View Full Version : did everyone stay up late watching football or what?

10-06-2008, 09:42 AM
Ok i know were missing guys here from watching the football games (Steelers) yesterday, they called off today Steeleritis they call it.... its when you had to much to drink and stayed up late watching the steeler/ or football games, but were is everyone at today??? humm,, i think we need a role call.....

10-06-2008, 10:07 AM
I have never fully understood football. I just always wait till morning, check the news to see if the Colts won the night before.....oh and the did!!!! Go Colts!!

10-06-2008, 10:10 AM
I love my Steelers, but most of the games this year are night games :mad: forget that i can't get up in the mornings 4am comes to early for me.
Plus the Steelers haven't been playing that great this year,, they actually look like a college football team instead of professional team this year...

10-06-2008, 10:41 AM
Football is a sport I don't understand. I love when there's a pile up though.

10-06-2008, 10:43 AM
don't some of them have the cutiest butts :rolleyes::32:

10-06-2008, 01:14 PM
I don't mind watching football. But i don't understand it either. But I don't understand alot of sports. I don't have a favorite.

10-06-2008, 02:51 PM
I LOVE football - I stay up late and watch it all the time - I watch on Saturdays and Sundays - love it!!!

Of course, I love basketball MORE - and that starts up in just another month or so. College basketball - women's mostly. I have season tix to our University team and my 86 year old mom goes to all the games with me.



10-06-2008, 03:00 PM
Football?? Whats that??

10-07-2008, 04:39 PM
My husband's not into sports so I've never gotten into watching them. He really doesn't have anything that he just has to watch so that means that I usually have control of the remote!!!