pentagon. His dad was on his way to a meeting there and if he were not rnning late, he would have been there as well. His family is very military and his dad is a retired officer working as a civilain for the military. He recieves much priviledged information. Although he cannot give out any of the information, He has never spoke of what happened at the Pentagon other than the loss of his freinds and others there.

04-20-2008, 08:44 PM
Have you guys seen the video called Loose Change? It's a pretty good conspiracy theory video about 9/11. Google it and have a look :)

04-21-2008, 04:55 AM
Pictures are worth a thousand words
