View Full Version : What would you change about hubby??

09-23-2006, 11:56 AM
This thread isn't to beat our hubby's down, it's just if you could change a few things about him, what would it be??

1. Make him think some appearance are important.
Such as...mowing the lawn when it needs it so you don't have to rake or
sweep. Help plant flowers, shrubs so it looks nice.

2. Don't leave things in the back room. He just drops anything back there. When
people come to the back door it sometimes looks horrible. Bad first impression
of our home.

3. Dress better

4. Have cleaner hands. (Works on cars and his nails/hands always looks dirty.

5. He is very selfish with money. When we go out as a family, we split it most of
the time.

6. Do things because they need done, not because I tell him...

I guess that's enough for awhile....I could probably think of a lot if I took more time!! LOL

09-23-2006, 12:08 PM
Hmmm, this might be easier to ask when I am mad at him. LMAO! But, Id have to say I wish he'd listen better. :p

(as i was typing this he walked up behind me and gave me a kiss on the neck. Geez, now I feel guilty. LOL)

09-23-2006, 12:11 PM
Hmmm, this might be easier to ask when I am mad at him. LMAO! But, Id have to say I wish he'd listen better. :p

(as i was typing this he walked up behind me and gave me a kiss on the neck. Geez, now I feel guilty. LOL)

See that's exactly what I mean....stuff like that never happens here. Maybe if it did, my feelings toward him would change..I doubt it, but anything's possible.

09-23-2006, 12:22 PM
Things i would change about my better half, let's see.

1: i wish he would take he's cup and glas to the kitchen before he goes to bed.
(ive told him to do so many times but he "forgets")

Geezzz girls, i think i need to come back to this thread when i'm p$$d off with him LOL

09-23-2006, 12:24 PM
Hmmm, this might be easier to ask when I am mad at him. LMAO! But, Id have to say I wish he'd listen better. :p

(as i was typing this he walked up behind me and gave me a kiss on the neck. Geez, now I feel guilty. LOL)

LMAO!!! I asked Vic to come see to something on the pc just before i logged on to 4WT, i can't say what he did to me LOL (let ur imagination run freeeeee) hahahaha

ice queen
09-23-2006, 12:26 PM
i wish my hubby would clean up after himself, wash his own clothes, put the lid down, mow the yard, cut the firewood and kindling, etc. etc. but mostly pick up after himself.....sometimes i think if i would have known that being married to him meant that i would have to be his maid 24/7 i would have bolted!!!:rolleyes: i don't mind picking up after myself and the children because that is what mothers do but i HATE having to pick up after him. i have been trying not to let it get to me but uuuggghhhhh!!! do you know it is 3:15 in the afternoon and his ass is still in bed snoring!!! after paying some bills today i don't know how i'm going to get thru the next two weeks while he is offshore. plus i bitch about him being so lazy when he is home when i know how hard he works offshore. his daddy is 64 years old-semi-retired from Schlumberger(oil company) and he does more in one dang day than my hubby does in a year!!! he doesn't take after his mom(she's a clean freak) or his daddy (workaholic to the bone) i am starting to wonder if he was switched at birth!!!:rolleyes: :p :D :D

09-23-2006, 12:27 PM
LMAO!!! I asked Vic to come see to something on the pc just before i logged on to 4WT, i can't say what he did to me LOL (let ur imagination run freeeeee) hahahaha

:eek: :D :eek: You GO girl!! :p

09-23-2006, 12:31 PM
ice queen: I know how you feel...mine will do stuff if I tell or ask him too, but for crying out loud, why should I have to. If he sees something that's not where it belongs (like on the floor) why can't he just pick it up. Drives me nuts. He's the type also that if he did pick it up he would just throw it in his closet. It's not really fixing the problem, just moving it.

I've always heard that people who are not alike have good marriages, but that is definitely not what is happening here. :mad:

09-23-2006, 02:58 PM
As I've said before, I'm a germaphobe. So, the only thing I'd change about my hubby is that I would want him to be more sanitary...i.e. wash his hands more, brush his teeth twice a day instead of one, ect. I would also want him to be more romantic. He is very thoughtful, but not really too "romantic." He would never think to surprise me with things or anything like that. It's not because he doesn't care, he just shows his love in a different way, which is fine too.

