View Full Version : Psychic :D
08-06-2008, 10:15 PM
So I just went to the fair with 3 girl friends. 3 of us decided to go to the psychic :) At first we laughed about it but it was actually pretty cool! When I sat down and shuffled the tarot cards I was thinking "I wonder if she knows about the job search and travel plans" and the first thing she said was "You're trying to make a change in your life right now, correct?" and she told me that I will go through with it and I will be very happy with the change.
She asked if there is someone in my life right now and I said yes, and she asked if it was marriage or common law or living together at all, and I said no. She said she sees marriage in the future (and I think I may have made a face at this point) and she said she's not sure if it's the one I'm with now, or if someone new will be coming into my life soon. She said I'm going through a rough patch right now in my love life but soon this new person will come in (either new entirely or a change in the person I'm with) and I will be so happy and it will completely change my life!
She also said there's someone I have shed tears over in the past, and asked me to talk about it. I told her about Ryden. She said she can tell it still hurts me to think about what he did to me, but it is getting better and it will completely go away soon.
She then read my palm and told me I have a great singing voice. I laughed because I don't sing at all, except in my car. She said a lot of people have great singing voices and don't even know it, because they never try. She also told me I will be taking a short trip soon (New York!). She said she can tell I have been getting headaches lately (true, for about the past year) but by the time I'm 30 they will be gone completely. I will be married to a guy who is my best friend and lover, and I will have 3 strong healthy children.
I asked what my career would be like and she said she sees humanitarian work. I asked about travel and she said I will travel a lot!
My friend Kandace is going to New York with me, and in her reading she was told she will be going to a large city, with a lot of very tall buildings, and there she will meet a man who will sweep her off her feet and she will get married, either in the next 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years. Kandace is completely not the marriage type, and she never wants kids, but I guess we'll see what happens in New York ;)
I know to take it all with a grain of salt, but it's very interesting anyway!
08-07-2008, 03:26 AM
It's fun to do things like that once in a while for entertainment. Just don't live your life by it. My cousin had a huigi (weggie) board when we were in high school. (No clue how this is really spelled.) I still remember some of the things it told me, and I did not marry the person it said I would. Never even met the guy. ;)
Enjoy your trip(s) and your job search!!!
08-07-2008, 03:55 AM
I'm not too big on psyhics, although I do enjoy Sylvia Brown once in awhile. My Mom went to a psyhic once and she told my mom that her daughter was a b*t**. My mom told her that she was completely wrong there....LOL. Now if that psyhic would have said I can be one once in a while ...then she'd be right and Mom probably wouldn't have argued with
08-07-2008, 05:06 AM
I'm not too big on psyhics, although I do enjoy Sylvia Brown once in awhile. My Mom went to a psyhic once and she told my mom that her daughter was a b*t**. My mom told her that she was completely wrong there....LOL. Now if that psyhic would have said I can be one once in a while ...then she'd be right and Mom probably wouldn't have argued with
lol that's funny!
Speaking of Sylvia Brown, with her spirits and angels, this one also told me that I have two spirits very close to me helping me through this time in my life :) And she also feels like I have been mentally and emotionally abused in my past, which is pretty accurate.
I'm going to call my mom and tell her she's going to have 3 grandchildren lol!
08-07-2008, 05:54 AM
Just don't tell your Mom you're pregnant with triplets!!! Don't want to send her into shock...LOL.
08-07-2008, 06:11 AM
hahaha I was hoping she'd take it that way but she didn't. I wanted to give her a scare :D
08-07-2008, 06:35 AM
Be careful what you ask for. It tends to come bite you in the booty.
08-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Like Marilyn said, don't try and live your life by what is said. I avoid psychics and horoscopes because I want to choose how I live not be concerned about what they say. I don't believe that they are something that Christians should be involved with.
08-12-2008, 12:21 PM
Hi Ladies, Well I went to a psychic many years ago. My Mom likes to go. I had always been a non believer.
Anyhow, there was this one young lady psychic, She had her daughter with her. I struck up a conversation with the daughter and asked her lots of questions. Then I sat down and spoke with her Mom, the psychic. She just looked at me and said "Wow! How are you and your soul mate doing?". I was like, I am not dating and I don't know who you are talking about. She said "Oh you know him, He is there, you talk to him all the time" About this time, I think she is off the deep end. She said "you will see, you know him and you talk to him, he is your soul mate, you are very blessed, not everyone winds up with their soul mate. You are lucky." This whole time she is being very insistent about this.
So, I meet back with my Mom and tell her, about this lady and say I am ready to go home.
Well, to make a long story short, she was right, I had met my now current husband on the phone, before I went to the psychic (he was a room mate of a close friend). We went to visit them in Oklahoma (I lived in Texas at the time), fell in love and got married. So she was right. I had already met my soul mate.
