View Full Version : I got sunburnt!

06-15-2008, 07:59 AM
The boys had to run to town yesterday so I thought I would be nice and start mowing. I really do like to mow most of the time, but decided I do more than my share around her so it is now their job to do.

Anyway..it was really nice and sunny, but it didn't really feel uncomfortably hot or anything. I ended up mowing the whole yard (an acre) and then the boys did the trimming when they got home.

I didn't notice it until yesterday afternoon, but then by last night I was really red on my face, arms (I wore a tank top) back of my neck and chest and above my knees.

The burn is not sore, but when I took the doggies outside and I sat in the swing..that sun was starting to make it hurt. So...I guess that means I can't stay in the sun long today.

06-15-2008, 09:41 AM
I saw on the news today that yogurt, mixed with ??? (look on CBS' website) is good for a sunburn.

They also said that tannic acid (a tea bath) really helps take the red down and stops any pain.

I'm peeling (my face) the first time in years. I laid out for about 3 hours at the beach this week. That sun is strong this year. I also never lay out for that long until I build up a tan.

You have to remember your sunscreen Missy!

06-15-2008, 01:09 PM
It doesn't take long if you're not building up to it gradually!
I use sunscreen and try to stay out of the sun because of my allergy to it, and I still seem to have to mess up at least once every year and pay for it. lol

06-15-2008, 04:07 PM
Well, I'm not sore now, but it itches some. I'm sure it will be gone by tomorrow. I use to lay in the sun for hours and have even used Crisco oil, but that's been awhile. I'm trying to be nicer to my skin the last couple of years, but I'm just not use to using sunscreen and it never even crosses my mind. Hopefully it will the next time....yeah right!!!....LOL

06-15-2008, 04:15 PM
Janet, I got some sunscreen you might like. It's made for little kids, so has a high screening factor... 40 I think? But it sprays on... so I close my eyes, suck my lips in and exhale through my nose while I spray my face and arms lol... Quite a show, but it works good and it doesn't feel heavy or icky on the skin. I know keep it near the door so I will remember to apply it before I go out.

06-15-2008, 04:26 PM
You're a smart woman Tink...now what is the name of this stuff?

06-15-2008, 05:31 PM
What I have is "Fruit of the Earth" Block up! Kids spf 30

I hate having to rub the stuff on, so this spray works great for me. It's water/sweat resistant and fast drying.

The ONLY complaint I have about it is that if I get it on my hair it does make my hair look a bit greasy.

I think I got it at Wal Mart.

06-15-2008, 05:36 PM
Janet try some aloe , if you have the plant that is the best they say for any burn.

06-15-2008, 07:38 PM
My daughter uses the Neutrogena spray-on sunscreen and she loves it. It costs a little bit more but that's all she gets. Sorry that you got sunburnt, Janet. I'm glad that it wasn't any worse or you'd be hurting. I've been getting nicely brown with working in the yard. I wore my swimming suit for days while I worked and have a pretty good tan (anyway for me). I hate to get burned!!!

06-16-2008, 03:49 AM
Janet so hope you heal very soon. You need to be more careful, girl. You've got that redhead complection (sp?) to protect!!!

I use the spray on sunscreens, too, but not on my face. On my face I use sunscreen every day, a cream type.

Coppertone Waterbaby's makes a good spray on that seems to work well. I carry it in my golf bag, and have an extra one handy at home. I can't be outside very long at all before I burn, and have already had skin cancer (squamous cell, not malinoma).

Be careful out there!!!!

06-16-2008, 03:54 AM
I do hate to burn and I think if I would have stayed out in the sun for another 15 -20 minutes, it would have been sore, but I'm thankful it wasn't. This morning there is just a tan. I usually tan very well it I stay in the sun alot, but I have just preferred not to the last few years. I'm going to town here in a few so I think I'll pick up some sunscreen.

06-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Glad you weren't burned bad Janet. Sunburn is so painful!!