View Full Version : I'm having a pity party!!
04-26-2008, 01:21 PM
I'm here alone this weekend and enjoying it I might add. :) BUT....I thought it would be nice to go out to eat and I honestly don't have any friends that live close to ask to go with me. That realization made me sad for a moment or two.:(
Even my family is older brother and his wife are on their way back from Florida with Mom and I really don't have any friends that I do anything with. I mean, they are people I speak with, but as for friends, confidants..I don't have any.
I do have Lynne and all of you, but no one that lives close. I guess I can see what kind of life I'll have if I don't get out there more...huh? Kind of scary to think I may be totally alone someday.
Do any of you worry about this at all? Or are you quite social and go do things with friends often?
04-26-2008, 01:50 PM
I sometimes worry that I spend all of my time with Jim, and do almost everything with him. I forced myself to join a book group and hiking club - I've found that I enjoy the time with new friends and my time with Jim is even more special.
I'm also lucky to have a very large family, I have over 100 cousins that live within 30 miles of me - we spend a lot of time together.
04-26-2008, 01:53 PM
That would be nice Dobie. I only have my two brothers and my mom. My family is getting smaller and smaller.
04-26-2008, 02:20 PM
I'm with you, Janet. Glen's out working, Jaci's at a music contest for school, and I'm home alone. At church we have two groups of people, the Senior's group and the Younger group and I feel like I've just been swallowed up in the crack between the two. I don't feel like I belong with the older group (that's my Mom's group) and I don't belong with the younger group (that's my daughter's group). I've always kept busy with things going on at church but lately there's been some things that's bothered me and I decided to take some time off. My husband would like for me to find someone to do things with and I asked him "Who?" Everyone works or they don't like to do the things that I like to do. So yes, Janet, I can understand completely how you feel. Wish that I lived closer. I'd take ya' out to eat or invite you over!!!!
04-26-2008, 02:21 PM
We are home bodies too. We always get take out and bring it home. All of my family is either Northeast or in Texas. I have some friends from work and I do get to go places because of work. Other wise I would be like you, home with my dog.
04-26-2008, 05:34 PM
It would be fun if we lived closer Diana. I just usually run the route and come home. Stay home till I go for the afternoon route. Then I'm usually home of an evening. I go to town about twice a week. Monday's to go to the bank and Thurdays to WW. I really need to get out more...LOL
04-26-2008, 07:27 PM
Yes, you girls should get out more like me, I'm quite the social butterfly! :sidesplit:
I'm thinking of getting a lap top so I can take you all with me when and if I ever go out again.
FYI Babysitting does not count as going out :ghug:
04-27-2008, 02:59 AM
I'm a real homebody myself, but then there are times when I just need to get out. But I'm only out for a short period and then right back home. I think alot of it is there is just really nothing that exciting to do around here and then there are ...the doggies.
04-27-2008, 06:40 AM
Janet, I do understand how you feel to some extent. I have very little family, none I really get together with. I think I've spoken about them before. My children are now 2 hours away. That's why I run to where they are so often. Thankfully, they ask me to come, so it's not like I'm imposing on their time without them wanting me there. Hopefully this relationship will continue.
I have a couple of friends I can run around with besides my hubby. One of them does not work outside the home, so whenever I have time, she's ready to go!! My other 2 other close friends work like I do, so we don't see each other often outside of church. Once in a while we will do something on the weekend, but one of them has one son still at home who is involved in school and sport activities, so her time is rather limited.
It's tough making good close friends. I think that is why we all enjoy it on here so much. Women are designed to be social creatures, and I think we need to find ways to connect with others and develop these friendships.
We're here for you though when you are feeling lonely. You can always count on us!!
04-27-2008, 07:58 AM
Thank you Marilyn, I know I can always count on the ladies here and I value these friendships so much, but it sure would be nice to have a friend right here close to go do something with once in awhile.
We use to get together with other couples when we were younger, but most of them are divorced now and we or they didn't continue on with the friendships. Strange that at least one of us didn't value the friendship enough to keep it going.
