View Full Version : Where the heck is everyone !!!!

07-18-2008, 08:34 AM
Ok i finally got caught up at work, and there is no one on here! we need some new threads, i think i posted 4 new ones already... hummm, everyone must be outside enjoying this beautiful day... i'll just sit at work and post a whole bunch of threads.. oh TGIF... can't wait to go home today, it's been a long week and i'm tired.... planted to many flowers this week.... going to relax with Micah this weekend, were going swimming tomorrow.. YAAA,,,,

07-18-2008, 09:03 AM
Hi Haley!
I'm here off and on. It's been busy here too. I'm helping my dd get ready to move out of my house into an apartment so we're both excited. Dh came home a day early to help, and she's picking up her fiancee so she can get started with the move.

Once we get all Katie and Joshes stuff out, I will be busy re-organizing my own home. I'm looking VERY forward to having that done!

I've been spending about an hr a day working with my son on Hickory, my lab that was so traumatized... she's making major progress, so it's well worth the time invested. I'm so proud of my son for taking this on.

I'm down to a single pup left to sell. All but one of my 7 week old pups will be gone on Wednesday (which is when they turn 8 weeks old). I'm boarding one for an additional 3 weeks while her new owner is on vacation.

My daughters due date is in 11 days, so I expect a new grandbaby very soon. So far things have gone very smoothly for her, so I hope that continues.

07-18-2008, 09:10 AM
Aww a baby on the way, i love the smell of new babies, i'll say a prayer for your daughter for no complications during delivery, cause c-section are no fun at all. Wishing you the best tink, she can deliver any day now, i was 2 1/2 weeks early..
i still remember that day like it was yesterday...
You do sound really busy there Tink....

07-18-2008, 02:03 PM
I'm sorry that I haven't been on much at all. I spent two days looking for a washer and dryer. I did find a set and they're suppose to be delivered in the morning. I've just been on the run all week! I mowed the yard yesterday, went and exercised this morning, went to a few garage sales, and had a couple of my granddaughters over to help me clean the house. Add in between all of that running farm errands!

I'm a little fustrated over the washer and dryer. We're on propane and I'm going to need a conversion kit to change it from natural gas. I tried to order it from Sears but they couldn't figure out what I needed. If it's not up and running soon after being delivered tomorrow some delivery guy is not going to have a good day!!!!! And Sears is going to hear about it too!!!! I spent a whole morning trying to get one ordered!!!

Anyway, hopefully next week things will slow down and I'll get caught up with everything on here. Oh, we have a family reunion coming up that we'll be gone for several days to and then we're going camping at the lake for a few days before school starts.

07-18-2008, 05:48 PM
I to have been busy helping my daughter and her g/f move into their new apartment, they are not going to live on campus this year its their senior year. Tomorrow morning we are moving them in. So I have been out shopping with her and gettin her new apartment ready.. She will be back a few days a week until school starts in August..

I will be cleaning up her bedroom at home so thats what I have been up to..

07-18-2008, 06:04 PM
I've just been catching up on all the other things I didn't get done while painting. I did have a guy out today to give me an estimate on what I have left to paint. I should know in a day or two if I can afford him. If not, then I'm going to have to get my butt in gear and get the rest done before school starts on Aug. 13th.

Tink...sounds like you are busy. I bet you will be so thrilled to have your house back to yourself again and how exciting...not much longer and that new grandbaby will be here.

Diana, I sure hope they get it all hooked up right for you. I sure wish we could get away for a few days and go camping. I just need to get the painting done first.

Gina, sounds like you're going to have some extra room huh? Is your daughter's campus very far from you?

I guess we're all trying to get a few odds and ends done before the summer is over with.

07-19-2008, 04:35 AM
I am sorry I have not been on much lately. Between work, radiation, and getting the kids ready for school I have been very busy. I am usually so tired at night I don't do much. At least while I was shopping I found things on sale and started on Christmas The kids start school August 7th.

07-19-2008, 11:58 AM
Sorry, I haven't been on much lately either. Just enough to get myself in trouble on a couple of theads and gripe about energy costs on others. ;) Still trying to get everything put away, donated and such after the wedding. We were so preoccupied for so long that there is a lot of work to do around here to get things back in order. I cleaned out most of my side of the closet this morning and have been doing laundry. Our home is looking a lot better!! :)

This afternoon I have to put the finishing touches on a children's Bible lesson I'm teaching Wednesday night. During the summer we combine the kindergarten and elementary classes and do 13 lessons on a topic with a different teacher each Wednesday night. We make a really big deal of it like a Vacation Bible School. It's a lot of fun for the children and for the teachers. We get grandchildren visiting from out of town. Lots of variety.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer and stops in to check on the rest of us when we can.

07-19-2008, 01:53 PM
I've been working, working, working. I had a very nice paycheck with LOTS of overtime hours though! :) When I'm not working, I'm hanging out with Brendon and the puppies so my time online has had to take a backseat to other things for a while. Hopefully I'll be able to slow down a bit when school starts back.

