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12-02-2008, 04:51 PM
Hubby had an appointment with his cardiologist today. He is doing so much better! All his heart numbers look much much better than they did when he was in the hospital in October. His doctor is really pleased. He is feeling much much better too. He's actually gone fishing twice this past week and is talking to a buddy on the phone right now about going again over the weekend.
He also started pulmonary rehab today - well he actually won't start till the first of Jan - but he got processed into the facility today. I think the pulmonary rehab will help him breathe better (hopefully)!
lynne b
12-02-2008, 05:00 PM
Thats really great news. I hope the rehab does wonders for him. But it sounds like he has his own rehab by going fishing. It's nice that he can still do things that he enjoys.
12-02-2008, 05:05 PM
Yes Lynne, fishing is certainly healing for him. When he can no longer go fishing will be a sad sad day! I'm so thankful that he is doing better!
12-03-2008, 04:37 AM
Gayle, this is wonderful news!!!!!!!! So happy for your all. Fishing is very good medicine!!!!
12-03-2008, 05:51 AM
Great news!
12-03-2008, 07:19 AM
Gayle that is such great news!!!! I am so happy for him and for you.
I know how he feels about has always been one of my very favorite things to do. I use to love fishing along the creeks, but they are so dirty now we just don't go there. Loved to go night fishing. You know, I could sit there with a pole in my hand for hours and solve all the worlds problems. I really love ice fishing too. Haven't been fishing for quite some time, may have to go clean up my poles.
12-03-2008, 09:06 AM
Gayle that is such great news!!!! I am so happy for him and for you.
I know how he feels about has always been one of my very favorite things to do. I use to love fishing along the creeks, but they are so dirty now we just don't go there. Loved to go night fishing. You know, I could sit there with a pole in my hand for hours and solve all the worlds problems. I really love ice fishing too. Haven't been fishing for quite some time, may have to go clean up my poles.
Janet! I didn't have any idea that you liked fishing!!! We love night fishing too! I've gone fishing all night long many many times - and Gary goes night fishing in the summer sometimes when it is way too hot during the day. I don't go as much anymore as I used to but still enjoy it.
Gary mostly fishes for catfish, where you just bait your hook and drop it in the water and wait - just like you said. Last week, he and 2 other guys caught 75 catfish. They could have caught more but 25 per person is the limit (they actually did catch more but had to release the ones too small to keep). He used to bass fish, but that requires standing and casting over and over and over and he just can't do that anymore. He sometimes fishes at the coast - but again, that type of fishing is more taxing and he just doesn't feel like doing that very often.
If you were in Texas, he'd take you fishing anytime you were ready to go!!! :)
12-03-2008, 11:08 AM
Gayle, I'll be there in a couple hours to get a "mess" of catfish!
12-03-2008, 11:23 AM
Gayle, that's such good news!!! I'm so glad that you're husband is better!!! Especially enough better to get out his poles and go fishing!!! I like to fish too but don't make it out much anymore. We even have a pond near the house that we keep stocked to go fishing. Glen takes the grandkids once in a while.
12-03-2008, 02:47 PM
Janet! I didn't have any idea that you liked fishing!!! We love night fishing too! I've gone fishing all night long many many times - and Gary goes night fishing in the summer sometimes when it is way too hot during the day. I don't go as much anymore as I used to but still enjoy it.
Gary mostly fishes for catfish, where you just bait your hook and drop it in the water and wait - just like you said. Last week, he and 2 other guys caught 75 catfish. They could have caught more but 25 per person is the limit (they actually did catch more but had to release the ones too small to keep). He used to bass fish, but that requires standing and casting over and over and over and he just can't do that anymore. He sometimes fishes at the coast - but again, that type of fishing is more taxing and he just doesn't feel like doing that very often.
