View Full Version : Planning-Warning Soap Box

06-05-2008, 09:12 AM
Most of you know that I lost my BF. She was our controller here at the office. This situation has caused me to do a lot of thinking.

1st-Discuss what you want for your funeral with your family. Make sure that everyone understands. (I just did that will all of mine.) So that there are no arguments over what should be done.

2nd-All positions at your office should have an SOP book with how to's, passwords, processes, etc. I know it takes time to do, but once its done it is easier to keep up.

We are having to get all kinds of help to figure things out. I really wish we could have organized and planned better.

Oh yeah and that goes for everything at home too! Does everyone know where the bills are owed, where the ins policies are, etc.

Ok end of soap box.

06-05-2008, 10:38 AM
Michelle, that is a good idea, i did a living will, and increased our life insurance, since having my son, i didn't even think of some of this stuff before, didn't get funeral arrangements done yet, but my sister will take care of this if needed...

06-05-2008, 10:40 AM
These are things people don't want to talk about, but as you see, it's very important to plan ahead. When I became disabled I left my job with no notice and I was proud of the fact that I only ever got a couple of phone calls....someone was able to jump in and pick up right where I left off. Of course it's a hit to the ego to realize you are so easily replaced! But our company was big on everything being accessable. We had a young woman in our marketing department who was killed in a car accident while working. After she died everyone had to make sure their client information was up to date. It's unfortunate when a tragedy has to happen to get people motivated.

Thanks for the reminder, it is important!

06-05-2008, 10:53 AM
Those are all great ideas Michelle. It should never be left for someone else to deal with whether it's at the job or home.

I can't get my mother to do anything...she must think she'll live forever so it will fall on us 3 kids. There will be so many arguements when she goes...I just know it.

06-05-2008, 11:00 AM
My husband and I have had "the discussion". We both know what the other's wishes are. My daughter and her bf sang a song from the broadway show Wicked at the 8th grade variety show. So, one day we were talking about funerals and I said "I want that song from Wicked sung at my funeral" (meaning "For Good") My son pipes up with "What? 'No On Mourns The Wicked'? He's funny. ha.ha,ha. :rolleyes:

06-05-2008, 12:02 PM
My husband and I have had "the discussion". We both know what the other's wishes are. My daughter and her bf sang a song from the broadway show Wicked at the 8th grade variety show. So, one day we were talking about funerals and I said "I want that song from Wicked sung at my funeral" (meaning "For Good") My son pipes up with "What? 'No On Mourns The Wicked'? He's funny. ha.ha,ha. :rolleyes:

Sorry to go off topic, but WHAT?! Megan has a boyfriend? How did I miss this! Tell her congrats from me and to make sure he treats her right!

06-05-2008, 04:19 PM
I had "the discussion" with Jessie about a month ago. I have the papers for everything. I need to go to my union's legal service for a free consultation, but since I'm moving, I probably won't get there. I'll get it done somewhere.

I don't want to be buried. I want my body used for science, although I plan to be at least 120 when I do go. I don't know how useful my organs would be for someone at that point. Regardless, there are other ways they can use it.

My daughter wants to have somewhere where she can visit me. I suggested that she frame my tattoos. (She thinks I'm nuts). We discussed cremation, but she doesn't want my ashes on her mantel. I think she can take my nose or something and bury it on her land.

I have a very dark sense of humor at times.

06-09-2008, 02:19 PM
Sorry to go off topic, but WHAT?! Megan has a boyfriend? How did I miss this! Tell her congrats from me and to make sure he treats her right!

Sorry, that's what happens when I use computer short hand and don't know what I'm doing! I meant her best friend....no, no boyfriends, she is not allowed to date until she is 16. (Or maybe 30, I haven't decided yet!)

06-17-2008, 02:53 PM
I agree that you need to let your family know how you want your funeral planned out. My father-in-law had always told my husband and I how he wanted to be buried but he never told the rest of the family and so he didn't get what he wanted. But aside from not being thrown in a hole and covered up, I thought that the family did a pretty good job and the funeral was a real tribute to him.

When my Dad died I had his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, his brother, my brother and sister-in-law, neices, step-grandchildren, and a woman that I wasn't sure how she was connected to my Dad, trying to help make decisions or let me know what I'd done wrong. I just tried to do my best. I know that my Dad probably wanted different songs than what I'd done but he didn't leave me any ideas of what he wanted.

My Dad ended up with a hot wheels car and a love letter (from the strange woman) that didn't make a bit of sense in the casket with him, along with some other stuff! I was so glad when that day was over!!!