Oh well...I'm sure I will feel much better when I can spend a little more time at least outside. It was up near 80 for a few days and it was wonderful and beautiful and all the furbabies loved being outside. Now, it's back in the 50's and feels soooo cold and at night down to the low 30's. I'm trying to be patient, but it sure is
04-27-2008, 08:28 AM
Maybe we should all get dinner. And have it together on here. We could have a dinner date. :) I always eat at the puter anyway!:D
04-27-2008, 08:33 AM
Sounds like a great idea, but I just know I'd spill or drop something into the keyboard...LOL.. yes I'm sloppy and I admit it...LOL
Aww Janet we are always here for you we are all cyber buddies :)
I have always been a social person and have many good friends. We all don't see each other because we live in different states. But we speak and email each other often. I do meet some friends like I did last night for dinner and we sometimes go to the city to see a play. At least once or twice a year..
I have my family nearby so I am see them often, cousins, and brother's family. I work so I have made many friendships with other realtors and we get together go to AC and do lunch. I can understand if no one is around it could be lonely for someone.
What about the other bus drivers at work, no special friendships there? I wish you lived by me I keep you busy. Whenever you are alone.. just holler .. :)
04-27-2008, 08:45 AM
Please don't feel bad for me, I just need to get out and make some friends. I have LynneB who I love to pieces, but she works and has her husband and furkids, and Linda (2tiredmom) up and moved 2 hours away. It would just be nice to pick up the phone once in awhile and say hey, "want to run to town for lunch?" You know.
04-27-2008, 11:48 AM
:wavey: Don't feel bad, I got you a purse today to cheer you up!!3037 :sidesplit:
04-27-2008, 12:08 PM
:wavey: Don't feel bad, I got you a purse today to cheer you up!!3037 :sidesplit:
I just peed my freak'n pants thank you very much!!!! Be back in a minute:wavecry:
Janet, you're right... it's important to have friends you can get together with. As you see by the responses here, I think there are a lot of women our age who feel as we do. We've spent so much time raising our families and working that we've lost touch... and it's hard to take that first step to regain those relationships. BUT I've found that when I call someone out of the blue and say "HI, I've been thinking about you and wondered if you have some free time to get together" People are usually very happy to be remembered and invited. It just takes working up the courage to make that first call. Wouldn't you LOVE to get a call like that? Others do too!
I have Londa... a very dear lady I grew up with and who is like a sister to me. I'd be lost without her! We rrely see each other because she works during the week, and is very active with her large family during her free time. But we still sneak in phone calls when we can just because we are determined to maintain our friendship. Now that the weather is improving, she walks during her breaks at work and will occasionally call me on her cell phone to talk as she walks. LOL It's an 8 minute phone call, but it means a lot to both of us since sometimes that's the best we can do.
04-27-2008, 03:16 PM
I am so fortunate to have good friends.
During the winter months I pretty much hibernate like an old bear.
During good weather!!! I took up kayaking this past summer!!! Loads of fun and we have about 6-8 of us that try to get out every Sunday. We pack a lunch and make a day out of it.
Then we try to get together at least twice a month for dinner and chat.
Talk on the phone often.
I would be lost without them.
I am not close with my sisters.. I call my friends my heart sisters.
Love my mom dearly, see her weekly, talk often, and have a very special brother who is more like my best friend. My brother and I were not raised together, same father, different mother.
Maybe that is why we are so close now in our adult life.
Plus I have the internet and you guys!!
Very important piece of my life.
You all may not hear from me often, but I am here daily for my 'fix'.
This is such a great forum!!!
Thank you all for sharing a bit of your life!!
04-27-2008, 06:09 PM
Please don't feel bad for me, I just need to get out and make some friends. I have LynneB who I love to pieces, but she works and has her husband and furkids, and Linda (2tiredmom) up and moved 2 hours away. It would just be nice to pick up the phone once in awhile and say hey, "want to run to town for lunch?" You know.
Have you thought about calling a friend that works and offer to take her out for lunch. I did that a few times and really enjoyed it, but I haven't done it for awhile. I would call someone different each week and just have some one-on-one time with them.
