View Full Version : GTKY Quiz 6

09-29-2008, 03:52 PM
(Skipping first question because it's only asking for your name.)

2. Small talk? Deep conversations?

3. Pilot? Navigator?

4. Favorite ice cream flavor?

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood?

6. Favorite writer:

7. Have you ever re-gifted?

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer?

9. Favorite hot beverage?

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast?

11. Most influential person in your life?

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester?

13. What do you day dream about?

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan?

15. Habit you wish you could change?

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi?

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old?

18. Reality show? Sitcom?

19. Birthday?

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll?

21. Morning glory? Night owl?

22. Favorite forest animal?

23. Birthmark?

24. Favorite candy?

25. Store-bought? Homemade?

26. I don't understand..........

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer?

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies?

29. Favorite color for a car?

30. It's not fair that............

31. Do you make your bed every morning?

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn?

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news?

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup?

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music?

36. Small purse? Giant bag?

37. Favorite fairy tale?

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name?

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate?

40. Best jungle animal?

09-29-2008, 04:08 PM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? Both

3. Pilot? Navigator?Depends on where I'm going. Here....Pilot Chicago......Navigator LOL

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? Mint

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? We've had tornados and floods but none that I was worried for my safety.

6. Favorite writer: Karen Kingsbury

7. Have you ever re-gifted? Of course!!

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? In my family.......some of both!!!!

9. Favorite hot beverage? Coffee

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? Goes too, too fast!!!

11. Most influential person in your life? My dear Husband!!!

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? Either the Queen or the Jester!!!

13. What do you day dream about? Getting my house organized!!!!

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? Meat eater!

15. Habit you wish you could change? At the moment there's too many to list. :(

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? Romance

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? If your Mom ever sends you out to get a switch........get a very small one!!!!!

18. Reality show? Sitcom? A little of both

19. Birthday? I have one of those!!!

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? a doughnut with chocolate or maple icing! Yum!!!

21. Morning glory? Night owl? Definitely not a Morning Glory!!!!!........and really not a very late night owl!!!!

22. Favorite forest animal? Bunny

23. Birthmark?A very small one on my upper leg

24. Favorite candy? Reese's cups!!!

25. Store-bought? Homemade? Depends on what it is!!!

26. I don't understand.......... too hurtful to go into right now.

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer? Director.....I love to boss people around and I'm lousy at memorizing lines!!!!

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? Diet Pepsi and a large buttered popcorn!!!!

29. Favorite color for a car? I just love the Pearl white!!! So, so pretty!!!

30. It's not fair that............again, too long to go into.

31. Do you make your bed every morning? No

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? I dressed up like an oriental woman once and had a blast!!!

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? I try to check the news when I'm on the computer.

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? Waffle cone

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? No TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? Small purse

37. Favorite fairy tale?Cinderella

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? Yes, her name is Lee Ann and she's my sister!!

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? Absolutely not!!!!

40. Best jungle animal? Lion

09-30-2008, 04:20 AM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? small talk

3. Pilot? Navigator? neither

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? plain vanilla

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? 3 or 4 hurricanes (still trying to survive Ike), 1 tornado, 2 flood

6. Favorite writer: not a reader

7. Have you ever re-gifted?every chance I get

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? no

9. Favorite hot beverage?coffee w/sugar & cream

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? always goes too fast

11. Most influential person in your life?hubby & oldest daughter are tied

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester?I AM QUEEN IN MY CASTLE

13. What do you day dream about?remodeling house

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? meat eater

15. Habit you wish you could change?worrying/paranoia

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi?romance

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? listen to your parents

18. Reality show? Sitcom?neither

19. Birthday?February 4th

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll?croissant

21. Morning glory? Night owl?neither

22. Favorite forest animal?whitetail deer

23. Birthmark?left hip

24. Favorite candy?milky way

25. Store-bought? Homemade?homemade

26. I don't understand..........spanish

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer?director

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies?none - too dirty

29. Favorite color for a car? black

30. It's not fair that............I have to work

31. Do you make your bed every morning?most, not every

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn?haven't

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? not always - I try

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? all

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? no TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? small purse

37. Favorite fairy tale? Cinderella

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? no

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? yes

40. Best jungle animal? tiger (my high school and employer mascot

09-30-2008, 05:30 AM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? I like both

3. Pilot? Navigator? Pilot, but never alone if going very far

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla will Hershey chocolate and Dry Roasted Peanuts

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? Had tornado close, but never what you say 'survived' one

6. Favorite writer: Too many wonderful books to choose

7. Have you ever re-gifted? I think so

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? no

9. Favorite hot beverage? coffee

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? WAY too fast

11. Most influential person in your life? Can't really think of anyone

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? Queen, I like things done a certain way and I can be bossy..:o

