View Full Version : All OT is cut

10-21-2008, 03:51 AM
:( We'll the recession is hitting home now, all the steel mills are closing for the winter or going down to 8 hour days, scrap prices went way down! so as of today all my overtime is cut... This really stinks, especially around Christmas time, i'm going to lose around 200-250 a month... Hopefully we don't get laid off this year.. so cross your fingers for me and say a pray... it's not looking good ..

10-21-2008, 04:03 AM
WOW that really stinks. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad when things start picking up. I'm so tired of all the bad stuff on the news.
Never anything good. God Bless You.

10-21-2008, 04:08 AM
Thanks Cecil, its bad around my area, with the steel mills shutting down for the winter its really hitting home, when they cut back we have to cut back, this is the first time in 10 years that my overtime been cut, but Thank God i got my credit cards all paid off except one, with the recession i put it in high gear to pay off some old debt cause i knew bad times are coming.. so with Mike still working ot we'll be ok so far.. We'll just have to cut down on our Christmas giving this year...

10-21-2008, 04:15 AM
I'm so sorry! It is hard to feel pinched, especially around Christmas. One year my husband got laid off the middle of November and was off for 6 weeks. Thankfully, he got called back right after Christmas - but it was an uncomfortable time.

I hope your hubby's work continues to be busy! :)

10-21-2008, 04:25 AM
thanks Gayle, so far his company is doing good, hopefully our new president will get this recession under control, but it's going to be like this for a long time around our area, can't fix this overnight.. But with the credit crunch in effect i don't know how some small business are going to survive. it's a very sad time to live in..
we have car dealerships closing, banks going under, houses for sale everywhere you look. its heartbreaking.. but you have to keep working...

10-21-2008, 05:20 AM
I know it's hard Haley, but please take a little comfort in knowing you're not alone in this. I sure hope things start getting better for everyone. My husband still hasn't found a job and so far no unemployment....this sucks too! It will get better.........I hope!

10-21-2008, 05:31 AM
It's really hard with a baby,, and now its getting colder, so the gas bill will be going up soon, but i'll pray on it, God got me this far... My grandmother always told us, if God brings you too it, he'll get you thru it... so i have to take the bad with the good, I just Thank God that i still have a job so far...

10-21-2008, 12:10 PM
I really hope that the only the OT is cut and lay offs don't come for you! I think you're right, Christmas is going to be lean for many families this year.

10-21-2008, 01:29 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. So many small businesses seem to be shutting down completely, and the bigger ones are cutting hours.

It's such a hard time for our economy.....and for the world, in general. It's a worry.

10-21-2008, 04:01 PM
So sorry you are confronting this Haley. Hopefully we will have some changes coming that will make a difference and get things headed in the right direction.

Hubby is meeting with another couple who may want to build even though the economy is not good. So far, he's slow, but keeping busy. Still can't believe what happened to our 401K's and IRA's. Just don't want to think about it. Nothing I can do to fix it.

My business is finally beginning to slow down. Many of the projects we were supplying are completing their purchasing, and the economy is affecting the start of future projects, so my commission will definitely drop after the first of the year.

We will be okay, but we are very worried about others and sincerely hope that your work stays steady.

Janet, didn't know your hubby is still out of work. So hope he can find something very soon!!!!

10-21-2008, 09:55 PM
We're very lucky that the effects haven't hit here YET... but i"m sure they will in time. We're always behind the rest of the country in things. At times like this that's not so bad. lol

Our state unemployment rate is 4.7% but our county rate is 3.8%, up from 3.7% one year ago. Luckily so far it hasn't seemed to affect my sales and my husband is so high on seniority with his company that they'd have to go out of business to let him go. (He's about # 20 out of over 250) So for now we're lucky. As we all know though, that can change in a heartbeat.

I hope things pick up for you Haley, and Janet, I hope Rick finds a good job soon!

10-22-2008, 03:04 AM
thanks everyone, all we can do is pray on this, hopefully my company is big enough that we will survive this, if not i have to look for another job.. At least for now there is still unemployement till i find something else..
But i will be one of the last people to go if we have layoffs, Thank God...

