View Full Version : The County Fair Is Here!!

07-11-2008, 04:09 PM
Our County Fair has started and will continue until the 19th. I love going and looking at all the crafts, exhibits and of course all the animals. I think more than just about anything though, I get to see so many people that during the summer months I just don't get to see, plus most of my bus kids. I'm hoping we get to go tomorrow evening after a day of resting.:) Look out elephant ears....here I come!

Taurus Babe
07-11-2008, 04:48 PM
I love the fair! How exciting for you! I hope you have a blast!!!!

07-11-2008, 06:21 PM
Don't forget the french fries!!!

07-12-2008, 05:23 AM
or the funnel cake!!!!

07-12-2008, 07:10 AM
I like to go and look too but ours is the last weekend of this month and it's usually so hot so I very seldom go and look at the displays.

Have you ever entered anything? Do you have a rodeo and stuff like that with it?

We have a demolition derby one night with ours and a couple of nights we have a rodeo. We're going to be gone again this year so we'll miss it all. Jaci's not happy about it.

07-12-2008, 10:03 AM

Our county fair isn't really a fair. It's just 4-H. No rides no crafts no exhibits.
Just 4-H/ It's pretty boring. Have fun. Remember when we use to take the kids on bracelet night. What fun that was.

07-12-2008, 10:17 AM
Sounds like lots of fun!!! We don't have a fair, just a Livestock Show with most entries by 4H. They do have carnival rides and games, but it is in March. We don't usually go. Do have fond memories of going when I was is high school though.

07-12-2008, 12:40 PM
I like to go and look too but ours is the last weekend of this month and it's usually so hot so I very seldom go and look at the displays.

Have you ever entered anything? Do you have a rodeo and stuff like that with it?

We have a demolition derby one night with ours and a couple of nights we have a rodeo. We're going to be gone again this year so we'll miss it all. Jaci's not happy about it.

Ricky and I use to enter the cookie contest. We've both won and we've both come in second. My second was to his first...LOL. He has never let me forget it either. The cookie contest is Monday evening, but he just doesn't seem too interested this year...so we'll see.

We have a 2 demolition derbies and two big truck bogs this year. Not real sure what a 'big truck bog' is, but we may go and find out. It's hot here sometimes too.

What I really like is our HotDog Festival... http://mainstreet.accs.net/HDF.aspx it is being held the 25th and 26th, but it's ALWAYS so hot. We go and walk around once, but that's it. I've always wanted to take the doggies, but it would be way to hot for them. I have a doggie stroller, so they wouldn't get too tired, but it's the heat I would worry about.

We have a center square and both sides are lined with booths of all kinds of neat stuff. People come from all over to the festival. I just hope it's a bit cooler that weekend.

07-13-2008, 08:07 AM
Have a great time! It sounds like they go all out.

My new town, Roxbury, already had theirs. I don't think my daughter's town had theirs yet.

07-13-2008, 05:33 PM
Sounds like fun, hope you have a great time..

07-13-2008, 06:00 PM
We went to the fair this evening. When we first got there we were all starved so we ate. I had a pork burger, cole slaw and drink and then part of an elephant ear for dessert....LOL.

I was really disappointed in this years fair. We didn't stay very long, but honestly...other than the kids with the animals and all, doesn't anyone clean up before going out in public anymore. Most of the people looked like then didn't have a bath for a week or any decent clothes in their closet. I'm not talking dressing up, it's a county fair for crying outloud, but it looked like a bad part of a town or something.

My son was really interested in the truck bog, so he stood along side the fence to watch until they moved a big truck in his (and other's way). It cost $7.00 to sit in the grandstands and it was soooo not worth it to me, but he wished he had driven himself so he ccould have stayed and paid his way in.

I think my disappointment in the fair stemmed from not only the hygiene of the fairgoers, but my son is so grown up now and when I saw the tall slide...it broke my heart. It was his very favorite thing when he was little. He of course didn't want to ride anything and that was okay, I wouldn't have been able to go with him....lol. I do hope he asks a friend or two to go again with him this week so maybe he would enjoy it more than with his parents.

Did get to see some of my favorite bus kids so that was nice. Not sure if I'll be visiting the fair anymore this week. I may just save my money for the Hotdog Festival.

07-14-2008, 09:52 AM
I love funnel cakes with strawberries and ice cream, YUMMMMYYYY !!!
and don't forget the crafts... i love country craft stuff !!!

07-14-2008, 10:28 AM
They don't have any crafts at our fair. Just a couple of booths that sell what looks to be flea market stuff. The rest is food and rides. I've not tried the funnel cakes....too afraid I'll like them...LOL

07-14-2008, 10:46 AM
We don't have any booths or rides with our county fair. We used to but we don't anymore. It's just the 4-H exhibits and displays and the demo derby and rodeos. Our homecoming in October is when we have rides and all sorts of things going on.

So......what's an elephant ear? I've never heard of it.

07-14-2008, 11:45 AM
Basically fried dough...LOL....with sugar and cinnamon on top. Man is it good. A few people I knew asked me what I was eating and I told them it was a Weight Watchers Elephant ear....they all just laughed.


07-14-2008, 04:32 PM
It's about like a funnel cake. Except a funnel cake is poured into hot oil through a funnel and served with powdered sugar on top. Yummy! The elephant ear looks good too. I'm going to have to try it!!!

07-15-2008, 02:54 AM
They don't have any crafts at our fair. Just a couple of booths that sell what looks to be flea market stuff. The rest is food and rides. I've not tried the funnel cakes....too afraid I'll like them...LOL

everytime i get a funnel cake, there are at least three people picking at it, so i never get to eat the whole thing. LOL.... just like when we went to kenny wood i got one to share with Micah then Mike was also picking at it and my sister... :rolleyes: