View Full Version : Yuk!!!

03-23-2009, 09:31 AM
Last night, Micah was so fussy going to bed moving all around, so he finally laid his head on my chest, and i was patting his back, then all of a sudden he sits up and projectile vomits all over me :eek: and i do mean all over me, he was chocking so bad it just kept coming out of his mouth, i was screaming for Mike, you should have saw the look on his face!!! oh my it was all over me the bed, the floor the walls.. i don't know what happen, this is a first for me... 10:00 last night i scrubbing the floors and changing sheets so i'm so glad i did all that spring cleaning so early.... :( But Micah was fine after that... gave him some water in about an hour he was sleeping like a baby...

03-23-2009, 10:18 AM
Oh my goodness, wonder what made him sick? Hope you never have to worry about that kind of vomiting again. Is he feeling better today?

03-23-2009, 10:20 AM
Poor baby! How is he feeling today? This may be the first time you've been vomited on, but it probably won't be the last:rolleyes:;)

03-23-2009, 10:21 AM
He's fine today, i called daycare 3 times already, she said he didn't eat alot today, but is playing nicely.. I don't know what happen, he did play hard over my mom's house yesterday running around in the yard. he didn't eat nothing out of the norm. So i'll just give him some toast and cereal tonight and see what happens...

03-23-2009, 10:23 AM
Poor baby! How is he feeling today? This may be the first time you've been vomited on, but it probably won't be the last:rolleyes:;)

I tell you my stomach is still sick thinking about it, it was all over me, in my hair. oh God it was so gross... But i was so worried about Micah, he couldn't catch his breath, it was coming out so fast, scared the shit out of me, and Mikes face was white as a ghost he just stood there he didn't know what to do....

03-23-2009, 10:28 AM
i didn't mind when he was a baby and baby vomit, but i never seen him like this before. i called and woke up my mom last night, and asked if i should take him to the hospital cause i was just so shoke up, but she said it happens, he probabaly ate something that didn't agree with him..

03-23-2009, 12:03 PM
I don't know why but kids do that sometimes and we never know why. I know that Karlie did that a while back. Threw up once and then was fine. Who knows? It's no fun when it's all over you.

I had Jaci throw up all over me once when we were just leaving someone's house. The evening hadn't gone too well and I just had Glen drive us home and we cleaned up there. That wasn't any fun either.

03-23-2009, 05:49 PM
My granddaughter did that to me a few years ago. I"m a nurse so I've cleaned up lots of emesis (a medical word for vomit - why is there always a medical word for everything??), but it is different when it is all over you!!! We were traveling and staying in a hotel - she vomited so many times, and when she was asleep, she didn't know it - she'd just vomit in her sleep. So, I had to sleep with her holding a towel under her little chin. It was a pretty sleepless night. We were supposed to ride the train home the next day - about a 10 hour trip. We (my daughter, my mom and ) were so afraid that we'd all get it because we'd all be maximally exposed (LOL!). We didn't want to be puking on the train, so, we rented a car to make the trip home - we knew we could stop when we needed to, take turns driving if we were all sick, and make it home some how. Interestingly, none of us adults got it. Abigail was fine the next day, but she must have thrown up 10 times. :eek:

03-24-2009, 03:03 AM
I don't know why but kids do that sometimes and we never know why. I know that Karlie did that a while back. Threw up once and then was fine. Who knows? It's no fun when it's all over you.

I had Jaci throw up all over me once when we were just leaving someone's house. The evening hadn't gone too well and I just had Glen drive us home and we cleaned up there. That wasn't any fun either.

it was scary Diana, i gave him cereal and toast last night, nothing but water to drink, and just before he went to be i gave him his bubba 1/2 juice and 1/2 water, ( still can't break the bedtime bottle yet! :rolleyes:) oh well, i still need that to put his nightly meds. in it anyways, and it worked out fine, i told daycare if he gets sick to just call my cell phone and i'll be there, not doing to much at work lately anyways...

03-25-2009, 05:45 PM
Aww Haley glad that he is feeling better today. :) These things happen, comes out of no where. Maybe he ate something that didn't agree or it was just a 24 hr. bug.. Poor little guy had a rough few mts. well better days are here..

03-26-2009, 03:24 AM
I know Gina a first for me, Micah never pucked like that before, just scared me to death!!! Mike was no help just stood there!! LOL he looked like a ghost. so funny.. i know he's not going to be much help in emergency situations....

03-26-2009, 11:31 AM
You poor thing! I remember cleaning up after Jessie many a night, mostly when she didn't quite make it to the bathroom. Eventually they grow up and move out, and then they can clean up after themselves and their own children.

As long as he's okay. How is he today?

03-26-2009, 12:19 PM
That would be scary. So glad he's feeling better now. :(

03-30-2009, 06:02 AM
Much better Judy thanks for asking

03-30-2009, 03:13 PM
I can't wait to see his picture in his Easter suit!

03-31-2009, 03:12 AM
i was working on my computer alittle bit last night, i had to update my nortin, cause of that big virus that's going to happen April 1st, i was messing with the pictures, i'm going to try and email them again this weekend to my work computer and i'll try and upload his birthday ones soon...