View Full Version : male mucky mags

09-28-2006, 01:48 PM
what do all you ladies think about them? would you be ok if your partner had some? maybe you both use them as part of your sex life? you hate them and would go mad if you found out your partner had some? how many of you think your partner has got some that he hides? how many of you know your partner would never look at one? im kinda on the fence with this, one half says if we shared it in are sex life i would be fine with it but then the other half says or would i? i know for def i wouldnt be pleased if i found out my partner was hiding any and not told me:mad: whats your feelings on mens mags or videos?

09-28-2006, 03:00 PM
I don't really care.... I guess. It's not like there's a chance in hell he could get one of them....LOL We're all dreamers in one way or another, so what the heck....:D

09-28-2006, 03:16 PM
I don't have any problem with them (mags or videos). In fact I gave my hubby a magazine subscription for a birthday present last year. But, this is just me. If I did feel uncomfortable with things of this nature I would be really mad if he didn't take my feelings under consideration and respect my wishes. I think if you're in a committed relationship the girl gets to decide the rules on these things.:)

09-28-2006, 03:43 PM
I dont really care either, like Janet said there is no way that he is going to get the girls. Plus he comes home to me everynight not them, so I dont have anythign to worry about! He has magazines and videos and we look at them together ;)

09-28-2006, 03:44 PM
I know my hubby doesn't have any videos or mags, but I honestly wouldn't care too much if he did....as long as he was honest about it. However, if it ever came to the point where he was looking at mags or videos over having sex with me, now that is where we would have a problem. As long as looking at them doesn't interfere with our relationship and he makes me feel secure and comfortable, I'm cool with it. :cool:

09-28-2006, 11:59 PM
I don't care either... if looking at a mag makes he's day, good luck to him :D

09-29-2006, 07:42 AM
I know my hubby doesn't have any videos or mags, but I honestly wouldn't care too much if he did....as long as he was honest about it. However, if it ever came to the point where he was looking at mags or videos over having sex with me, now that is where we would have a problem. As long as looking at them doesn't interfere with our relationship and he makes me feel secure and comfortable, I'm cool with it. :cool:
I agree. As long as your partner doesn't prefer the mags over you, its ok. However I think that if the woman feels really insecure about this and expresses that to her husband, he should respect her wishes and refrain from looking at those things. I truly believe anything goes in a relationship, so long as BOTH people are on the same page.

09-29-2006, 11:49 AM
I don't have a problem with them in general but I don't really care for my hubby looking at them. My reason is though is that he wouldn't like me looking at something like that so I don't think its fair that he could look at them. Same with strip clubs he would have a problem if I went so I just think that since he doesn't want me going (not that this issue has actually came up in real life, just discussions) then he should have enough respect for me not to do something he wouldn't like, if you can understand any of that. We watch movies together so if its something that we do together then it doesn't bother me but just him doing it, I'm not a big fan.....

09-29-2006, 07:30 PM
yeah i agree with most of whats been said, if its not a secret and its something that ok with both partners then there isnt a problem with it.

09-30-2006, 07:16 AM
yeah i agree with most of whats been said, if its not a secret and its something that ok with both partners then there isnt a problem with it.
:thumbup: :thumbup: I agree i don't care as long as he still wants me lol

Taurus Babe
09-30-2006, 04:43 PM
I'm sure he has some and I'm fine with it. He's with me right??? I think if they love you then they love you and if they wanna live in a little fantisy world with mags or videos then let it be. Actually in my last relationship I bought him a video...
Like Nikki said, if you do have a problem with it, then he should respect it...

09-30-2006, 05:48 PM
I'm sure he has some and I'm fine with it. He's with me right??? I think if they love you then they love you and if they wanna live in a little fantisy world with mags or videos then let it be. Actually in my last relationship I bought him a video...
Like Nikki said, if you do have a problem with it, then he should respect it... yeah agree with you there, i wouldnt mind if my other half had any but if i did have a problem with it and he still looked at them i wouldnt be happy about that.

Tiger Lily
10-02-2006, 01:51 PM
I give you ladies a lot of credit! you are seem much less jealous than me. I was in a long relationship before where it didn't bother me & in fact we did share in the 'dirty stuff' sometimes BUT this guy complemented me all the time & it was something we did together. With my current fiance it is a different story. He's not that into sex, so when he makes google eyes at any type of girlie thing than it really bothers me. His lack of interest makes me insecure.....

10-06-2006, 02:36 PM
One year for christmas I got my ex husband a subscript to one and that was all it took. He wanted me to have my breast inlarged. Granted. I'm only a 34 A.
Isaid no. He said see ya. I got the kids he got the house and a new woman
3 times the size of me all around and 6 years older than him. More experience.

10-06-2006, 03:28 PM
I really think those mags are just plain sick. I don't care who looks at them, they can only dream. They aren't real. I can't believe a picture can get so many men worked up. They are visual creatures except when it comes to seeing the mess they left...

10-09-2006, 02:23 PM
I really think those mags are just plain sick. I don't care who looks at them, they can only dream. They aren't real. I can't believe a picture can get so many men worked up. They are visual creatures except when it comes to seeing the mess they left... lol thats very true of a lot of men, mindyou mines trained well and he also does the tidying up.:D

10-09-2006, 02:26 PM
i kind of view the mags the same way as if a women has a hmm how shall i put this? a toy lol if she uses that and thinks about things then its kind of the same as a man looking at a mag, see we can use are brains to get to climax but men well they need a helping hand lol they need it in front of them:D

04-05-2007, 08:05 PM
I think....KNOW it would bother me if my husband were to look at them....but he doesn't. He agrees with me on this topic, believe it or not. He said he looked at porn a few times on the internet when he was a young teenager and could tell what it was doing to his mind and his image of women so he stopped. (I am proud of him for that.)

And might I add that I am a professional photographer and I spend hours of my day on Photoshop touching up undesirable features of people I photograph. In seconds, I can make a waist smaller, boobs bigger, legs thinner, remove double chins, whiten teeth, brighten eyes, slim down cheeks, remove facial blemishes, fix flyaway hair, even skin tones, etc.

If you want, I can post a before and after sometime! It's pretty fascinating. :eek: But in the same sense, really sad that young girls get that image in their mind that they want to attain and don't understand that it's truly "unattainable"!!! I tell my older friends with teenage children to come to my studio for a demonstration sometime!