View Full Version : Stop To Take Time For The Little Things

09-27-2006, 08:44 AM
As women we all know how much needs to be done in a day. We find ourselves coming and going and wondering how we are ever going to get it all accomplished. Rush Rush Rush is all it seems that happens anymore. :(

Well, I just want to remind everyone today to stop and notice the little things. Take a moment just to sit and relax...Notice all the beauty around you.

So, this am I tried to do what I preach to you all, LOL. I watched the sunrise this morning and captured a picture.

I wish all you ladies a wonderful day, and I hope that each of you found a quiet moment to relax and enjoy! ;)

09-27-2006, 10:02 AM
That is so sweet! That pict is beautiful! You are right...we take so much forgranted that we forget to STOP TO TAKE TIME FOR THE LITTLE THINGS.

09-27-2006, 01:33 PM
Oh Sherly that was so sweet and that picture is just breathtaking. I try to slow down and be aware of all the beautiful things, but boy it's hard. I'm just going to have to keep reminding myself.....thanks so much!!!:)

09-27-2006, 11:23 PM
Thanks for sharing this Sheryl, what a great reminder! We are always rushing through our days without thinking, so we don't even get to notice the little things in life. We need to slow down :D

What a beautiful pic, feel free to share those with us anytime :D :thumbup:

09-28-2006, 05:41 AM

Thanks for the reminder:) I do try to take a few minutes each day to reflect on how lucky I am to have a great family and great friends but I don't always get to.

Have a great day!