View Full Version : Worried :(

01-21-2009, 07:00 PM
Okay, I'm going to start by saying if you don't want too much information, don't read this post!
I have always had normal periods... I started birth control when I was 18, and have switched kinds a couple of times with no problems. I have had a bit of spotting a couple of times but only if I accidently miss a day or two of my pills in a cycle... then I take double the next day like I'm supposed to. And I know that spotting in those circumstances is normal.
Well last week I had my period just as I was supposed to. I ALWAYS start on Tuesday and end on Friday. This time it extended a bit into Saturday, but that wasn't a big deal. Then I was fine for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Last night I was staying at Scott's house, and it started again. Not a whole lot, but enough that it was there and I was really worried about it. I know my body and this is not normal.
I was texting my cousin all night, but not getting any replies. She's normally who I run to with problems like this. As soon as I got home this morning she replied with "Okay, don't be scared but please go take a pregnancy test. I had the exact same thing happen when I got pregnant with Kally. Implantation bleeding. It could be either that or a miscarriage. Just please take a test"... And I LOST IT. I was crying so hard. I texted Scott immediately, and he told me he'd handle work for the morning, just stay home and take as much time as I need, and he'd be there to talk to. We had a very tiny oops a few weeks ago, but that's what I'm on the pill for - backup. And he was absolutely sure it couldn't be pregnancy. And I had not missed a pill. And I did get my period. My cousin told me that it doesn't necessarily mean anything, and asked me again to please take a test.
Finally I got the courage to go to the store, buy a test, drink three glasses of water, and pee on the stick. There were a couple of gruelling minutes, and I was still bawling when I went in to look... but it was ABSOLUTELY CLEARLY NEGATIVE. I have never been more relieved.
The problem is I'm STILL bleeding and a bit crampy, and I just want to know if someone else has ever had something like this. I am calling my doctor tomorrow for an appointment, but until then I just want some support. I can't talk to my real mom about this stuff so I thought I'd turn to my internet moms...

01-21-2009, 08:17 PM
Lindsey, I would definitely make an appointment with your doctor tomorrow. You may have had a very early miscarriage. It wouldn't necessarily show up on a pregnancy test if it was very early. Or, you may just be having an "off" day. I used to do that once in a while. I even had my period come every two weeks for awhile and I was very regular too. I wouldn't think that you were pregnant because you just had your period. Hmmm..........like I said, you better check with a doctor.

If you're still cramping then take some Tylenol for the pain. Keep us posted.

01-21-2009, 08:24 PM
Thanks for the input Diana. I really was not worried about the possibility of pregnancy even after the oops. It was in the back of my mind a little but I am so careful with my pills, and there was a very little chance that it even could have happened... And then when I got my period the thought was completely gone. I am trying so hard to remember if I maybe took a couple of pills late before last week, which maybe is affecting this cycle... But it's so hard to think back if I never assumed anything was wrong!
I keep reading terrible things online so I just want to know that there's a possibility that it's nothing. All I see are abnormal cells, cysts, cancer... and I would really rather have none of those!

01-21-2009, 08:31 PM
I doubt that it is anything to be worried about - but if it continues, then I'd definitely see the doctor. There are many things that can cause your periods to be irregular. Stress, illness, fatigue, too much exercise. You are young and healthy, so I don't think it is anything to worry about, but if it continues, then get that checkup!

01-21-2009, 08:32 PM
I doubt that it is anything to be worried about - but if it continues, then I'd definitely see the doctor. There are many things that can cause your periods to be irregular. Stress, illness, fatigue, too much exercise. You are young and healthy, so I don't think it is anything to worry about, but if it continues, then get that checkup!

But is it normal after 6 and a half years of birth control pills and regular periods?

01-22-2009, 03:23 AM
Lindsey, the advice given to you is good. I'd also talk with your Dr. about a different kind of contraceptive. If I remember right....you should only take the pills for so long. Gayle probably knows more about this than I do and it's been such a long, long time since I needed anything like that. {{{{{Hugs girl!}}}}}

01-22-2009, 05:25 AM
Lindsey, the advice given to you is good. I'd also talk with your Dr. about a different kind of contraceptive. If I remember right....you should only take the pills for so long. Gayle probably knows more about this than I do and it's been such a long, long time since I needed anything like that. {{{{{Hugs girl!}}}}}

Nope Janet, I don't know the answer to this - my speciality is gerontology (old people) and we don't have these issues :D I do remember in the past, a recommendation for how long to take the pill - but don't have a clue what the time length is now, if it even still exists.

And Lindsay, yes your period can suddenly change for a variety of reasons. It may mean there is a problem, but usually not. It's worth getting checked out just to ease your mind though.

01-22-2009, 05:59 AM
I had been on ortho-tricyclen for 6 years & all of the sudden I started getting really weird PMS. I would be cramping, moody & miserable the whole week before my period, the whole week of & then like 3 days after. I was so worried I went to see a gyno instead of my general practitioner & she said it was perfectly normal for women in there mid to late 20's to start experience changes in their cycles. Maybe that's all it is. I would still check with my doctor & run a full check for STD's just to put your mind at ease. But I'm sure your fine.

