View Full Version : Nervy neighbors!

08-11-2008, 11:46 AM
Most of you know we've had some problems with the one neighbor as to boundaries and such. Well we put up a fence to keep them off our lot and they just won't take the hint! We have told them with the county cops as a witness to stay off our property, so it should have been pretty clear.

Paige and I went out to pick raspberries today and found the whole patch is picked clean. Paige said she had seen the couple from next door out there but didn't know it was OUR patch so hadn't said anything.

So what would you do? These people really dance on my last nerve!

08-11-2008, 02:14 PM
I would call the cops and have them charged with stealing your raspberries! It seems that suttle does not work with these people. What nerve!

We've had some real challenges with neighbors since we moved here in November. The guy across the street is very nice, but he has loud obnoxious parties every weekend. And then we find beer bottles and garbage on our lawn. He SWEARS it's not from his party...but where the heck else would they come from??

08-11-2008, 04:38 PM
Is there anyway you can dig it up and move it? Even if it's just part of it. Then destroy what ever is left. Also, put a sign up by the berries to keep out or you will prosecute.

08-11-2008, 04:38 PM
I would call the cops! Especially if they came over the fence! That is trespassing. I just don't know if you would have to catch them in the act tho. I would still call the cops. You have been nice long enough and it doesn't seem like they will stop anytime soon. I sure hope you can resolve this soon!

08-11-2008, 04:49 PM
I don't know what I'd do with this one. I'm sorry that you're still having problems with your neighbors. It seems that they just don't listen. Maybe a sign that says "This garden is protected by a Colt 45!!!!" Shoot off a few rounds just to let them know that you REALLY do have the gun!!!!! Then throw a few firecrackers behind them when they're in your garden next time. I bet that it would be funnier than the Husband's Revenge!!!!!!!

08-11-2008, 05:55 PM
Janet, I think we're going to end up moving as many as we want to the far opposite side of the lot and mow down the rest. I've been thinking about this today. I'm absolutely sick of this! It's such childish behavior; and I refuse to keep confronting them just to have them deny it.

What's really bad is that the company Greg works for does a full inspection and service on his truck every month and twice now they said the valve stems on the side away from our house (toward the neighbors house) have been turned loose. There's an extra safety valve in them so the tires don't lose air like a car tire would but they obviously don't know that. We haven't reported it yet, but I'm encouraging Greg to do it. Tampering with a semi is a federal crime as it makes his truck a safety hazard to others. I'd love to catch them in the act so we could send them back to jail. This is just insanity to have to live this way.

08-11-2008, 06:11 PM
That sucks Tink.
Some people just don't get the hint. Think it doesn't apply to them, or they are above it.

I would be real tempted to plant poison ivy on the fence...

08-11-2008, 06:17 PM
Shada, the plan right now is to cover the fence as much as possible in Rosa Rugosa. It's a very fast growing shrub/vining type rose that's full of thorns and attracts bees like crazy. It's very pretty which is what we'd see... but would likely discourage anyone wanting to spend a lot of time near it or trying to climb over it.

I just spoke with dh about this and he's agreed to move the plants I want and destroy the rest with a herbicide so they'll never come back. I'm not even going to bother saying anything to them about it... will just do it and let them form their own opinion as to what we've done.

08-11-2008, 06:37 PM
I'd set traps like the hunters do for animals. You'd be able to track the blood trail back to their place....LOLOL.

I really like Diana's idea...that would be soooo funny. I would love to see them jump and run at the sound of firecrackers.

08-12-2008, 04:19 AM
Just curious... was that "their" patch before the survery? That might explain why they thought it was their "right" to pick the patch. I would put up an electric fence! It would them AND their dogs out. I hope Greg decides to report this to the cops. Have you thought about putting a small hidden camera out? I hope you can catch them soon!

08-12-2008, 04:32 AM
Just curious... was that "their" patch before the survery? That might explain why they thought it was their "right" to pick the patch. I would put up an electric fence! It would them AND their dogs out. I hope Greg decides to report this to the cops. Have you thought about putting a small hidden camera out? I hope you can catch them soon!

I was just going to say an electric fence. Or put some nails or tacks in their tracks.

08-12-2008, 01:03 PM
OOOhhhh Good one Linda! I really would report it Tink, just so it would be on record.