If you were in Texas, he'd take you fishing anytime you were ready to go!!! :)
That's what we always fished for at night, catfish. I would be up late into the night fishing and staying up till early morning cleaning the darn things too, but boy are they good eat'n!! I like fishing for bass, but like doing that with my waders walking a creek. I love crappy fishing. I just love fishing period. I did get to go deep sea fishing once. It was fun, but there was no skill to it. Just put the bait on the hooks and drop it down. Wait a little while and bring up the Red Snapper. They don't even really tug at the line. I like that thrill of knowing there's something there...LOL.
The first time my son saw my tackle box, he thought I had bought out a store...LOLOL.
12-03-2008, 03:36 PM
GOD IS GREAT. Hope it stay's that way. Someone say fishing. I love to fish to.
But only for crappie and Bluegill. Night fishing is fun. Unless the bugs are biting.
12-03-2008, 06:07 PM
That's what we always fished for at night, catfish. I would be up late into the night fishing and staying up till early morning cleaning the darn things too, but boy are they good eat'n!! I like fishing for bass, but like doing that with my waders walking a creek. I love crappy fishing. I just love fishing period. I did get to go deep sea fishing once. It was fun, but there was no skill to it. Just put the bait on the hooks and drop it down. Wait a little while and bring up the Red Snapper. They don't even really tug at the line. I like that thrill of knowing there's something there...LOL.
The first time my son saw my tackle box, he thought I had bought out a store...LOLOL.
Janet, my husband cleans all the fish - he doesn't think anyone else but him can clean them correctly (whew!).
There's not many streams/rivers with fish that you can wade in Texas - but Gary fly fishes with his waders (well not too much but he does a little) in Colorado/New Mexico/Alaska. They (him, granddaughter, and SIL) do fly fish is super lite rods for perch and sun fish in the little creek behind the sub division.
I have a picture, that I can't find (:mad:) of my granddaughter float fishing for bass. Float fishing is an inner tube with a canvas cover that has a seat. You sit on the seat and your legs dangle down in the water. You put flippers on your feet and you can wear waders, but people don't here in the summer because it is too hot. You get into a small pond/lake and use your flippers to move around and bass fish. There are pockets on the canvas cover to keep your tackle. Anyway, my granddaughter does that - but now she and her dad both have kayaks that they go out in more than the floats. She also fly fishes and cat fishes. She's loves it!
Crappy is my favorite fish to eat. We night fish for them in the lakes around here.
I know what you mean about deep sea fishing - Gary goes, but you are right, there is no skill to it. The Alaskan halibut sure is good though! :D
Tackle boxes!!! O.M.G! You should see my garage. It looks like a TACKLE STORE!!! LOL
Since Gary had rods/reels and tackle for almost every kind of fishing imaginable, I could open a tackle store out of my garage. We have a boat too, sitting in our driveway! I don't really mind, I just like to tease him about it! :)
12-03-2008, 06:08 PM
Gayle, I'll be there in a couple hours to get a "mess" of catfish!
Come on! I've got it all packaged up for you!!! I've got plenty. :)
12-03-2008, 06:09 PM
Gayle, that's such good news!!! I'm so glad that you're husband is better!!! Especially enough better to get out his poles and go fishing!!! I like to fish too but don't make it out much anymore. We even have a pond near the house that we keep stocked to go fishing. Glen takes the grandkids once in a while.
Oh Gary would love that so much, to have a fishing pond right near the house!!! We have ponds on our farm in Oklahoma, but of course, we don't get up there very much.
12-04-2008, 06:27 AM
That is wonderful news.
This is such happy news for you and hubby! He sounds like he's a positive kind of guy, which will help him a lot. My continued prayers for his health.
I also love to fish. I think it's just one of the most relaxing things to do. I haven't gone in years, but when ex #1 and I would go camping, we would fish and clean and then cook the fish on the grill in the campfire. I think that was the most delicious fish I ever ate! When I used to go alone, I would let the fish go. I also love rowing and then fishing.
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