View Full Version : cataract surgery

08-04-2008, 12:25 PM
Went for my pre-op today and will have the surgery on Thursday. Thought they put to sleep, but "NO", Just say a prayer for me, I am such a baby.

08-04-2008, 12:42 PM
Donna I will say a prayer for you, don't worry you will be fine. Good luck on Thursday... :)

08-04-2008, 01:25 PM
Donna I will say a prayer for you, don't worry you will be fine. Good luck on Thursday... :)

Thanks GF

08-04-2008, 02:32 PM
I'll be praying for you too.

08-04-2008, 05:04 PM
You'll be fine Donna, but I'll keep you in my prayers anyway.

08-05-2008, 02:05 PM
My granny who is 80 has had this surgery twice. She did just fine. I know any kind of surgery is scary but I am sure you will do great. I will be sending prayers your way. Take Care

08-06-2008, 09:46 AM
I know there is nothing to it except the preparation, nothing to eat or drink for 14 hours and they don't even put you to sleep. Just the waiting, the surgery only takes 10 min. but many hours of BOREDOM!!! I am too spoiled.:(
Thanks for your thoughts.

08-06-2008, 10:16 AM
Just in case I don't get back on here until late...I just wanted you to know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you the best for your surgery. My mother (85 years young) had it done with no problems either. I'm confident you'll come through it all with flying colors.

08-06-2008, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much.

08-06-2008, 12:12 PM
I'll be praying for you tomorrow.

I have my foot surgery on Friday and they're pulling me under!

08-06-2008, 12:53 PM
I'll be praying for you tomorrow.

I have my foot surgery on Friday and they're pulling me under!

What kind of surgery? Tell me more.

08-07-2008, 04:07 AM
Donna and Sandy, you will both be in my prayers. I'm sure all will go well for both of you!!!! Stay strong, ladies!!!

08-07-2008, 04:24 AM
You both are 4WOMENTALK ladies....strong and confident....lol. I'm wishing you well today Donna and Sandy...I just know you'll do well tomorrow also. You're both in my prayers.

08-07-2008, 05:23 AM
Keeping you in my thoughts today.

08-07-2008, 05:32 AM
What kind of surgery? Tell me more.

Hope all is going well with you today. Check in when you can.

I chipped a bone in the top of my left foot. It's staying inflammed and causing degeneration. Docs gonna fuse and pin it. I can't understand why they're putting me under for a foot. I'll take the nap!

08-07-2008, 05:38 AM
You both are 4WOMENTALK ladies....strong and confident....lol. I'm wishing you well today Donna and Sandy...I just know you'll do well tomorrow also. You're both in my prayers.

We need to make a motto/slogan - not, but something like: WE ARE 4WOMENTALK - HEAR US ROAR!

08-07-2008, 05:42 AM
We may not be able to come up with the best motto/slogan be at least we know we have strong women here and the best to back us up no matter what befalls us. A great group of ladies....a great group of friends!!

08-08-2008, 06:50 AM
Has anybody heard from Donna on how her surgery went yesterday?

I'm leaving in about an hour for the hospital. I really need somebody to drink a cup of coffee for me. I haven't had anything since around 8pm last night, except I slipped a bottle of water at 11:54, since I couldn't eat or drink after midnight. I'm OK not eating, but I am so thirsty, especially for coffee.

I can't even brush my teeth or chew gum. How rude! Not even a mint!

08-08-2008, 08:39 AM
Has anybody heard from Donna on how her surgery went yesterday?

I'm leaving in about an hour for the hospital. I really need somebody to drink a cup of coffee for me. I haven't had anything since around 8pm last night, except I slipped a bottle of water at 11:54, since I couldn't eat or drink after midnight. I'm OK not eating, but I am so thirsty, especially for coffee.

I can't even brush my teeth or chew gum. How rude! Not even a mint!

Wish I could drink that coffee for you, Good Luck.
My surgery went fine, went in at noon and got home at 4, had an eye check this morning and my vision is 20/20 without glasses, still a little squiggle.
I had nothing for 14 hours, could not wait to have my COFFEE this morning, would you believe there was no sugar in the house, tried honey but it didn't taste the same.
Let us know how you are doing.

08-09-2008, 05:03 AM
Donna, it's good to hear from you. I was wondering how your surgery went! It sounds like everything went just fine! YAY!!

08-09-2008, 12:52 PM
So happy to hear from you Donna!!! Glad everything went fine. When you can stare at a computer a little longer, let us know all about it.

08-09-2008, 01:19 PM
So happy to hear from you Donna!!! Glad everything went fine. When you can stare at a computer a little longer, let us know all about it.

Went to the Doctor yesterday and they tested the vision in the eye, it was 20/20 without glasses, so they say
. This morning, tried to read the newspaper, just gave up, it feels like I can only see out of 1/2 of the eye, too hard to explain. Can hardly see my pupil, it is so tiny. It will take a few months, I have to use my same glasses until I have the other eye done next month, then wait another month to get the vision corrected.
I have my monitor set at the hightest it will go.
It will be a few months before I can really see good.

08-09-2008, 03:20 PM
Gee, I didn't realize. I hope it doesn't cause you too much discomfort. I'm afraid it would drive me crazy not to see well. But...good things come to those who wait.