07-23-2008, 09:30 AM
Katie went in today because she had some bleeding. They didn't really decide what the cause was, but it's not so much that they're terribly concerned. It's more than a bloody show thorough, so they did a thorough exam.
She's 50% effaced and dilated to 2, so so could go tonight or could wait a couple more weeks. lol She's feeling fine and was told to carry on as usual but no sex. lol If she's like most of us, sex is probably the last thing on her mind right now. Her due date is this coming Tuesday.
She's 50% effaced and dilated to 2, so so could go tonight or could wait a couple more weeks. lol She's feeling fine and was told to carry on as usual but no sex. lol If she's like most of us, sex is probably the last thing on her mind right now. Her due date is this coming Tuesday.