09-23-2006, 04:01 PM
I wish he would do more around the house and just be nicer all around

09-23-2006, 05:52 PM
As I've said before, I'm a germaphobe. So, the only thing I'd change about my hubby is that I would want him to be more sanitary...i.e. wash his hands more, brush his teeth twice a day instead of one, ect. I would also want him to be more romantic. He is very thoughtful, but not really too "romantic." He would never think to surprise me with things or anything like that. It's not because he doesn't care, he just shows his love in a different way, which is fine too.

I like Rebecca wish my husband was more romantic, but after 24 yrs . it ain't happening lol, he is thoughtful in his own way, cooks for me or takes me out to dinner on weekends when I am working, does make me breakfasts on weekends. He is a big worrier always worrying about money.. why I don't know I am not rich but we do ok. He needs to relax and enjoy life. He doesn't know how to have fun.

09-24-2006, 03:12 PM
:D Nothing!!!!! :D

09-24-2006, 04:54 PM
1) That he would help out more around the house. It's not like I'm a stay at home mom.

2) That he was more romantic.

09-24-2006, 07:06 PM
i wouldn't change a thing, i love him just the way he is :)

09-25-2006, 08:01 AM
The only thing I can't stand about my hubby is the fact that he has this bad haabit of cutting me off while I am speaking! GRRRRRR. I have gotten to the point that if he does it and we are at home, I just walk away from him and go into the bedroom and shut the door! LOL!!!! If it happens when we are public in front of people, I shoot him the LOOK, and he gets it......:rolleyes:

He is getting better at not cutting me off, and he knows it pisses me off, but he has been better, but every so often he relapses and has a few bad days! But I tell him all the time, he gets that from his mother, she does it all the time. GRRRR. I hate that! So now I just walk away from her too when she does that!

09-29-2006, 08:35 AM
Even though we aren't married yet, but will be soon.

I love him the way he is personality wise and everything.. the only thing i'd change was.. i wish he would be more affectionate towards me.. do little romantic things like when we first started dating..

I know its all changed because we've got a baby and everything.. but i'd like for us to have our time together too yenno?

i just wish i shouldn't have to tell him to be sweet to me and have him do it on his own.. i hate asking for things that he should already do. lol..

but other than that he's great. :thumbup: :thumbup:

09-29-2006, 09:08 AM
I would really talk with him about this, because it really doesn't change a whole lot after marriage. With some it does, but I don't think so for most. If you can't overlook it now.....it may get to be a bigger issue later. :)

09-30-2006, 06:02 PM
i wouldnt change anything but then we have only been together 3 years so give it time ladies and in a few years i might be able to fill up the post lol:D

Tiger Lily
10-01-2006, 10:50 AM
I can see where all you ladies are coming from when you say 'more help around the house'....but unfortunately (and Yes, I am stereotyping) I think this is a man thing.

I will admitt that my guy unloads the dishwasher every morining that it is full, but then he expects some kind of major reward for it or something. I'm always telling him...."Well who do you think shopped for the food, prepared it, cooked it, put it ON the plates, served it, wiped the plates off, put them IN the dishwasher, washed all the pots & pans, put the leftovers away, wiped the table & counters & floors????? AND doesn't mention that she's done it several times!!" Then I ask him, when's the last time you made the bed, vacuumed, done laundry, gone grocery shopping, mopped the floors, or cleaned a toilet?? This usually shuts him up!!

But seriously, I would change two things.
1. Affection, romance, sex......need it more!!
2. Discipline his daughter. She's an every other weekend kid & I don't feel that she's disciplined as much as mine (who is with us full time). Plus, I think he gives her a lot of power.....decisions of what to do as a family are too often left up to her & I am a firm believer in kids are kids & WE are the parents!! I could go on & on here (yes, we have issues) but that would be another thread.

All in all though.......there is FAR more than 2 things that I LOVE about my guy!!

10-07-2006, 01:45 PM
Hmmm....Only thing I think I would change would be sex....LOL I want it lots and lots! and anytime of the day suits me just fine!

I have seriously thought of checking into Viagra for him just because his drive doesn't seem to match mine!

Sherry Lynn
10-07-2006, 07:22 PM
Hmmmmm.... I can't come up with anything off the top of my head. Over the years I must have changed them already!;)

10-09-2006, 07:39 AM
More sex, more places, & different times. He just wants to do it right before bed in bed & want it to be a little more passionate, where he has to have right here right now.

I would like him to be more talkative when we have a problem with our relationship. If he would communicate with me more we could come up with a compromise instead of me telling him what I want, him promising to do it, him ending up not doing it, & me being mad again because he broke a promise.