View Full Version : It makes me sad

05-10-2008, 12:38 AM
I know I have not been here in awhile but I will be here more now. I really need to vent about something and my friends probably don't understand it. Okay I was in contact with someone I was going to buy a puppy from and I started finding out different stuff about them.I even defended them when all sorts of allegations were brought against them. Well the puppy was going to be gift to me and the person who was going to buy him decided not too because they did their own research ad felt that someone who is not showing their dogs should not charge so much and also the prices kept goig up and down. Anyway I went through the heartbreak of explaning and she understood and told me even if I do not get a puppy from here she would always be my friend. I told her a lot of things that happen to me when I was young and she went through the same and was giving me advice.Y Well long story short, now when I say things to her she doesn't say much back and It makes me sad. I am a very sensitive person. I just don't understand why someone who was suppose to be my friend would treat me this way? Sorry if this vent may sound stupid:(

05-10-2008, 02:26 AM
Your venting does not sound stupid. You feel how you feel! People come in and out of our lives our entire lives. If they stay then that's wonderful, but if not...move on and meet new people.

Taurus Babe
05-10-2008, 08:38 AM
Oh quote time!

"If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you" Don Miguel Ruiz

Hang in there. Find a true friend. Be honest with her. Maybe she is having an off week. If she really is not being your friend cause you didn't buy a puppy from her, let her go hunny!

I'm so sorry you're feeling sad right now. Cheer up! Go do something nice for yourself.

05-10-2008, 09:20 AM
Thank you ladies. What the both of you have stated is the truth. I shouldn't think everyone is my fried anyway. Yes Taurus Babe me not buying the puppy was really the big deal to her I feel horrible that it was. She went from calling me everyday supposely checking to see if I was okay because of a email I had receieved which was a scam till just be cold towards me. I should stop being so senstive but I dont know this really hurt especially after sharing with her something that I only tell my true friends.