View Full Version : Chicken Pox's

06-24-2008, 03:04 AM
My doctor warned me about this, Micah got his chicken pox's shot a couple weeks ago and the outbreak is here, he has chicken pox's, the problem is now my husband never had them, so he's trying to stay away from Micah for awhile, i told him not to bath him or change his diaper for a couple of days, My doctor has him on Benedyl 4 times a day, watching for a fever or the rash to get worse, so if you guys don't here from me, you know i'll be taking micah back to the doctor's, i told na na, call me if he gets worse....

06-24-2008, 03:37 AM
Awwwww, poor baby!!! Hope it isn't too bad!!!! & sure hope Hubby doesn't get it.

06-24-2008, 03:43 AM
Awwwww, poor baby!!! Hope it isn't too bad!!!! & sure hope Hubby doesn't get it.

so far Marilyn he just has pox marks, if it gets any worse, i'm leaving work and running him to his Peditricians. I'm not taking any chances with this. Cause if Hubby gets it, he's high risk of shingles. and i know these are very painful.

06-24-2008, 04:40 AM
so far Marilyn he just has pox marks, if it gets any worse, i'm leaving work and running him to his Peditricians. I'm not taking any chances with this. Cause if Hubby gets it, he's high risk of shingles. and i know these are very painful.

Haley funny you should brought this topic up. I went for my yearly phycial yesterday. The dr. asked me if I ever had the chicken pox as a child. I told her that I don't think so and that my children had them badly and I had slept with them. I also have been around adults who have had the shingles. She said most likely is that I am immuned to them. But she wants to run a blood test to see. She did tell me that if you have never had chicken pox you do not get the shingles. That is only if you had them as a child.

The dr. told me that a person who never had chicken pox would get the chicken pox as an adult and it would be dangerous. Infection to the brain can happen and severe scarring. I don't want to scare you. Tell your husband to get a blood test or talk to the dr. about it.

Aww I hope Micah is feeling better. :)

06-24-2008, 04:47 AM
We'll of coarse Mike called his mother yesterday and she has him scared, she thinks she a nurse, HA, the woman is just a nurse's Aid, there is a huge difference!
She so stupid she told him to stay away from Micah for a couple days etc !
I told Mike she is nuts, who the hell is going to take care of him!.. Chicken poxs is air borne virus anyways, if your going to get your going to get it..
I told him to go move in with his mother a couple days ! There driving me crazy!

06-24-2008, 05:55 AM
My understanding is that a child is most contagious before and while breaking out, so your hubby has already been exposed. Now you just wait to see if he gets them. I've known adults who got them and yes, they did get a worse case of it, but all turned out fine in the end.

Usually for a child the worst of the sickness is over by the time theyr'e done breaking out, so your little guy should be just fine now. Itchy, but not terribly sick.

06-24-2008, 06:04 AM
My understanding is that a child is most contagious before and while breaking out, so your hubby has already been exposed. Now you just wait to see if he gets them. I've known adults who got them and yes, they did get a worse case of it, but all turned out fine in the end.

Usually for a child the worst of the sickness is over by the time theyr'e done breaking out, so your little guy should be just fine now. Itchy, but not terribly sick.

Thanks Tink, like i said his mother thinks she a nurse, there nuts! That's why the doctor told me to give him benedryl incase he's itchy, and to bring down the rash.
Mikes family just worries about themselves thats how they always been! Sad but true..
Like you said i think the worse is over with, just have to watch for a fever now.
Na Na said he's doing fine, he even ate waffles this morning, so i'm feeling alittle bit better today, i didn't even want to come to work today, should have took the day off.

06-24-2008, 08:00 AM
Poor little guy! I hope he gets well soon. This is the problem I have with the chicken pox vaccine.....I remember how miserable he was when he got the shot. Now, he has to go through the misery of the disease too. Doesn't make any sense to me.....Hope all is well very quickly, especially since your hubby can't help out! That sucks.

06-24-2008, 08:04 AM
Thanks Tink, like i said his mother thinks she a nurse, there nuts! That's why the doctor told me to give him benedryl incase he's itchy, and to bring down the rash.
Mikes family just worries about themselves thats how they always been! Sad but true..
Like you said i think the worse is over with, just have to watch for a fever now.
Na Na said he's doing fine, he even ate waffles this morning, so i'm feeling alittle bit better today, i didn't even want to come to work today, should have took the day off.

Haley, don't beat yourself up because you are at work. It sounds like Micah is doing fine and he's being well taken care of. Save those days for when he really needs you!

06-24-2008, 08:21 AM
Haley, don't beat yourself up because you are at work. It sounds like Micah is doing fine and he's being well taken care of. Save those days for when he really needs you!

