View Full Version : Firestarter

09-24-2008, 06:31 AM
I watched this video about the new movie "Firestarter" that's coming out. Kirk Cameron is in it and does the interview about it. I'm really impressed with Kirk and the movie sounds really interesting!!


09-24-2008, 06:45 AM
I've always liked Kirk too, but at times find him a little over the top. I wish he hadn't talked about the behind the scenes thing, I was ready to see the movie until then. For some reason, that right now I can't explain...it bothered me. I saw him in the interview ealier on the Today show with Meredith and then I saw him doing the game thing with Hoda and Kathy Lee.

Now Kathy Lee is a whole other story....LOLOL...I wish she'd just shut up and let the person talk. Doesn't she hear them or see their lips moving? Guess I'm on a roll now too huh???..LOL