View Full Version : Taking a break

06-01-2008, 08:41 AM
My oldest dd and her family sold their house on Friday and are signing the contract on a new one tomorrow. They live just over an hr from me. She's taken a few days off work to clean, paint, pack and move. I'm planning to go there on Monday night or Tuesday and spend a couple days. I can't be a lot of help physically, but can help with the girls, help with directing the move and so on.

For me, it's a chance to get away and spend some time with my grandbabies and my Mom who lives just blocks from them. I'll be staying at Moms overnight and helping the others as needed.

Just thought I should let you all know so you don't think I've gotten sick or abandoned you all.

Chandra Amaya
06-01-2008, 11:30 AM
Have a great time and enjoy the time with the grandkids, Tink.

06-01-2008, 12:07 PM
It sounds nice. 4 generations spending time together. Enjoy yourself and rest up.

06-01-2008, 12:20 PM
Thanks Tink for letting us know. We worry when one of us is missing in action ya know...LOL.

Just have yourself a good rest while you're there and enjoy your family.

06-01-2008, 04:49 PM
Tink, thank you so much for letting us know and have a wonderful time with your family. You deserve a break!!!

06-01-2008, 04:51 PM
Have a great visit with your family!

06-02-2008, 01:08 PM
Enjoy your visit!

06-04-2008, 10:20 AM
We're missing you!! Hope you are having a wonderful time!!

06-04-2008, 10:30 AM
Enjoy your visit Tink,,,,, :)

06-04-2008, 11:23 AM
I bet you're having a great time with those beautiful little granddaughters of yours!!! I'm so glad that you let us know that you were going to be gone for a few days because we'd have been very worried about you. Make sure that you take care of yourself.

06-05-2008, 05:59 AM
Miss you Tink! I hope you're feeling much, much better. Kiss up those grandkids
and enjoy every second!

Love ya,