10-22-2008, 04:41 AM
They are laying off people like crazy at my job. I just got some new responsibilities due to the recent layoffs which actually makes my job more secure. My husband's job however is not. But he's been looking for other things. Hopefully we hear something back from the 2 jobs he's intereviewed with soon. However, if Logan needs surgery that's going to really hurt. Right now he's doing really good on his anti-inflammatories. I can tell a difference in his gate, but he's using the leg & not limping ever. I think we'll still take him to michigan state to be evaluated, but we'll wait as long as we can to actually get the surgery done. My husband & I have already decided to cut out our big gifts to each other. I was gonna get a new softball bat (which are pretty expensive) & he was gonna get Guitar Hero world tour with guitar. It's really not a big deal because we didn't need any of these things.

10-22-2008, 05:21 AM
We cut our Christmas giving too, it sucks but, now since i busted the basement door in were going to need a new door i found one steel door for 150 up at lowes so i'm going tomorrow to see if they have a cheaper one.. that will take from our Christmas money also.. just a bad year for giving...

10-22-2008, 05:27 AM
It just amazes me how everyone is coping with this mess. I'm very thankful I have a good job for at least 2 more years. But I work in county government and have for 25 + years. Our governor is trying to do away with our election process
and have only one person in charge of all departments. If that happens I'm sure I will be out of a job because it will be who you are not the job you do. Only time will tell. Keep your chin up..We've all been there at one time or another.

10-22-2008, 05:31 AM
after the bad times, comes the good times... Were having fun now staying home with the baby... can't afford to go out,,, so this is a good thing ... and he's still young yet, he'll be happy with a couple gifts under the tree this year. when i get my bonuse (hopefully) in January, i'll take him toy shopping again.. Mike will also get a bonus at the end of December, so we will hit the after Christmas sales...

10-22-2008, 05:46 AM
Hubby just left to take an application back. He is so down, but what can you do? He just rec'd his inheritance from his step-mother recently, so that has been the weekly paycheck so far. He has signed up for unemployment, but they told him it would be 6-8 weeks. I don't understand that....what are families, that are in worse shape than us, suppose to do for 6-8 weeks?

I hadn't updated his resume for quite a few years, so this morning that is what I did. I think he's going to take it to all the body shops and car dealerships and see what's out there. The sad thing is that all he has ever done is auto body repair. From the time he was 16 years old...that's all he knows. Oh he is applying to the factories too, but we all know how most the factories are doing. How can you apply and have a decent resume, if you've never done anything else?

If anyone has suggestings, I'd love to hear them. May not apply to us, but maybe a suggestion will lead us in another direction.

Haley, I wouldn't worry about Christmas so much now....it's a perfect time to teach how to give things from the heart and what the real meaning of Christmas is. I know that is what we are planning to do.

10-22-2008, 05:51 AM
Hubby just left to take an application back. He is so down, but what can you do? He just rec'd his inheritance from his step-mother recently, so that has been the weekly paycheck so far. He has signed up for unemployment, but they told him it would be 6-8 weeks. I don't understand that....what are families, that are in worse shape than us, suppose to do for 6-8 weeks?

I hadn't updated his resume for quite a few years, so this morning that is what I did. I think he's going to take it to all the body shops and car dealerships and see what's out there. The sad thing is that all he has ever done is auto body repair. From the time he was 16 years old...that's all he knows. Oh he is applying to the factories too, but we all know how most the factories are doing. How can you apply and have a decent resume, if you've never done anything else?

If anyone has suggestings, I'd love to hear them. May not apply to us, but maybe a suggestion will lead us in another direction.

Haley, I wouldn't worry about Christmas so much now....it's a perfect time to teach how to give things from the heart and what the real meaning of Christmas is. I know that is what we are planning to do.

Your right about that Janet,, Micah would be happy with a box this year, he loves playing with boxes, pots and pans, :)
Unemployment is so unfair i dont' know why you have to wait that long, i tell you what if something happens up here, i;m changing Mikes address and going on unemployement and welfare,, everyone else gets it so screw it, that is the mood im in, i been working since i was 13 years old, i'm going for everything i can get my hands on like the rest of this valley....