13. What do you day dream about? New house, organized house, beautiful furniture..etc.

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? Meat eater for sure, but do love my veggies

15. Habit you wish you could change? My eating habits

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? Comedy

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? Quit crying everytime you don't get your way

18. Reality show? Sitcom? Love both

19. Birthday? I've had them, but not any more

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? Sugar glazed donut

21. Morning glory? Night owl? Morning Glory

22. Favorite forest animal? Deer

23. Birthmark? mole inside left knee

24. Favorite candy? Chocolate covered peanuts, most anything chocolate

25. Store-bought? Homemade? depends on what it is

26. I don't understand.......... why I had to lose my dad so early

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer? Director because I can be bossy and the star just because I want to.

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? popcorn and Pepsi

29. Favorite color for a car? red

30. It's not fair that............ that people must suffer

31. Do you make your bed every morning? No

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? Never really wore costumes

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? Pretty much on the local news at least

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? Waffle

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? No TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? Giant bag, although it's not really giant, but I definitely can't use a small one.

37. Favorite fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? No

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? Sure, they don't make a plate big enough...lolol

40. Best jungle animal? Chimpanzee

09-30-2008, 03:32 PM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? Depends on who I am talking to!

3. Pilot? Navigator? Usually the pilot.

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? Tornado when I was young.

6. Favorite writer: Dean Koontz - Patrica Cornwell - many others

7. Have you ever re-gifted? Yes, but I had a difficult time doing it the first time!

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? Got papered once.

9. Favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? Drags at work, home life it flies by way to fast.

11. Most influential person in your life? My grandmother. Bless her soul.

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? I think I would enjoy being the Queen.

13. What do you day dream about? Being debt free, organized house, being retired (early!!)

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? Meat eater.

15. Habit you wish you could change? Smoking.

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? Action!!

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? Eat all your food.

18. Reality show? Sitcom? Enjoy them all.

19. Birthday? So far I have had 54 of those things!

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? Croissant

21. Morning glory? Night owl? Night owl

22. Favorite forest animal? Deer

23. Birthmark? None

24. Favorite candy? Chocolate

25. Store-bought? Homemade? Homemade of course!!

26. I don't understand.......... why life is so hard sometimes

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Supporting star.. kissing my favorite star!

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? Popcorn - coke

29. Favorite color for a car? Silver

30. It's not fair that............Potatoes make me gain weight!!

31. Do you make your bed every morning? Yes

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? That guy who was on the Mickey Mouse show.. what was his name??

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? Try to be.

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? Cup

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? No TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? Small at the moment!

37. Favorite fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? Yes. can't remember right now!!

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? Of course! I mix 'em together.

40. Best jungle animal? Cat

10-03-2008, 06:24 AM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? Prefer deep conversations, but small talk is okay

3. Pilot? Navigator? Navigator

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? Never had to!

6. Favorite writer: Ernest Hemingway

7. Have you ever re-gifted? He!! yes

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? No - my kind of revenge is far more evil!

9. Favorite hot beverage? COFFEE

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? way too fast

11. Most influential person in your life? God

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? Queen

13. What do you day dream about? a hot, young ..... (you can take it from here)

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? Meat eater

15. Habit you wish you could change? My online addiction

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? All - I just love a good movie

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? Play!

18. Reality show? Sitcom? Sitcom

19. Birthday? March 9th

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? Croissant, lightly toasted with butter and a cup of coffee

21. Morning glory? Night owl? Morning glory

22. Favorite forest animal? Owls

23. Birthmark? A freckle on my bellybuttom, discovered when I was pregnant and my bellybutton popped out.

24. Favorite candy? dark chocolate

25. Store-bought? Homemade? as long as it's delicious, I don't care

26. I don't understand..........the need for power

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer?

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? I bring my own - diet Dr. Pepper's and cut up fruit.

29. Favorite color for a car? black

30. It's not fair that............children are suffering

31. Do you make your bed every morning? yes

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? can't say

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? most of the time

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? sugar!

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? no TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? Humongous

37. Favorite fairy tale? Hansel and Gretel or Snow White (love the dwarves)

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name?

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? Yes, but they cannot mate!

40. Best jungle animal? panther

10-03-2008, 06:54 AM
Judy....I just love your answers! Some were so funny and I needed a chuckle.

10-03-2008, 07:43 AM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? Deep conversations

3. Pilot? Navigator? Navigator

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla.. hey, something in my life has to be boring!

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? .... BLIZZARDS!!!!

