View Full Version : My family experienced a TERRIBLE loss this morning

05-24-2008, 04:43 AM
I am so sad. We had a MAJOR loss in the family today

we enjoyed each other every morning...and the occasional evenings. We really do have some great memories together. I am truly heart broken

it's my coffee maker. yep...it died. it has been sick for some time...but this morning, I just can't seem to revive it.

This coffee maker came to me in a very funny way. well, funny to me. For my bridal shower, my mother in law decided NOT to shop from my registry...and instead bought me over $300 worth of plates....with ROOSTERS on them. Now...to each his own....but she has been to my house many times and knows that we do not have ANYTHING like that. nothing at all. so we kindly accepted, then took them back to Williams Sonoma and got a $317 credit to use there. We bought a nice coffee maker, a nice bread box, a submersible blender, and a few knick knacks. we made out quite nicely actually

the last couple of months, the coffee maker has been shutting off a lot...kinda like it is shorting out. the company told us that we just need to clean it with vinegar. well, we did that...as we do all the time anyway...and it still was crapping the bed. it is still under warranty, so we called again and they want us to pay $10 for shipping a new one to us, plus pay to ship the old one to them via ups. well...we have decided to wait until it is completely dead...and I woke up this morning to a completely dead coffee maker.

R.I.P. my friend!!!! 3412

05-24-2008, 09:43 AM
I'm not a big coffee drinker, but if our coffee maker met it's demise, my husband would probably go into a 1 year mourning period.

So sorry for the loss of your close companion.

05-24-2008, 11:05 AM
Toodles, I'm so sorry for your loss. There just aren't words to convey my sorrow at your loss. Just know that your coffee maker is free of all pain and full of peace at this moment. I just can't image how you felt sitting by and knowing that the coffee maker was in it's final days. How sad and I'm sure that it was hard on you and your family. Just know that you and your family are in my prayers and may you soon find another coffee maker that makes you just as happy as this one did. I know that your search will be difficult but just remember that my thoughts are with you. {{{{{{Toodles}}}}}}

05-24-2008, 12:19 PM
Oh Toodles, first your cookies went missing, and now this tragic demise of your morning best friend.

I'm so sorry for your loss(es)!

05-24-2008, 12:23 PM
Oh Mandee, I'm so sorry to hear of this loss to you and your family. One just never knows how quickly a loved one can be taken from us. We grow to depend on them being there each and every morning, sometimes throughout the day and then when they are gone, we feel we just can't go on without them.

Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers my friend.

05-24-2008, 07:29 PM
Toodles, you must have been devistated!!! I don't know what we would do without our pot of Starbucks Expresso Roast piping hot and ready to help us meet the day. :44: So hope that you can somehow get by until the new maker arrives. Wishing you our sincerest condolences.