Thanks Teri, i just hated leaving him this morning, days like this it just sucks to be at work!

06-24-2008, 10:11 AM
I know what you mean Haley. I hated to leave Jessie when she didn't feel well to go to work. It sounds like he'll be fine though. I think the worst is over.

There's a vaccination for shingles, by the way.

Your MIL sounds really annoying. You have my sympathy.

06-24-2008, 10:17 AM
Thanks Teri, i just hated leaving him this morning, days like this it just sucks to be at work!

yeah, been there, survived that! You do what you have to do and before you know it, you look back and wonder where the heck the years went! When Kevin was little, I used a sitter one summer because I had to work days. I used to drop him off and he would stand at the door and cry "don't go mommy. don't go" I would cry all the way to work. Then when I would call the sitter she would tell me that before I even pulled out of the driveway he would take off to play with the other kids. When I picked him up in the evening he would cry that he didn't want to leave the sitter! That kid just loved to make me feel guilty!

06-25-2008, 02:44 AM
I hate when that boy cries, he has me wrapped around his little fingers!
We'll he was up at 3am this morning, screaming his head off. Took me an hour to rock him back to bed.. Gave him a dose of benedryl, the pox don't look to bad today, put some baby powder on him before sending him nana's house. Hopefully he takes a nice nap for her this afternoon, the poor kid was so tired yesterday he was falling asleep eating his dinner.

06-25-2008, 05:46 PM
I feel for you. You're such a good Mommy! Kiss Micah for me please.

I hope he has a better night.

06-25-2008, 07:06 PM
That sucks! They gave him the vacine to prevent chicken pox and it ended up giving it to him anyway! The good news is that you don't have to deal with that again. Chicken pox is hard no matter what age you are!!!

06-26-2008, 02:48 AM
Same thing last night, got up around 3:30 screaming agian. walked him around for about an hour and put on some cartoons, and he was fine, oh i need some sleep.. Hubby was no help he wouldn't calm down for him, he wanted his mommy!
So i just stayed up with him... Hope tonight is better.
Just think he has to get one more of these shots! Dear Lord !!...

06-26-2008, 03:01 AM
Sorry you're having such a hard time. Chicken Pox must be bad where you live. People don't think it's a big deal here. Most never even get the vaccine. I remember Ricky woke up one morning all broke out, but didn't have any problems with it at all. Didn't even itch very bad.

My Mom did get the Shingles a few years back. Very painful for her.

06-26-2008, 03:04 AM
Sorry you're having such a hard time. Chicken Pox must be bad where you live. People don't think it's a big deal here. Most never even get the vaccine. I remember Ricky woke up one morning all broke out, but didn't have any problems with it at all. Didn't even itch very bad.

My Mom did get the Shingles a few years back. Very painful for her.

Janet, he got the chicken pox's from the vaccine. It stinks they have to get all these stupid vaccines or they will Not let them in school or daycare.. my son don't go to daycare but still they force you into getting all these vaccines, and i don't think it's fair!

06-26-2008, 03:07 AM
Ok call me stupid. So if he got the shot. was it the shot that gave your child the chicken poxs. All three of my kids have had them. I never did get them. But my
brother got them when he was 30. Don't know why I never got them. I hope it works out that your hubby doesn't get them. I remember when my kids had them i just kept waiting tosee when i would get them but didn't Thank goodness.
I'll keep you all in my prayers.

06-26-2008, 03:16 AM
Ok call me stupid. So if he got the shot. was it the shot that gave your child the chicken poxs. All three of my kids have had them. I never did get them. But my
brother got them when he was 30. Don't know why I never got them. I hope it works out that your hubby doesn't get them. I remember when my kids had them i just kept waiting tosee when i would get them but didn't Thank goodness.
I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Yep, he got the pox's from the shot, but he's not bad, he has like 6-7 pox's, he has a big one on his face, about 3 on his stomach, and a couple on his butt. He's not covered with them, i looked on the internet yesterday and he can't spread the chicken pox's cause he don't have the full blown chicken pox's, he has a reaction from the vaccine, it's like 3 out of 10 kids get this reaction from the shot, But still being annual like i am, i strip his sheets and our bed sheets every other day and lysol the house and blech everything when he is sleeping, was up till 11 last night cleaning.. then he go up around 3:30.. oh i think i'm just relaxing tonight, and take him for a little walk when it cools down.

06-26-2008, 06:22 AM
Just curious.. When did he get the shot? Emmie had the chicken pox shot when she was 1 year old. Last year she managed to catch chicken pox 2 times. My doctor always told me that the shot does not mean that she would never catch them. It just meant that if she did get them that they wouldn't be very bad. Tink is right. They are contagious about 1 week before they break out and are still contagious till the last pox scabs over. Poor thing. I hope he feels better soon.