01-22-2009, 06:55 AM
Thanks for all the help everyone! I have been so tired on top of all this.. I fell asleep after work for 2 hours, and then woke up for 3 hours, and fell asleep for another 8 hours. Before I went to bed for the night, I had the worst cramps I've had in probably 5 years. All I could do was lay flat in bed, even sitting at the computer was too painful! I ended up sleeping an hour past my alarm this morning. But today it looks like it may have passed already. I hope it's just the one day.
Ponyup, thanks for letting me know your experience. I always get my bad cramping the week before my period, but I'm usually fine the week of.
My mind is more at ease just hearing from all of you! I'm well overdue for a pap anyway so I will make an appointment for that as soon as I can get in, and just mention the rest of this stuff to my doctor while I'm there.

01-22-2009, 07:02 AM
Try putting a heating pad over your belly or talking a warm bath, that should help with the cramps.

01-22-2009, 07:03 AM
My period is extremely irregular if I'm not on the pill... extremely irregular meaning it might come every 4 - 5 months or two times in one month. Crazy.
But I started on the pill about 3 years ago and that MOSTLY cleared it up, but I still have weirdness every now and then. I'm usually not late, but there have been times that I'll randomly start my period twice in a month. It's usually not as heavy the second time, but it's like you said, Lindsey, it's enough that it's there.
I've never been to a doctor about it, because I talked to my aunt (RN) about it and she said she didn't think it was anything major since my period was already rather strange. That said, since your period has always been normal, it might be a good idea to call a doctor and ask.
My first instinct when I read your post was that it's not really a big deal, though... just an annoyance.
Try not to worry too much. :)

01-22-2009, 07:46 AM
Make that appointment right away because it's always better to find out it's nothing right away, then spend energy worrying about things that aren't happening. Too much stress!

Now, as a former Science/Health teacher - there are no little oops because there is no little AIDS.

01-22-2009, 09:14 AM
Sound's much like the problem my friend has had in the past her's was endometriosis.

01-22-2009, 10:27 AM
Sound's much like the problem my friend has had in the past her's was endometriosis.

:( I really hope it's not that. I just came home for lunch to call and make an appointment, but it turns out everyone who works at my dr's office has the same lunch break as me! I guess I'll just extend my lunch break.

01-22-2009, 12:06 PM
Okay I made an appointment. I can't get in until Feb. 25th!

01-22-2009, 02:36 PM
I agree with the other ladies Lindsey, go see the doctor ASAP.... if you cant get in till the 25th of next month, go ahead and find a doctor that will see you THIS week.


01-22-2009, 03:02 PM
I can leave messages for my doctor & he will call me back. Would your doc do this? Call the nurse & tell them what's happening & have the doctor call you. Then at least they know & you know what's up.

01-22-2009, 07:31 PM
I can leave messages for my doctor & he will call me back. Would your doc do this? Call the nurse & tell them what's happening & have the doctor call you. Then at least they know & you know what's up.

Sounds like good advice to me. If you do get to talk to the doctor and he/she thinks it's anything he/she needs to see you for, they will work you in. Or at least that's how it works around here.

01-23-2009, 01:52 AM
My goodness that is a long way away, is that with your general dr or a gyne?. Try not to worry I know it is easy to say but try to feel posative. xx

01-23-2009, 07:23 AM
I can leave messages for my doctor & he will call me back. Would your doc do this? Call the nurse & tell them what's happening & have the doctor call you. Then at least they know & you know what's up.

I like the idea of calling and talking to a nurse. Usually they can help you figure out if you need to come in right away or wait. You might not get to talk to the doctor but at least the nurse could probably get your appointment moved up if it sounds like something that needs checked right away.

01-23-2009, 03:42 PM
It is just my regular doctor. He's in just a small office and there's just him and two receptionists there. This is actually a short wait compared to some doctors... This summer I tried going to a female doctor because I thought I'd feel more comfortable. I found one who was taking new patients, called for an appointment (in August) and found out the next available appointment was December 12th :o The shortage of doctors here is crazy. I passed out in a chemistry lab in the basement of a building on campus when I was 19. 911 was called, an ambulance came, I was taken to the emergency room, and I waited for FOUR HOURS in the waiting room before they put me on a bed in the hallway and I got to talk to a doctor for 5 minutes.
Anyways, I do feel completely better. The spotting just happened for one day and it was gone completely. I was still tired yesterday (the day after the spotting), but no cramps or anything. I was up late last night and didn't get much sleep, but I still had energy all day and I feel like I'm back to my normal self.
I am sure it had to be some mess-up with my pills last cycle. It was the same pack I was taking over my christmas holidays, where I slept in for two weeks... so they weren't exactly taken at the same time after I went back to work. Maybe that was enough to mess up my period?
I will definitely bring it up to my doctor when I see him, but unless it happens again before then I don't think I will be taking myself to emergency for it.

01-27-2009, 05:39 AM
Lindsey, I am sorry I just read this thread. I am glad that you are feeling better, and it's a shame that you can't get to a dr. sooner. Feel better and I hope that it was nothing... All the ladies gave you great advice so heed them..

01-28-2009, 07:37 AM
I'm so glad you're feeling better.