04-28-2008, 03:29 AM
Have you thought about calling a friend that works and offer to take her out for lunch. I did that a few times and really enjoyed it, but I haven't done it for awhile. I would call someone different each week and just have some one-on-one time with them.
That's a great idea, Diana. I've had dear friends tell me that they had to visit the town where I work for some obsure reason during the week and thought about calling but they know I am always busy at work and that I go out of town a lot. I tell them they should call or stop by, it might be a day when I'm free, and I we could go to lunch or something. They always say that next time they will. One friend did call me for lunch one day and we had a really nice time. Never know till you ask!!
I find myself in the same boat a lot. I love my own space, and my friends understand me. They've learned that I'm not always going to jump at the chance for lunch, and dinner and a movie is just too much time together. They also kniow I love them dearly, and will be there for them if they need me.
What happens sometimes though is that I find that I have backed myself into my own corner! I'll get lonesome and nobody is around. I have to accept tne fact that they have learned not to count on me for once a week lunch., etc., but then I have to pay the price whenI need some company and they've made other plans.
Ah well...I guess I'm used to myself.
Chandra Amaya
04-28-2008, 09:51 PM
I have my kids, my husband, my mom and my siblings. i have recently made a friend who is a mother with no family other than her son, but yes I wish quite often that i had friends to go out shopping or to lunch with. I do not have the money to do either so I guess not having friends to ask is a blessing.
04-28-2008, 11:09 PM
People have finally stopped asking me to go out, I always say no. I just like staying home with Mag and Bay. I like to do what I want, when I want to, and I figure at this point in my life I should do just that. I'm with you Judy, I love my own space, half the time I don't even answer the phone if I don't feel like chatting. Maybe that'll change later, we'll see.
04-29-2008, 07:07 AM
I feel the same as Judy and Kat. I love my own space. There are just times that I would like some company, and not just any company. I don't get asked out often, but a lot of the time I don't want to go. More often than not, I'm glad I went and had a great time, but the idea of going, just isn't something I want to think about.
04-29-2008, 09:43 AM
Janet, you're right... it's important to have friends you can get together with. As you see by the responses here, I think there are a lot of women our age who feel as we do. We've spent so much time raising our families and working that we've lost touch... and it's hard to take that first step to regain those relationships. BUT I've found that when I call someone out of the blue and say "HI, I've been thinking about you and wondered if you have some free time to get together" People are usually very happy to be remembered and invited. It just takes working up the courage to make that first call. Wouldn't you LOVE to get a call like that? Others do too!
Are you kidding me!! "Our Age" LOL
I am only 36 and I feel this way already! I would give anything to have some friends to go out with. We have only been here since 2004 and I have made some "friends" if thats what you want to call them. Casual friends is more like it. I still haven't met anyone that I am comfortable going shopping with and so on. Oh well maybe one day. :rolleyes:
I'm here alone this weekend and enjoying it I might add. :) BUT....I thought it would be nice to go out to eat and I honestly don't have any friends that live close to ask to go with me. That realization made me sad for a moment or two.:(
Even my family is older brother and his wife are on their way back from Florida with Mom and I really don't have any friends that I do anything with. I mean, they are people I speak with, but as for friends, confidants..I don't have any.
I do have Lynne and all of you, but no one that lives close. I guess I can see what kind of life I'll have if I don't get out there more...huh? Kind of scary to think I may be totally alone someday.
Do any of you worry about this at all? Or are you quite social and go do things with friends often?
I was in that position till we moved to Tn. We volunteer a lot here, attend a very active small church, know most of our neighbors, and often go to dinner with them. We're also retired so have more time to do things with others. People here are the friendliest of any place I've lived.
Chandra Amaya
04-30-2008, 01:48 PM
Are you kidding me!! "Our Age" LOL
I am only 36 and I feel this way already! I would give anything to have some friends to go out with. We have only been here since 2004 and I have made some "friends" if thats what you want to call them. Casual friends is more like it. I still haven't met anyone that I am comfortable going shopping with and so on. Oh well maybe one day. :rolleyes:
I'm in Tennessee. maybe we should get together.:D
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