6. Favorite writer: too many to choose!

7. Have you ever re-gifted? No

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? Neither :)

9. Favorite hot beverage? Apple cider, or orange pekoe tea with sugar

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast? Drags at work, goes by fast at home

11. Most influential person in your life? both of my grandmas

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? Princess... not too much responsibility, and lots of hot princes lusting after me of course ;)

13. What do you day dream about? Food lol

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? I eat meat, but I'm not a huge meat eater. I much prefer vegetables and fruit!

15. Habit you wish you could change? hitting snooze so often in the morning!

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? Romance/Comedy

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? If it's a little girl... be cute and cry to your dad, you'll get anything you want :D

18. Reality show? Sitcom? I like both

19. Birthday? June 6

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? Maple frosted doughnut

21. Morning glory? Night owl? A little of both!

22. Favorite forest animal? Deer... they're pretty, but at the same time I like to eat them.

23. Birthmark? I have one on my left shin, and people always think it's a smudge of dirt. I also have one between my eyebrows that looked like a splatter of red paint when I was a baby, but isn't noticeable now unless I get angry or upset and my face gets red

24. Favorite candy? Fuzzy Peaches

25. Store-bought? Homemade? Homemade but I never have time to make anything homemade!

26. I don't understand.......... most people!

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer? I have been all except director, but I enjoyed being set designer the most in my last year of high school.

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? small popcorn with extra butter, and usually either iced tea or 7-up

29. Favorite color for a car? burnt orange

30. It's not fair that............ I have to work to make money lol!

31. Do you make your bed every morning? Usually no, but this morning I did

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? When I was 11, I got to play Princess Jasmine in my figure skating club's presentation of Aladdin. I felt like such a star... the costume was gorgeous and at the time I actually did have my dark hair very long... almost down to my butt! I really looked like her

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? Yes, I read the news a few times a day

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? Cup, I don't really like cones!

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? No music

36. Small purse? Giant bag? Medium-sized to giant bag lol... It's my lifeline. I have everything I might possibly need in there.

37. Favorite fairy tale? Probably Cinderella

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? Yes, when I was little I had an imaginary friend named Alice, and she was about 3 inches tall and would go everywhere with me lol. I imagined her to look like a cartoon with long blonde hair.

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? Yes, but only if they taste good together. At Christmas or Thanksgiving, my turkey, stuffing, and potatos can touch because they all get gravy on them and they can even mix a little. But something warm like potatoes touching something cold like salad doesn't work. It's just science lol

40. Best jungle animal? Tiger

10-10-2008, 07:14 PM
2. Small talk? Deep conversations? i enjoy both

3. Pilot? Navigator? navigator

4. Favorite ice cream flavor? blackberry

5. I survived a hurricane? tornado? flood? tornado

6. Favorite writer: Tony Hillerman

7. Have you ever re-gifted? you betcha!

8. Toilet-papered? Toilet-paperer? neither

9. Favorite hot beverage?coffee

10. Time........drags? goes by too fast?depends on the time of day and what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing

11. Most influential person in your life? a college professor

12. Who would you be in a castle? Queen? Princess? Knight? Jester? Queen - definitely

13. What do you day dream about? a stress free life

14. Meat eater? Vegetarian? Vegan? MEAT

15. Habit you wish you could change? procrastination

16. Best type of movie? Romance? Comedy? Scary? Action? Sci-fi? romance or western

17. Any advice for a 5-year-old? always tell the truth

18. Reality show? Sitcom? neither

19. Birthday? November 11

20. Bagel? Doughnut? Croissant? Cinnamon roll? I'll take them all, thank you very much!

21. Morning glory? Night owl? morning glory

22. Favorite forest animal? deer

23. Birthmark? nope

24. Favorite candy? dove chocolate

25. Store-bought? Homemade? both

26. I don't understand..........hypocracy

27. Who would you be on a set? Director? Star? Supporting star? Set designer? director

28. What food/beverage do you get at the movies? popcorn/diet coke

29. Favorite color for a car? depends on the car - I like red, but not on all cars

30. It's not fair that............ I'm short and can't eat as much as a tall person

31. Do you make your bed every morning? are you kidding me!!!

32. Favorite costume you've ever worn? don't think I've ever worn a costume - I'm not a dress up person

33. Are you always up-to-date on current news? yep

34. Waffle cone? Sugar cone? Cup? sugar cone or cup

35. Which is worse? No TV? No music? no TV

36. Small purse? Giant bag? BACKPACK

37. Favorite fairy tale? Cinderella

38. Ever have an imaginary friend? Name? Yes, and she lived in the hot water heater in my grandma's bathroom - and I am not kidding

39. Can different foods touch each other on your plate? yep

40. Best jungle animal? monkey

10-12-2008, 05:30 PM
I just wanted to remind others that we have other GTNY Quizes. Here's a link to them.......




