View Full Version : Prayers, not carpal tunnel

11-11-2008, 12:39 PM
Went to the Orthopedic Surgeon yesterday and he thinks that I have nerve entrapment in my elbow or neck. Was born with birth defect in my neck and have had pain my entire life. Will have to have an MRI and a nerve conductive study to determine the problem. It will be 3 weeks before I know anything.
Have to sleep with a collar on my neck and my arm wrapped in a towel.:thumbdwn::thumbdwn::thumbdwn:
Not been a good year for me but it could be worse.

11-11-2008, 12:55 PM
Oh WOW!!! I hope it turns out OK - my husband has gotten chiropractic care for nerve entrapment after a car accident (which really helped). I'm not sure that would help you since yours is a birth defect. And of course, I would follow my doctors recommendations.

Good luck! Sorry you have to wait so long!!!

11-11-2008, 01:56 PM
Sorry you have to wait so long Donna, but you are right. It very well could be worse...we all need to remember that from time to time. Hope it's something easy to find so the Drs. can set the healing in motion.

11-24-2008, 01:19 PM
Had the nerve conductive study done today and I don't have carpal tunnel, it is nerve entrapment in my elbow. Will have to have surgery or my left hand will be paralized.
Don't know about the neck yet. Not until Dec. 8. It will be horrible if the arm and neck have to be operated on in Dec.
So much for the Holidays.
Thanks ahead of time for more prayers.

11-24-2008, 01:57 PM
I'm sorry that you're having to deal with so much lately. I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted on when it will be so we can be sending up extra prayers. I hope that this is easy to fix and that you'll be pain-free and able to sleep alright.

11-24-2008, 02:44 PM

Wow you are really getting hit. Sure hope everything works out for the best and you can get some major relief. Your still in my prayers.

11-24-2008, 03:05 PM

I'll be praying for you that your pain is easily treatable, and for an end to your suffering.

11-24-2008, 03:34 PM
Donna, Your in my prayers you have a plate full..

11-24-2008, 03:58 PM
Thanks Girls. Much Love to all of you.