07-19-2008, 01:54 PM
Glad to hear everyone is doing well and keeping themselves busy. :D
My younger sister took the trip up back to MA and got my older sisters 3 boys ages 9, 11 and soon to be 13.

Between 3 hungry and energetic tweens, my younger sisters 2 babies and getting a few things for the wedding taken care of, I too have been tied up! :rolleyes:

Very picture heavy!
























Don't ask about the purple hospital gloves. They got into my stash...




Again, don't ask.

07-20-2008, 11:28 AM
I've been on, but we're having such a heat wave that my brain is nicely fried.

I've been to the beach quite a few times. Ahhhh! I just love it there.

07-20-2008, 02:39 PM
Nice pictures pope!!! I'm not much on piercings, but you are a really beautiful young lady.

07-20-2008, 05:53 PM
Pope, thank you for sharing all the pics. Looks like a fun group!! The alley and architecture reminds me of the area that we visited when we went to see family in Balitmore, actually in Essex. Haven't been there in quite a few years though.

07-20-2008, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the picts, Pope! It looks like you have a fun family!

07-21-2008, 03:03 AM
I'm sorry that I haven't been on much at all. I spent two days looking for a washer and dryer. I did find a set and they're suppose to be delivered in the morning. I've just been on the run all week! I mowed the yard yesterday, went and exercised this morning, went to a few garage sales, and had a couple of my granddaughters over to help me clean the house. Add in between all of that running farm errands!

I'm a little fustrated over the washer and dryer. We're on propane and I'm going to need a conversion kit to change it from natural gas. I tried to order it from Sears but they couldn't figure out what I needed. If it's not up and running soon after being delivered tomorrow some delivery guy is not going to have a good day!!!!! And Sears is going to hear about it too!!!! I spent a whole morning trying to get one ordered!!!

Anyway, hopefully next week things will slow down and I'll get caught up with everything on here. Oh, we have a family reunion coming up that we'll be gone for several days to and then we're going camping at the lake for a few days before school starts.

Diana, what kind of washer and dryer did you end up getting?

07-21-2008, 03:16 AM
Thank you ladies, I am picture crazy.... Have been all my life :D sometimes they'll tease me about it, but they all ask "Will you send them to me?" :rolleyes:
I am glad I woke up and decided to appreciate family for what it is and the frailty of it all when I did, because I missed a lot in my later teenage years lost in my own world. My family is a lot of fun, for the most part a bunch of goofs and now I am able to really enjoy the older nephews as nieces as it should be, instead of babies I am constantly volunteered as babysitting for as I transitioned to teenager :p

I really miss the rest of my immediate family, hopefully Brad and I will be included in the trip back up to take the older three home :thumbup:
Been almost a year since I showed my face in my home town :eek:

Marilyn, boy you are spot on! :eek: Essex is exactly where we are LOL You made my mouth drop as I read that...
My fiance was born and raised here. I had never seen alleys like this until I moved here, very different from alleys where I am from!

Judy, you are braver than I am honey, I won't get in water I can't see the bottom of :(
I can't stand the sensation of things brushing up against me, seaweed in my fingers or between my toes, BLEH

07-21-2008, 06:24 AM
You cannot see anything in Brooklyn ocean water, and I doubt if anything living would survive there to brush up against me. But, I grew up in it, and I'm still alive.

I know what you mean though. I cannot stand being in a lake with all that slimy stuff on the bottom, and - no thanks, I do not want to swim with fish.

I love the pix. The kids are great and you are beautiful.

07-21-2008, 06:49 AM
Sorry, I haven't been on much lately either. Just enough to get myself in trouble on a couple of theads and gripe about energy costs on others. ;) Still trying to get everything put away, donated and such after the wedding. We were so preoccupied for so long that there is a lot of work to do around here to get things back in order. I cleaned out most of my side of the closet this morning and have been doing laundry. Our home is looking a lot better!! :)

This afternoon I have to put the finishing touches on a children's Bible lesson I'm teaching Wednesday night. During the summer we combine the kindergarten and elementary classes and do 13 lessons on a topic with a different teacher each Wednesday night. We make a really big deal of it like a Vacation Bible School. It's a lot of fun for the children and for the teachers. We get grandchildren visiting from out of town. Lots of variety.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer and stops in to check on the rest of us when we can.

What trouble! Your just making things more interesting, right ?

07-21-2008, 09:00 AM
What trouble! Your just making things more interesting, right ?

Just try to be helpful sometimes and it can backfire, but I mean well.....:o

07-21-2008, 09:06 AM
Just try to be helpful sometimes and it can backfire, but I mean well.....:o

:justahug:sending you a hug Marilyn,, my mouth gets me in trouble daily! Sometimes i have to have a big mouth, i'm the only female working with 18 guys... ;)