10-22-2008, 06:23 AM
Haley, I disagree with your statement that "everyone else gets it", because I don't. I hope your mood changes. Relax and let's all hang in together.

10-22-2008, 06:39 AM
Haley, I disagree with your statement that "everyone else gets it", because I don't. I hope your mood changes. Relax and let's all hang in together.

i was talking about the people around my "valley" and believe me they do get it and know how to work the system, and laugh about it... i remember when i was single a lady drinking all day at a bar, she only worked part time cause she had to to get welfare, while he kids were in daycare that walfare paid for....

10-22-2008, 06:46 AM
Hubby just left to take an application back. He is so down, but what can you do? He just rec'd his inheritance from his step-mother recently, so that has been the weekly paycheck so far. He has signed up for unemployment, but they told him it would be 6-8 weeks. I don't understand that....what are families, that are in worse shape than us, suppose to do for 6-8 weeks?

I hadn't updated his resume for quite a few years, so this morning that is what I did. I think he's going to take it to all the body shops and car dealerships and see what's out there. The sad thing is that all he has ever done is auto body repair. From the time he was 16 years old...that's all he knows. Oh he is applying to the factories too, but we all know how most the factories are doing. How can you apply and have a decent resume, if you've never done anything else?

If anyone has suggestings, I'd love to hear them. May not apply to us, but maybe a suggestion will lead us in another direction.

Haley, I wouldn't worry about Christmas so much now....it's a perfect time to teach how to give things from the heart and what the real meaning of Christmas is. I know that is what we are planning to do.

My brain's in OD trying to think of helpful suggestions. Does Rick have tools and facilities to make small repairs at home for now? Maybe he could put out a newspaper ad and/or some signs and bring in a few bucks while looking. With the cost of everything, lots of people can't afford dealership prices for repairs.

My son has been home from Iraq almost three weeks and he will probably end up going offshore to work on the rigs. One SIL is going to work in Iraq because they are getting behind in bills and have vehicles that need repair. The other SIL is trying to find something outside of real estate work and his wife (my youngest daughter) has gone to work.

10-22-2008, 08:57 AM
It will be a lean Christmas. I'm sorry Haley, and Janet. I hope things look up for both of you soon. It's like a house of cards when it comes down to the economy and keeping your income.

I worry because my pension is from NYC, social security is certainly not guaranteed anymore and my annuity - I don't want to know! But, I'm okay for right now. The county I live in is known for its poverty. It is heartbreaking. I can't tell you how many homes are for sale, and businesses stand empty. I worry about these people now that winter is coming. I know they can't afford to heat their homes!

It's time for me to start donating canned goods and any clothing I don't wear.

I just can't stand the idea that people are going to be cold and hungry.

10-22-2008, 09:03 AM
same here Judy, there some house not even finish building for sale they can't afford to finish them, beautiful house... i wish i had the 20% down for some of them...
I just donated a bunch of clothes that i'll never wear and Micah's old baby clothes to a local church.. i just hope we don't have a cold winter this year, i do feel sorry for the elderly they are on a fixed income, there not going to be able to afford it. last year i remember on the news so many house fires, there trying to find other ways to heat there houses, one man had candles lite in his bedroom trying to keep warm and burnt his house down. so sad....

10-22-2008, 09:05 AM
Like everyone has said, this is being felt all over the country. We're going to see a lot of unnecessary spending come to a halt so that we can make sure that we have money to pay for the essentials. It's time to tighten the belt. I'm glad that your job is pretty secure.

10-22-2008, 11:24 AM
Haley, I'm really not picking on you, and I do worry about the elderly and less fortunate, but I'm on a fixed income, too. I work for Exxon, but my monthly check is the same, even with increased gas and groceries prices. BTW, why haven't grocery prices started coming down with the gas prices?

10-22-2008, 12:19 PM
It has been really cold here of a morning, down in the high 30's low 40's. I have a heater on in the bedroom (it's very safe) and this afternoon decided to have Ricky start a fire in the fire place insert. That should keep that end of the house warm. I'm just not ready to start paying a heat bill yet and for the first time....my cold blooded husband doesn't mind....LOLOL. He's just wearing warmer clothes in the house. I know the time will come...already has...that I will have to turn the furnace on, but I'm holding out for awhile longer.

Hubby has been out most of the day putting in applications and most are not hiring. A few said they would take his application for their files, but that's about it. I updated his resume and he will be taking it around too. I'm really not worried yet....just tightening up the purse strings a little bit. We've been through tight times before...we will be okay...I hope.

10-22-2008, 04:04 PM
Of course you will Janet. Poor Rick! They were so unfair to him. Their karma will suffer for sure, but for an experienced, grown man to have to pound the pavement looking for work is just wrong.

10-22-2008, 07:03 PM
I agree that the unemployment system is unfair - I wonder why one has to wait so long for benefits??? I remember when my husband got sick and could not work, it took him 8 months to get his social security disability approved and it takes many people much much longer to get it. I can sorta understand that it takes some time to determine that someone is completely disabled - but what the heck are you supposed to do for money in the meantime. Fortunately, I have a good job - but we were not accustomed to living on my salary alone - it's amazing how you can tighten your belt when you have to.

Then he had to apply for medical retirement and that took about 6-8 months too. He was also automatically eligible for some VA disability because he has type II diabetes which is directly connected to Agent Orange exposure from service time in Vietnam. It is an automatic disabililty - if you were in Vietnam and you developed adult onset diabetes, then you get the benefits. There was no question about him having diabetes - he'd had it for 10 years when we applied and it still took FOURTEEN MONTHS to get the benefits started. I still shake my head over that one.

I know you are supposed to have several months of salary saved for just this purpose, but it takes so darned much money to just live these days, I know many people just can't put back that kind of money. When we get our savings account built up, then invariably we have some unexpected big expense and boom, it dwindles down.

Sorry about the rant - there is just something wrong with the system!!!

10-23-2008, 03:01 AM
Haley, I'm really not picking on you, and I do worry about the elderly and less fortunate, but I'm on a fixed income, too. I work for Exxon, but my monthly check is the same, even with increased gas and groceries prices. BTW, why haven't grocery prices started coming down with the gas prices?

I know Sandy, it just pisses me off, i'm talking about young people that are able to work, on welfare,, they abuse the system and were the ones paying for it... i knew people that get disability checks cause there alcoholics, they need to change the system and give the elderly and veterns more money instead of these bums.... it just makes my blood boil !!!
i have to go grocery shopping tonight and i dread it, my grocery bill went from say like 200. to about 300... and groceries are suppose to go higher, the reason gas went down so im told is cause the stock market inflated the prices so much, that when it almost crashed it forced the gas prices down...

10-23-2008, 03:03 AM
It has been really cold here of a morning, down in the high 30's low 40's. I have a heater on in the bedroom (it's very safe) and this afternoon decided to have Ricky start a fire in the fire place insert. That should keep that end of the house warm. I'm just not ready to start paying a heat bill yet and for the first time....my cold blooded husband doesn't mind....LOLOL. He's just wearing warmer clothes in the house. I know the time will come...already has...that I will have to turn the furnace on, but I'm holding out for awhile longer.

Hubby has been out most of the day putting in applications and most are not hiring. A few said they would take his application for their files, but that's about it. I updated his resume and he will be taking it around too. I'm really not worried yet....just tightening up the purse strings a little bit. We've been through tight times before...we will be okay...I hope.

Aww Janet your still in my prayers at night, hopefully something will come up soon.

10-23-2008, 03:06 AM
I agree that the unemployment system is unfair - I wonder why one has to wait so long for benefits??? I remember when my husband got sick and could not work, it took him 8 months to get his social security disability approved and it takes many people much much longer to get it. I can sorta understand that it takes some time to determine that someone is completely disabled - but what the heck are you supposed to do for money in the meantime. Fortunately, I have a good job - but we were not accustomed to living on my salary alone - it's amazing how you can tighten your belt when you have to.

Then he had to apply for medical retirement and that took about 6-8 months too. He was also automatically eligible for some VA disability because he has type II diabetes which is directly connected to Agent Orange exposure from service time in Vietnam. It is an automatic disabililty - if you were in Vietnam and you developed adult onset diabetes, then you get the benefits. There was no question about him having diabetes - he'd had it for 10 years when we applied and it still took FOURTEEN MONTHS to get the benefits started. I still shake my head over that one.

I know you are supposed to have several months of salary saved for just this purpose, but it takes so darned much money to just live these days, I know many people just can't put back that kind of money. When we get our savings account built up, then invariably we have some unexpected big expense and boom, it dwindles down.

Sorry about the rant - there is just something wrong with the system!!!

gayle, your like me at one time i had 20,000 in my savings account, and now its almost down to nothing again, when Mike got his big raise and a company truck, i started taking out 100. out of my pays and automatic deposit into my savings, i don't see it , and i don't budget it in my bills, but if we need some extra money i have to dip in there sometimes, its so hard to save these days your 100% right on that one....

10-23-2008, 06:48 AM
Dear Gayle,

You're so right about the "system." My daughter has MS and it took five years and 3 appeals for her to get disability. The second judge was told by whoever was in charge to approve it for her, and he did not! Her third appeal took so much time, but the approval went right through.

She did get a hefty check though. They had to give her five years back disability!

I'd like to get my hands on that judge's neck, who denied her second appeal. What a jerk. I'd also like to get my hands on the neck of the judge who decided that $50/month was sufficient child support when her father and I got divorced! That comes to $12.50/week.

This is why I believe in taking care of myself.

Haley, I also just began to put $100/check into savings. I used to put $200 in, but I stopped. I think I'm going to up it to $200.

10-23-2008, 06:55 AM
Dear Gayle,

You're so right about the "system." My daughter has MS and it took five years and 3 appeals for her to get disability. The second judge was told by whoever was in charge to approve it for her, and he did not! Her third appeal took so much time, but the approval went right through.

She did get a hefty check though. They had to give her five years back disability!

I'd like to get my hands on that judge's neck, who denied her second appeal. What a jerk. I'd also like to get my hands on the neck of the judge who decided that $50/month was sufficient child support when her father and I got divorced! That comes to $12.50/week.

This is why I believe in taking care of myself.

Haley, I also just began to put $100/check into savings. I used to put $200 in, but I stopped. I think I'm going to up it to $200.

JUdy i'm trying so hard, i'm trying to save up for a bigger house for my son, our house was ok when it was Mike and I, but it is a small house, hopefully i get a good price for it, everything is almost remolded in that house, all updated...
i at least want 20% down, hopefully before Micah starts school we will have a new house for him... i want to move back to my home town, the new mayor is cleaning up the drugs there - there was just a big drug bust in the paper last week, so they know he means business, so hopefully the drugs will be gone by the time i move back, plus i want to be closer to my sister and mother...
Ever year when Mike and I get a raise i up it 50 bucks... i never budget in raises... then after i get the house i'll start my money markets... for retirement...

10-23-2008, 07:01 AM
i remember Mike was on short term disibility at one time, and we waited forever to get those checks, i remember i called his payroll office and asked for the phone number and called that lady up bitching up a storm, i had the check within two days. that is a bunch of bull, he paid into disibility for 16 years, and they want to hold his checks like that when he needed them! I told that lady off... i told her my bills were piling up, they needed paid today!!
Same with unemployement, you have a waiting week, what the heck is that for? your unemployed why should you have to wait for your money! then you sign up and wait some more. :mad::mad:

10-23-2008, 07:03 AM
come to think of it- the same thing happen when i was pregnant, its not called maternity leave anymore, its called short term disability, i had all my paperwork filled out, called payroll to see if they needed anything else from me before i went on maternity leave, and then i still had to wait a couple days....

10-23-2008, 07:32 AM
A suggestion on OT: I grew up with my Dad working lots of OT and I vividly remember him telling me not to figure OT into a budget. He said you should never count on it as part of your income, so you don't miss it when you don't work it. I've been lucky, but I have burnt some midnight oil. I don't put OT on my timesheet. I keep count of the hours and take "comp time" off as I need it.