06-26-2008, 06:30 AM
Just curious.. When did he get the shot? Emmie had the chicken pox shot when she was 1 year old. Last year she managed to catch chicken pox 2 times. My doctor always told me that the shot does not mean that she would never catch them. It just meant that if she did get them that they wouldn't be very bad. Tink is right. They are contagious about 1 week before they break out and are still contagious till the last pox scabs over. Poor thing. I hope he feels better soon.

Micah got the shot June 10 th, i have a call into my peditrician, just waiting for her to call back.. She'll probably want me to come in, so it's going to be another long night for me, and people wonder why i live on coffee.... I'm going to get some Aveeno or something to bath him in tonight try to cool his skin down some, i cut his nails real short last night, noticed he was scratching his face.. I just need some sleep before i crack up...

06-26-2008, 06:32 AM
Haley I hope that little Micah is better today.That sucks having to get the vaccination then getting the poxs anyway. My son had the chicken pox at 5 yrs. old he got it very mildly like maybe 10, my daughter got it worse. Try putting camomdly lotion I cant spell it, it is pink lotion and very refreshing. I put that on the kids when they had them. Someone help me with the spelling..lol I use to give them baths with aveeno also refreshing..

The good news is that my blood tests show that I am immuned to the chicken pox virus that is why I never probably caught it with my kids. Your husband may be the same..

Kiss the little guy for me.. :)

06-26-2008, 06:42 AM
Haley I hope that little Micah is better today.That sucks having to get the vaccination then getting the poxs anyway. My son had the chicken pox at 5 yrs. old he got it very mildly like maybe 10, my daughter got it worse. Try putting camomdly lotion I cant spell it, it is pink lotion and very refreshing. I put that on the kids when they had them. Someone help me with the spelling..lol I use to give them baths with aveeno also refreshing..

The good news is that my blood tests show that I am immuned to the chicken pox virus that is why I never probably caught it with my kids. Your husband may be the same..

Kiss the little guy for me.. :)

I have some of the pink stuff at home, can't spell either Judy so don't worry, i know what you are talking about. My mom told me to get aveeno too and to keep him out of the sun, as soon as i get home i strip him down to his diaper and let him run around like that, then after his bath he takes off on me all the time so he runs naked until i can caught the little bugger... I love watching that cute little butt running down the hall way.. LOL..
I'll let yo guys know as soon as i hear from the doctor... I guess there's really not too much i can do but watch him and try to keep him comfortable.. Benedryl is helping but its knocking him out, the poor baby falls asleep eatting, i also notice he is very thirsty lately, and cranky at night. Has a mild cough but no fever. i also give him popcicles to cool him down, and he loves to take a bath so he stays in there as long as he wants to, i know that feels good to him, and when it cools down at night we go for a stroll, just to get him out of the house. He likes that..

06-26-2008, 07:03 AM
Ask your doctor if it is too late to give him an antiviral. Emmie's doc gave that to her and it helped a lot.


The antiviral is listed at the very begining of the article. Hope he feels better.

06-26-2008, 07:54 AM
Ask your doctor if it is too late to give him an antiviral. Emmie's doc gave that to her and it helped a lot.


The antiviral is listed at the very begining of the article. Hope he feels better.

Thanks Michelle, but no more shots for him for awhile, had enough of them lately with his reactions... :(

06-26-2008, 08:08 AM
It isn't a shot. It is a liquid medication. As for the shots... yeah I would be scared to give him any kind of shot right not too.

06-26-2008, 09:13 AM
I think you're thinking of Calamine lotion??? There is another kind (99.9% the same thing) called Caladryl.

06-26-2008, 09:17 AM
I think you're thinking of Calamine lotion??? There is another kind (99.9% the same thing) called Caladryl.

I think i got the calamine lotion at home, i have a first aid kit especially for Micah i downloaded what they told me to get for toddlers and i believe it was calamine. I just need to pick up some Alveeno for his bath tonight... i picked him up some new bath toys so he'll stay in there longer and soak for me. He loves bath time, right after he eats dinner he'll run in the bathroom and point at the tub and say "bath".. :)

06-26-2008, 09:19 AM
It isn't a shot. It is a liquid medication. As for the shots... yeah I would be scared to give him any kind of shot right not too.

sorry michelle, i read that wrong... i'll ask the doctor if she ever calls back,

06-26-2008, 01:12 PM
I think you're thinking of Calamine lotion??? There is another kind (99.9% the same thing) called Caladryl.

