View Full Version : Wall E

07-05-2008, 03:38 PM
Jim and I went to the drive-in last night and saw Wall E - what a great movie!! I really recommend it for children and adults alike! The first 20 minutes has very little dialogue, but I thought it was the best part of the movie.

The drive-in was a lot of fun, we parked in the last row and faced the back of the car to the screen and lifted the hatch. We put a bunch of pillows and snuggled up to watch the movies - the dogs enjoyed it also.
My brother and his wife came along also in their car, we had a picnic while we waited for the movies to start.

07-05-2008, 04:28 PM
I miss drive in movies! NJ was the home of the first ever drive in and now we don't have any! I can remember as a kid my OS would take us with her husband, in their station wagon. We go in our pj's and always fall asleep in the back of the car before the movies were over!

Megan just told me today she is dying to see Wall E. I guess we'll have to go soon.

07-13-2008, 07:51 PM
It looks really cute. I think we will have to see this one!!!

07-14-2008, 03:15 AM
Awww, I miss drive-in's, too. They are a thing of the past here. Really want to see Wall-E, though. Will have to get hubby to go or go by myself. Maybe I'll find a friend to go with me if hubby isn't up for it.

07-14-2008, 03:23 AM
It looks really cute. It's at our drive-in right now, but it doesn't get dark here now until 10:00 so I don't know if I could stay awake that long. We usually wait till they come out on video/CD.

07-14-2008, 11:22 AM
....... We usually wait till they come out on video/CD.

We do too. The nearest movie theater is 30 miles away now so it's not too convienient to go to the movies.

07-14-2008, 12:35 PM
My daughter and her hubby took Joey to see it, and he loved it.

07-14-2008, 01:08 PM
We saw it opening weekend; it had some cute moments; but it's probably not a buyer.

Believe it or not I've never been to a drive in. We have one not too far from us; but i've never been. I tend to go to bed early so waiting for a movie to start at 10 doesn't work for me.

07-14-2008, 04:28 PM
We saw it opening weekend; it had some cute moments; but it's probably not a buyer.

Believe it or not I've never been to a drive in. We have one not too far from us; but i've never been. I tend to go to bed early so waiting for a movie to start at 10 doesn't work for me.

You should go at least once! There's nothing like a drive-in movie!!!!

07-21-2008, 10:25 AM
Awww the drive ins miss those days, we use to sneak people in the trucks so they didn't have to pay....:rolleyes: fun times....
and yes Wall E looks really cute. wait till it comes on dvd and buy it for Micah i think he's too young to go to the movies right now....

07-21-2008, 10:44 AM
I'm going to have to look and see what Wall-E is about because I haven't heard about it. I finally watched The Bucket List. It was great! My husband and I both loved it!

07-21-2008, 12:30 PM
I forgot about this thread. Megan and I went to see Wall E....absolutely HATED it! We left after about an hour. It was cute for the first half hour, then it just got old. And I could not stand the way the people looked. I know that was the point, but yuck! It grossed me out. I've only walked out on 3 movies in my life and Megan was with me every time! They were the animated King and I, Benjie (the last one) and Wall E.

07-21-2008, 12:50 PM
I forgot about this thread. Megan and I went to see Wall E....absolutely HATED it! We left after about an hour. It was cute for the first half hour, then it just got old. And I could not stand the way the people looked. I know that was the point, but yuck! It grossed me out. I've only walked out on 3 movies in my life and Megan was with me every time! They were the animated King and I, Benjie (the last one) and Wall E.

We stayed through the whole thing, but i agree with you. It was a little too much be careful or else....i guess for children it had a good message about taking care of the planet & what not. But after the first 30 minutes the propiganda got a little old.

07-21-2008, 02:10 PM
Dobie sounds like you all had fun . I have never been to a drive in, growing up in the city there were none. There was one by me in NJ but they closed many years ago. So thats the end of an era around here. :(

Glad that you enjoyed the movie, I hope to go see it to. I want to see Mama Mia first next Friday, I did see the play it was excellent. The movie looks good to , has anyone seen it?

07-21-2008, 03:30 PM
I want to see mama Mia too! I have seen the show on broadway twice and I loved it! The movie is getting great reviews!

07-21-2008, 03:52 PM
I would love to see Mama Mia also. Ricky just told me today that he'd go with me to see Mama Mia if I'd go with him to see The Dark Knight (Batman). Everyone says the Batman movie is really good too, but I'm just not into those kinds of movies...so I guess we'll see.

07-21-2008, 07:44 PM
I forgot about Mama Mia. Now I have to find someone to go with me to see that one. Maybe it will still be showing when Karen gets here. Anytime I want to go to the movies, I know she's ready to go. Hubby is a stick in the mud when it comes to movies. Not that he's not a fan, we own dozens of DVD's. He just doesn't like spending the money to go to the movie theater, wants to wait and rent or buy it, but there are just some movies we have to see on the Big Screen!!! and we have a 12 screen, stadium seating theatre just 3 or 4 miles from our home, with yummy popcorn!!

07-22-2008, 03:13 AM
I want to see mama Mia too! I have seen the show on broadway twice and I loved it! The movie is getting great reviews!

I know Teri i want to see that movie too that looks like a fun one! Let me know if you liked it, i can rent that one when it comes out.. humm, then i have to find the time to watch it, can't remember the last time i sat down a watched a whole movie. Have to wait till the baby goes to bed...

07-22-2008, 03:41 AM
... then i have to find the time to watch it, can't remember the last time i sat down a watched a whole movie. Have to wait till the baby goes to bed...

Haley all of us who have children and work outside the home have been there!! Those who work at home as stay at home moms have probably been there, too. Definitely remember those days!! Enjoy him. This too will pass!!

07-22-2008, 03:48 AM
Haley all of us who have children and work outside the home have been there!! Those who work at home as stay at home moms have probably been there, too. Definitely remember those days!! Enjoy him. This too will pass!!

Oh im not complaining Marilyn, i rather walk outside or play with my son in the yard than watch a movie... I'm enjoying every min. i can with him, he's growing to fast girl... before you know it.. me rocking him at night will be a thing of the past and boy am i going to miss watching him sleep on my lap.. that's my quiet time for now.. very peacefull... Tell you the truth i really don't want this time to pass.. but sadly it will.. Makes you want to have another one... :(

07-22-2008, 03:05 PM
uh-oh Haley....you're getting baby fever! They do grow up way too fast. (says the mom of a 17 and 15 year old that were just babies about a month ago!)....you are very lucky because you recognize now how special this time is. Many moms just wish these years away and then when they are gone they want them back. You just enjoy every second with your little angel.

07-23-2008, 03:34 AM
uh-oh Haley....you're getting baby fever! They do grow up way too fast. (says the mom of a 17 and 15 year old that were just babies about a month ago!)....you are very lucky because you recognize now how special this time is. Many moms just wish these years away and then when they are gone they want them back. You just enjoy every second with your little angel.

My girlfriend does that and it makes me make, she don't even rock her baby to bed, she just puts him screaming in his crib with a bottle.. i could take that, i would go crazy... she says she has two of them to take care of and that she don't have the time, i told her she'll regret it one day, i love rocking my baby to sleep... i love walking with him showing him the trees and the birds, bunnys, we went for a walk yesterday and one of our neighors had there puppies outside, Micah loved it he was playing with them it was so cute.. i'm going to miss stuff like that when he gets older....

07-25-2008, 02:24 PM
Well tonight is girls night out to see Mama Mia.. I hope I can stay awake. lol it starts at 9:45. I will let you know how it is, if its anything like the play it will be awesome. Just the music alone from aba is great..