As far as whether or not it is Christian like, God says that all things are possible through him. There are also other scriptures that warn against this. But like all things in life, there is one God, one way to get to heaven, no matter what it is in life, psychic's, alcohol, drugs, smoking excessive shopping, it should not control you and your decisions.
08-12-2008, 12:35 PM
I went to see this woman here in NJ. She's starting to make a name for herself and there is a two year waiting list for a private reading. Anyway, i didn't believe AT ALL. My one sister just made the appt and dragged me in to see her. I was very skeptical and told her so. She said that I may not have a "good" reading because of my disbelief, which I took to mean she was warning me not to expect much since I wouldn't fall for her nonsence. Well, I left there a different person.
The first thing she said was "who's Mary?" That is my mom. She went on to tell me things that only my mom would know. She told me my dad was an alcoholic and how sorry he was for some of the things he had done. She told me that my daughter, who was still born, was an "old soul" and that she would be on the other side when I got there one day. (She never asked if I had a daughter who had died or anything...she just started talking about it).
I believe that those we love are all around us and that there are a select few who are very sensitive to those spirits. I KNOW my mother and a few other people I truly love were in that room that day. She didn't try predicting the future or anything like that. She just brought me messages of love from people who have passed on. It was an incredible experience!
08-12-2008, 12:44 PM
Wow, your stories are giving me chills!
My friend at work said her aunt goes a lot, and one day the psychic told her "Tell your mother to hold onto her money tightly" and they took it as figuratively, don't make any big purchases. A few days later, her purse was snatched out of her hands.
After the New York comment with Kandace, we joked that we should spend a lot of time on Wall Street so she can meet a rich future husband :) Well, she was also told she would end up rich enough that she could afford to spend money stupidly. Who knows!
08-12-2008, 12:55 PM
I wouldn't mind hearing from the deceased, but I don't really want to be told the future. Like Diana said, I would rather choose how I live and not be concerned about what they told me.
08-14-2008, 12:18 PM
A couple of nights ago I went to my grandma's house to visit and I told her about my trip the the psychic. She told me a story...
When she had first gotten married to my grandpa, before any children, this psychic told her she was going to have 4 children, all boys. She was skeptical of course. Well, 3 boys later she returned to the psychic and she told her again, she will have 4 boys total, she will live well into her 90's, and will never want for money. She did have another boy. She is 78 now, and still very active and healthy (although she had a knee replaced earlier this year). And she said to me "Your grandpa died 15 years ago and I have not gone hungry yet!" She recently sold her cabin for more than $150,000 more than she bought it for 8 years ago, so she's not doing too bad in the monetary department! I would absolutely love for my grandma to live into her 90's... maybe I could get married by then ;) But we'll see!
I went to see this woman here in NJ. She's starting to make a name for herself and there is a two year waiting list for a private reading. Anyway, i didn't believe AT ALL. My one sister just made the appt and dragged me in to see her. I was very skeptical and told her so. She said that I may not have a "good" reading because of my disbelief, which I took to mean she was warning me not to expect much since I wouldn't fall for her nonsence. Well, I left there a different person.
The first thing she said was "who's Mary?" That is my mom. She went on to tell me things that only my mom would know. She told me my dad was an alcoholic and how sorry he was for some of the things he had done. She told me that my daughter, who was still born, was an "old soul" and that she would be on the other side when I got there one day. (She never asked if I had a daughter who had died or anything...she just started talking about it).
I believe that those we love are all around us and that there are a select few who are very sensitive to those spirits. I KNOW my mother and a few other people I truly love were in that room that day. She didn't try predicting the future or anything like that. She just brought me messages of love from people who have passed on. It was an incredible experience!
Teri, You must pm her name.. I went to a great one was very busy herself at the time. I have been to a few let me tell you this one was on the mark with a lot that she had told me. She had told my then niece that she would be divorcing my nephew we all thought that she was crazy for at the time they had a good marriage. Fast forward that coming year she left him and are divorced several years now. I cannot find this psychic anymore lost her contact information but at the time many of my friends were going to her, and they learned a lot that some came true.
I don't believe in living my life by them, it is all in fun, but I feel God does give some people the power to read into others lives. It may be coincidence but some stuff had come true and stuff that they told me only I knew and they divuluged. So yes some do have a gift.. Some are just a waste of money, so it all depends. Like I said earlier it is all in fun.
08-16-2008, 10:02 AM
The only thing that really makes me wonder is do I put this and make sense....LOL
If someone puts an idea into your think about it alot and eventually WILL it to happen. Did that make sense? That is why I don't really want to go to one, but enjoy hearing about them.
08-25-2008, 05:38 PM
Not meant to be a political thread in any way. I'm listening the Democratic convention on the radio, and it's so nice to hear that the brain surgery has not effected his thought process. I hadn't heard him speak since before he was diagnosed with the brain tumor.
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