View Full Version : Going to the doctor

02-26-2009, 06:31 AM
Gary just hasn't felt well since the episode of the stroke symptoms. He was in the middle of some physical therapy which he just has not felt like doing. Plus, his blood pressure has been low the past week, so low that he feels dizzy and weak. The rehab folks called the doc yesterday and now we are going in to see her this morning. I'm not sure what is going on - maybe just a med adjustment, maybe more????? He is so weird, he has the strangest symptoms and sometimes we/docs just can't figure them out!

02-26-2009, 07:41 AM
Sending prayers that the doc finds the answer and gets Gary better soon.

My 12 yo g-daughter Christian is feeling sluggish and tired a lot lately, to the point that she stayed home from school on Tuesday, so she's going to the doc today. She's looking really pale, so I'm guessing she's anemic like most women in my family.

02-26-2009, 07:42 AM
I hope he is feeling better soon! I'm glad he's able to see the doctor this morning. Hopefully it's nothing too serious!

02-26-2009, 08:33 AM
It's good you're able to get him in to see the Dr. I hope they'll be able to get him to feeling better quickly. I know it can be draining so take care of yourself too Gayle.

02-26-2009, 08:51 AM
Gayle, I hate to hear that Gary still isn't doing well. As you said, hopefully he'll just need a medicine adjustment. Give him my best wishes and let him know that I'm praying for him.

02-26-2009, 03:43 PM
We discovered Gary has not been eating breakfast (who knew, not me, I leave for work before he gets up) and thus, was taking his meds on an empty stomach. One of his blood pressure meds will make you feel CRAPPY taken on an empty stomach - plus it can lower the pressure too much taken without food. We are hoping that taking it with food will do the trick! Also, they decreased another blood pressure med, so hopefully the pressure will not go so low. Keep your fingers crossed that this does the trick!!!

02-26-2009, 03:50 PM
I might add that i knew he should be taking it with food, but I thought it was for proper medication absorption, didn't know about the bad side effects with no food. They should tell you these things!!! :mad:

02-26-2009, 03:53 PM
Whew...I'm glad that's all it is! Sometimes couldn't you just throttle him, LOL? I found out that Mike had only been giving himself one shot of blood thinner a day instead of two because it HURT??? Duhh... Sometimes its like taking care of a child!

Sorry for the rant:rolleyes: I just get so frustrated and I know you do, too. I hope the medicine change helps. It's just impossible to feel better with low blood pressure.

02-26-2009, 04:02 PM
Whew...I'm glad that's all it is! Sometimes couldn't you just throttle him, LOL? I found out that Mike had only been giving himself one shot of blood thinner a day instead of two because it HURT??? Duhh... Sometimes its like taking care of a child!

Sorry for the rant:rolleyes: I just get so frustrated and I know you do, too. I hope the medicine change helps. It's just impossible to feel better with low blood pressure.

Hey Betsi, rant all you want, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Gary is not taking the new asthma meds the doc prescribed back in November, because, as he says, "I can't tell they are doing a darned thing for me" :rolleyes: He's very hard-headed. He knew darned well he should take the meds with food, but if you are not going to eat breakfast, well then you just can't take them with food, can you??? GRRRRRRR :mad:

He took his medications after we ate lunch today at about 11:00 this morning and when I got home (~5:00), his blood pressure was 118/80, much improved from 78/42 this morning, don't cha think!!! Sometimes I think he is from Missouri - he's gotta "see it" (or experience it) before he will believe it!!! :mad: (again)

lynne b
02-26-2009, 04:40 PM
Gayle, I hope that Gary continues to improve. You are just going to have to make sure he eats breakfast. That is one of my worse meals, i never eat breakfast.

02-26-2009, 04:49 PM
I'm glad his BP is back to normal. No wonder he felt crummy!

I know I get upset with Mike..but I'm so afraid I won't have him with me as long as I would like. I've been married to him for 34 years, and I still kinda like the guy!

I'm sure you feel the same about Gary. Some days are just harder than others:)

02-26-2009, 06:38 PM
I know I get upset with Mike..but I'm so afraid I won't have him with me as long as I would like. I've been married to him for 34 years, and I still kinda like the guy!

I'm sure you feel the same about Gary. Some days are just harder than others:)

You are sooooo right! I do get upset with him, but it passes quickly since my main goal is keeping him here with me as long as possible!!!

02-27-2009, 06:04 AM
Gayle, I'm glad that you found out what the problem was. Give Gary a kick in the rear from me and tell him to quit scaring you (and us)!!!! LOL

02-27-2009, 06:59 AM
I might add that i knew he should be taking it with food, but I thought it was for proper medication absorption, didn't know about the bad side effects with no food. They should tell you these things!!! :mad:

I am surprised that the pharmacy didnt include the labels on bottle and a pamplet telling you about the drug. I thought that was a given with all pharmacies... Oh boy..

I am glad that he is feeling better and his blood pressurre is responding to medicine.. I love Breakfast and I never take anything on empty stomach unless its tells you to. I hope Gary is doing what he is suppose to now..

02-27-2009, 07:12 AM
It's great to know that Gary is feeling better now. Men.....what cha gonna do????

02-27-2009, 07:31 AM
I am surprised that the pharmacy didnt include the labels on bottle and a pamplet telling you about the drug. I thought that was a given with all pharmacies... Oh boy..

I am glad that he is feeling better and his blood pressurre is responding to medicine.. I love Breakfast and I never take anything on empty stomach unless its tells you to. I hope Gary is doing what he is suppose to now..

Gina, it the drug pamphlet DOES say "take with food", but you see, for a HARD-HEADED MAN (yes, I was shouting) who doesn't like to eat breakfast, well, if you aren't eating breakfast, then you can't take your pills with food, now can you (silly wabbit!). It was his way of rationalizaiton, don't want to eat, gotta take pills, opps! can't take them with food, but that will be OK!

I thought take with food meant that more of the drug would be absorbed, like calcium, more is absorbed if taken with food. In the case of this drug, however, it meant that food would "cushion" the effects and especially the side effects (fatigue, weakness, dizziness) to not occur.

02-27-2009, 09:55 AM
Gayle, how I can sympathize with you. Glad Gary's pressure came down.
HUSBANDS??? Mine is stubborn also. Went to the Dr. today and his blood pressure was way to high, she added another prescription so he will be taking 3 pills a day instead of one. He can't keep his hands off of the salt shaker and will not listen to anybody as he is a "know it all".
We have been married 20 years and I still like the old guy too.
Guess we will have to go back to the Vent forum.

02-27-2009, 03:50 PM
Rod just got home, did not take the new medication, which is Clonidine, checked his blood pressure and it is normal.