View Full Version : Building the business
We're in the process of building more runs for the dogs. Our place is in the country and we have an acre lot, so have plenty of area to work with thank goodness.
We've bought 16 foot long panels such as you use for horse fences... it's 4' tall and very strong. Each dog will have their own 8' x 16' run. Around the top and bottom we put a single strand of electric fence wire so if the dogs try to go over or under they would get a shock. They touch it once or twice and decide it's not worth it... so they avoid the fence. We'll be putting up 4 runs right next to each other, so 16 x 32 all together, with an entry pen on the front so if any of the dogs would get out through the gate they'd just be in an outer pen rather than running loose. We're going to put 4x8 sheets of lattice around the outside of the runs to make them look better and plant vines on those so there's more privacy and a bit of shade offered.
We've got one large 32 x 32 run besides that we plan to use for dams and their litters, and are planning a viewing area where I can take the available pups away from the other dogs when people come to see or pick them up. I plan to put a couple of wood benches in this area so people who can't sit on the ground for whatever reason can still get down to a level that they can play with pups without having to squat or bend for a long period of time. Since many of my buyers seem to be baby boomers, I've tried to keep that in mind while planning.
I bought the materials today, and they're supposed to be delivered for us tomorrow. My dogs all spend more time in the house than outside, but I need to be able to put them out and separate them at times, so this is my plan.
04-28-2008, 06:46 PM
Wow, it sounds like a nice plan, Tink. I think you've thought of everything!!! Your dogs and customers should be very pleased!!
Chandra Amaya
04-28-2008, 08:29 PM
very good idea, Tink. I hope it goes smoothly for you.
04-29-2008, 07:29 AM
Sounds nice Tink.
04-29-2008, 08:05 AM
Sounds good. My DIL wants to do something like that, but she can't decide on what breed of dog to start with.
04-29-2008, 08:17 AM
Tink, you are so organized and know just exactly what you want!! I'm impressed!!!
What type of dogs do you breed? Sounds like it will be a nice setup.
05-08-2008, 05:48 AM
What a great project, I hope it goes smoothly. Why is it that the simplest projects always get out of control? Here's hoping it goes exactly as you planned!
Thanks ladies
Greg's hardly been home these past few weeks, so the construction is going very slowly. We have the side and back walls completed, but not dividers or front yet.
I breed Labradoodles, and own a chocolate standard poodle male and 2 black and one chocolate Lab females. One of the black labs will soon be retired due to her age, (she currently has eight 3 week old pups; 5 of which are reserved) and the other black is 2 and due to have her first litter in just under 3 weeks (with 2 reserved). The chocolate is in need of some serious TLC and won't be bred until she learns to trust me. She came from a very abusive situation just a couple months ago, so has some real fear issues.
05-08-2008, 01:01 PM
Tink I am sure all your hard work will pay off.
I'm finally in the process of getting my DNA testing done on my breeding dogs.
I'm going to start out by testing Chip, Bella and Hickory. I'm leaning seriously toward having Canada spayed and retiring her, so don't see any point in putting money into the DNA testing for her.
The DNA test I'm using tests for:
# Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
# Hypothyroidism with Goiter (HTG)
(Congenital Hypothyroidism)
# Cystinuria (CYST)
# Globoid Cell Leucodystrophy (GCL)
# Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL)
# Phosphofructosokinase Deficiency (PFK)
# Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)
# Narcolepsy (NARC)
# Cone degeneration (CD)
# Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency (CLAD)
# Hemophilia B (HmB)
# Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
# Myotonia Congenita (MC)
# GMI Gangliosidosis (GMIG)
# Retinal Dystrophy (prad)
# Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII (GUSB_NOSVVIII)
# Thrombasthenic Thrombopathia (THROM)
And will give a complete analysis of your dogs color genes so I will know for sure what color potentials each of them can pass on.
This also is used as a "fingerprint' of each individual dog so that if they or any of their off-spring are ever stolen or there's any question about their parentage, we'd have these recorded to verify them or any of their offspring at any time free of charge.
This is my first step to certifying the dogs as premium breeders. Now I'm going to be on pins and needles till I get the results back and know they're all clear. **Crossing my fingers!**
Taurus Babe
05-08-2008, 07:11 PM
Wow! Both DNA and new running areas are exciting! You are really coming along with your breeding program!
05-08-2008, 09:06 PM
You're doing a great job Tink, we admire you so much.:thumbup:
05-09-2008, 03:15 AM
Very prudent of you to do this!! I'd be so afraid something bad would be found and then what do you do?
That is a big fear Marilyn, and if anything shows up that is a threat to their offspring I'd have to research whether it's something that needs both parents to pass down so they'd be safe but couldn't be breeders; or if it's something just one parent having it could pass to them, I'd have to spay/neuter the affected dogs which would be sad and frustrating.
BUT if I get clean results on them, I will know I can breed them worry free for several years. That of course is what I'm hoping for! The fact that they're all so young means it's well worth getting it done.
We finally got a 16' x 16' pen finished this evening for Canada and the pups. They'll be 4 weeks old on Wednesday, so are climbing out of the pool many times a day and are now relieving themselves without Canada's help, so I find surprises everywhere. Time to move outside before my house smells like a kennel.
We had the pups out all afternoon while we worked on it, so they got to play in the grass and explore. Just a bit ago I fed them and put them and Canada in the pen. She looked less than thrilled... she'd much rather be in the house. I'm relieved to be able to get her and them out so they can do their messing outside.
Greg built a nice new dog house for them, and when I came in they were all in there nursing, so hopefully they'll know to go in there for warmth and shelter. They can climb in and out by themselves just fine.
05-12-2008, 07:07 PM
So glad you are making progress Tink.
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