View Full Version : Surgery again

08-27-2008, 11:22 AM
My first cataract surgery was 3 weeks ago, had problems with inflammation, can't see to read, have been back to the Doctor 2 times and he says my vision is 20/20 in the eye that was operated on. Every appointment is 2-4 hours. Need a valium just to sit that long. They dialate my eyes and I can't see to drive home, but they tell me that I can see to drive home, God is my co-pilot. He changed the lense in my glasses for just the eye that I had surgery on, well my ins. company will not pay until both eyes are done.
Am scheduled next week for the left eye. PRAY PLEASE.
Also, I have many eye floaters and he told me," that", he told me, before the surgery, that the floaters would be worse, which he did not. But, "your brain will learn to ignore them". I have known of the Doctor for 20 years and he is suppose to be one of the best. I have to see a retina specialist next month because he does not know what it going on.:eek::eek::eek:
Thanks for you prayers.

08-27-2008, 12:39 PM
Donna, seems like you're having a heck of a time. It won't be long and you'll be able to get both lenses. I know it has to be so frustrating, most insurance companies are to some degree.

I use to have floaters too, well still do, but I don't notice them much at all anymore. Drove me nuts for a time. I didn't have any surgery, so don't know why they popped up, but at least I don't notice them now.

I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

08-27-2008, 01:34 PM
I hope that things get better soon. Maybe the second surgery will help. I have floaters too. About the only time that I really notice them is when I'm looking at something white. The eye doctor told me that they get worse as you age. Bummer! Humans should come with instruction manuals with these kinds of things in there!!!!!!

08-27-2008, 01:39 PM
Thanks GF's. ;)

08-27-2008, 02:22 PM
Sorry to hear that you're going through this - I hope that the retina specialist will be able to figure out what's going on. Make sure you keep us updated!

08-29-2008, 05:56 AM
I'm sending prayers for you. It sounds like a difficult thing to manage without clear vision. I am praying that the surgery will clear things up quickly.

My friend's grandmother had floaters. She couldn't quite grasp what they were so she would point the big ones out to her granddaughter, who finally gave up arguing and would say things like "Yes grandma, that is a big one!"

08-29-2008, 10:42 AM
I'm sending prayers for you. It sounds like a difficult thing to manage without clear vision. I am praying that the surgery will clear things up quickly.

My friend's grandmother had floaters. She couldn't quite grasp what they were so she would point the big ones out to her granddaughter, who finally gave up arguing and would say things like "Yes grandma, that is a big one!"

That is so funny.
Mine are really bad and so many of them, when I take a drink it looks like bugs are in it, see things crawling around on the cabinets and sometimes I smack the counter, one around the left eye is like a halo around my eye ball.
The Doctor says your brain will learn to ignore them.:p
I am not sure I would want an old age manual ahead of time, it would be, not so funny.:eek: