View Full Version : My house is being done

10-22-2008, 10:22 AM
My SIL and his partner started work on my house Monday! I'm really happy.
We went to Lowe's and Home Depot, bought a lot of stuff, and they're working on the living room right now.

I'm hiding in my bedroom with the dogs and my computer.

I took some pictures of the mess "before" and I'll take some more later and post them. My camera is a battery vampire.

Okay - got to go to Match.com now and see if there's anyone normal there. That date guy never emailed me, so he's out of the picture. Some of the pictures they send me as a good match for me are just so funny! Old men, men with ponytails, sitting on Harleys, etc.

I'll keep you posted!

I'm also looking for a yoga/meditation class. I'm finally getting bored just hanging out.

Annie is growing up. She's still tiny, but she's 5 1/2 months old now! What an angel she is. I love her so much. She's very different from Gracie. Very feisty. She's constantly after Max to play with her. I think he's quite happy with her around. She's also a little cuddle cookie. A couple of nights ago, I woke up to find her curled up on my chest with her head on my neck!

10-22-2008, 10:27 AM
Bet you can't wait until the construction is done.
Post of pics of your furbies.
Good Luck

10-22-2008, 10:34 AM
i don't envy you all that work. But it will be wonderful when it gets all done.
Can't wait to see the pics. Good Luck and have fun. Hope you can find your dream date too.

10-22-2008, 12:29 PM
It would be so fun (but wrong) to see all the pics that Match.com sends you. I bet some are just hilarious!!! Are you finding any others very interesting? I wish my sister-in-law would have done that instead of just cohabitating with the first guy that came along.

I love before and after pics of remodeling projects. There is still so much I would like to do here. I would love to have one more room, but doubt it will happen.

Time sure is flying if Annie is 5 1/2 months old already...wow. How much is she weighing now? You already know we need more pictures of the babies, so I won't tell you...lol.

10-22-2008, 02:34 PM
It sounds like your SIL is on the ball to be starting your project so soon!!! Yeah!!! I can't wait to see what you're having done! I thought that it looked pretty nice in the pictures that you showed before so I'll be looking forward to the new picts!!

10-22-2008, 03:35 PM
It would be so fun (but wrong) to see all the pics that Match.com sends you. I bet some are just hilarious!!! Are you finding any others very interesting? I wish my sister-in-law would have done that instead of just cohabitating with the first guy that came along.

I love before and after pics of remodeling projects. There is still so much I would like to do here. I would love to have one more room, but doubt it will happen.

Time sure is flying if Annie is 5 1/2 months old already...wow. How much is she weighing now? You already know we need more pictures of the babies, so I won't tell you...lol.

I was thinking of posting some of the pictures of these men, but I'm afraid I'll be breaking the law.

Hmmmm! Let me think about a way to do this.

By the way, it snowed here!!! You should see the view. The trees down further are still fall colors, and the mountain peaks have a thin layer of snow. The ski trails are filling up too. It's magnificent. The transition between seasons.
I'll take my camera out tomorrow.

10-22-2008, 03:40 PM
Oh my!!! Snow already!!! BRRRRRR!!!!!

10-22-2008, 07:07 PM
Oh my SNOW!!! Please post pictures - we never see snow in Texas - not that I'm complaining - snow in Texas is a pain in the patoot!!!

Judy, I know you will be so glad to get the things done in your house - I too, hate the mess, but love it when I get things done!!!

10-23-2008, 03:30 AM
Oh, how exciting, construction, snow, men!!! I love the smell of construction. I can't believe you have snow already. Wow!! Hope some of the men Match sends you are interesting. You have a lot of nice things happening!!

10-23-2008, 03:49 PM
So...the snow melted, the men lately are awful, and the work is coming along beautifully. I'm hiding in my bedroom with the dogs still. The whole downstairs is off limits for the dogs and I don't have the heart to keep them locked in the bedroom by themselves for too long. There's no place to sit anyway.

I have to try to find my camera and batteries in all that mess. Pictures would be fun.

I cannot believe how beautiful their work is.