Yep Janet! Calamine lotion it is soothing. I knew one of the older girls would know ;)

06-26-2008, 06:57 PM
Poor guy - I hope he's feeling better soon!!

06-27-2008, 03:16 AM
Micah is doing much better, the Aveeno worked wonders last night, i put him in the tub for 1/2 hour just playing and pooring the water all over him, he is down to benedryl once a day at bedtime, i told the doctor it's took much for him all he does is sleep, hes all doped up, i don't like him like that...He's been falling asleep eating dinner! The rash seemed much better after his bath last night, sat and sun. i'm going to try and give him three baths a day and just let him run around in his diaper. and put baby powder on him before he goes to bed. He is eating much better and still drinking alot . But that's good.
Just so glad it is Friday, maybe i can catch up on some sleep this weekend.

06-27-2008, 03:57 AM
Yep Janet! Calamine lotion it is soothing. I knew one of the older girls would know ;)

Gina!!! You're in big trouble now girl...LOL

Haley, glad Micah is doing better.

06-27-2008, 04:01 AM
Thanks Janet, he still has one more chicken pox's shot to go, glad it's not for a couple of months... i hope i don't have to go thru this again.... :eek: I hate shots!!!!!!!
The make me leave the room when the give Micah a shot that's how bad i am, i start crying... oh poor babies with all these shots.... we never had all these shots that are required today and we lived !!!

06-27-2008, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=Janet;68573]Gina!!! You're in big trouble now girl...LOL


06-27-2008, 07:24 PM
I had chicken pox TWICE when I was little. The first time was just mild when I was a baby, and then my older brother got them and my parents weren't worried about me because they thought I'd be immune, but nope I got it full blown again when I was 5! My mom swore by bathing with baking soda. You can also just mix a glass of baking soda with water and sponge it on, so that it dries on the skin. It soothes the itching.

06-28-2008, 04:35 AM
That's what my Mom used with me Lindsey.

Haley, we may not have gotten all the shots, but more people actually died from these diseases.

I had chicken pox, 3 day measles, some other kind of measles, the mumps...3 times. You're only suppose to get them once, but I had them on each side and then on both sides at the same time. Plus who knows what else. We are very lucky now to have these vaccines and yes, some can cause adverse reactions, but it is still safer for the vaccine than having some of the diseases.

06-28-2008, 04:51 AM
Just a thought... I am wondering if he will even need the chicken pox shot now. Since he has already had one shot AND the chicken pox you would think he would have built up antibodies. Emmie had them TWICE as well. The second go round was very mild.She had very few spots, no fever, and they didn't itch that much. Glad he is feeling better. They told me that i might want to get her the booster shot. To be honest I am not going to even bother.

06-30-2008, 03:55 AM
Just a thought... I am wondering if he will even need the chicken pox shot now. Since he has already had one shot AND the chicken pox you would think he would have built up antibodies. Emmie had them TWICE as well. The second go round was very mild.She had very few spots, no fever, and they didn't itch that much. Glad he is feeling better. They told me that i might want to get her the booster shot. To be honest I am not going to even bother.

The doctor just thinks he has a reaction to the shot, like she told me on the phone if he had full blown chicken pox's i would know, she said he would be covered with them. As long as he wasn't running a fever she didn't want me bringing him in, I'm still giving him Aveeno baths, and the rash seems like its almost gone, and he is feeling much, much better, he's eatting much better, and sleeping better.
Yes he is getting his second chicken pox's shot next month, so i just pray i don't get another reaction like this one! But i'll be ready this time.. I'm giving him tylenol half hour before we get there to ease the pain, and i'll have aveeno ready for his baths. I'm taking a nap when we get home cause i know he'll be up in the middle of the night again with the runs .. oh boy! i wonder how many more shots he needs... I'm going to ask the doctor when we get there...

06-30-2008, 03:59 AM
I had chicken pox TWICE when I was little. The first time was just mild when I was a baby, and then my older brother got them and my parents weren't worried about me because they thought I'd be immune, but nope I got it full blown again when I was 5! My mom swore by bathing with baking soda. You can also just mix a glass of baking soda with water and sponge it on, so that it dries on the skin. It soothes the itching.

Lindsey, that what the doctor told me too, you have to get them full blown to be immune to them, i had chicken pox's but mild like you, so i really don't think that i'm even immune to them... so if Micah does get them full blown Mike and I are in trouble.... I thought i had them full blown but talking to my mother, i had a mild case of them..

06-30-2008, 04:15 AM
How is Micah feeling? I hope that he is better.

06-30-2008, 04:17 AM
How is Micah feeling? I hope that he is better.

Much better Gina, Thanks for asking, eating and sleeping better too.
One more chicken pox's shot to go, Thank God....