View Full Version : Judy - Here are my finches

07-15-2008, 03:44 PM
Judy, here is my finch set up. I love this cage and it is so easy to clean! So relaxing to sit in the evenings, watch and listen to their soft song.
Hope I do this right!

My kitty Jasmine is watching them... they don't seem to be bothered by her.

07-15-2008, 05:26 PM
They're so pretty Shada! That's some cage!

I might give Skye to a friend. She might be a carrier of psittaosis and I'm afraid to put babies with her. She's lonesome too. This friend will fuss over her and talk to her.

I wish I knew if she was a carrier or not. If not, I would definitely keep her. I do love her.

What do you think?

07-15-2008, 06:02 PM
I think you could be right.
Parakeets can be very lonely alone unless they get a lot of human interaction.
Sounds like your friend and your lone budgie could be very good for each other..

Finches on the other hand want little to do with us. They can be perfectly content to be with their own species without truly bonding with us.
I highly recommend finches. Beautiful birds. Nice chirping to relax with.. I love them.

I know finches were your first choice.. I think you would really enjoy them.

07-15-2008, 06:16 PM
That is a nice cage Shada. I've always been afraid of birds, but I am beginning to like them...a little. I do have feeders outside for the Hummingbirds and Yellow Finches. Love watching them from the other side of the window.

I was wondering what that white thing is hanging on the cage wall. I remember my Mom had one in her parakeet cage when I was little, but don't know what it's for.

07-15-2008, 06:21 PM
Janet, that is a cuttlebone.
Good for calcium intake and also helps to keep their beaks trimmed.

07-16-2008, 02:45 AM
Great cage. I use to have a cockatiel. His name was Syndey. I love birds.
But only the ones outside now. To much work cleaning the cage. But then I shouldn't talk We have 4-H Chickens in our Garage. Fair starts this Friday.
Thanks for the pics.

07-16-2008, 07:00 AM
I think you could be right.
Parakeets can be very lonely alone unless they get a lot of human interaction.
Sounds like your friend and your lone budgie could be very good for each other..

Finches on the other hand want little to do with us. They can be perfectly content to be with their own species without truly bonding with us.
I highly recommend finches. Beautiful birds. Nice chirping to relax with.. I love them.

I know finches were your first choice.. I think you would really enjoy them.

Canaries or finches were what I wanted at first. Now, I'd like a couple of baby parakeets and another cage of canaries or finches. I'll wait until I move.

I do want to take Skye with me, but I don't want the psittacosis virus in the new house.

07-16-2008, 07:14 PM
Your finches look like they would be so interesting to have. Judy is there any way to have Skye tested to find out if she carries the disease??? Maybe the other birds were exposed before you got them, and Skye has a natural immunity or something.

07-17-2008, 04:52 AM

This site tells you about a few of the test available. I don't think that Skye will be lonely as an only bird. We have a parakeet that has a cage with plenty of toys and a mirrow and even comes out to fly around once in a while. He seems happy. He will even sing himself to sleep at night. When it comes to birds that is like a cat purring when they are happy. I would try to get her tested before bringing any other birds into the house. Just curious how did you have Fiona before she died? If it was a few years then Sky may be ok and free of it. Good luck.

07-17-2008, 05:22 AM
The tests are not 100% reliable. I can have her treated, but that's also not 100% reliable. I have a feeling she is a carrier. Now that she's alone, and so, stressed, she is showing some symptoms in her poop. But, I also feed her very colorful food (fruit filled), so ???:confused:

In other words, I would have to have her alone whether or not she's tested or treated. I'm not happy about that, nor the fact that the dogs could catch it, although it's not likely.

I've had her since March. She's the only bird that is still living. I already lost 3 babies.

The good news is that my friend is going to take her. I've lived in this building for years and her husband was the superintendent, and a great guy. When he died suddenly, the landlord promised him that Cqrmen would always have an apartment, and he has kept his word. Carmen comes to me whenever she needs help with dealing with anyone on the phone like a utility company, housing, etc. I also fill out all of her forms etc. I'll also lend her as few dollars from time to time until she gets to give it back, sometimes $1.00 at a time.

I know all of her children and their stories, and we have a history together.

She has taken personal responsibility for getting all of my packages for me.

I wanted to give her something special before I moved, and I think Skye would be a perfect gift. She lives alone, her kids live far away, and she recently lost her cat who got fed even if she didn't have money.

I think it's going to be a good thing for both of them.

07-17-2008, 11:44 AM
Oh Judy, you have been a wonderful friend to this woman. I bet she will miss you something terrible.

Hopefully if you decide to get some more birds once you get settled they'll be good and healthy.

07-17-2008, 05:20 PM
Oh Judy, you have been a wonderful friend to this woman. I bet she will miss you something terrible.

Hopefully if you decide to get some more birds once you get settled they'll be good
and healthy.

I'll miss her too. We're both good to each other in our own ways. She can barely walk without her shopping cart.

What? What is she talking about? A shopping cart?

Yes. Pathmark (a big supermarket) let her take it home because she uses it as a walker and can carry lots of things in it.

So, anyway, she makes sure that all my eBay and other online shopping packages get to my door, no matter how heavy. She puts the small ones in a shopping bag on my doorknob. She's also fierce about everybody's mail - unless
she doesn't like them. She supervises the mailman, and God help him if he slips up! She also waits by the front door and makes sure that everbody's kids get off their school buses and she watches them until their Moms get there. I'm pretty sure they pay her.

You have to love her!